Proposal : Location Location Location
Enact a new Rule, "Locations":-
Enacted by Kevan, Thursday the 14th, 15 Credits to Kevan.
Enact a new Rule, "Locations":-
The Imperial City of BlogNomic consists of a number of government-approved Locations - Citizens may move themselves between them at any time by updating the GNDT, but may not stray from the Locations listed below, nor enter Locations they are barred from.
Currently recognised Locations are:-
* The Concourse.
* The Factory.
* Housing Block Alpha.
* Housing Block Beta.
* The Chestnut Tree Café.
* The Imperial Palace. (Only Government Citizens may move to the Imperial Palace.)
New Citizens are assigned to a Housing Block by the Admin responsible for adding them to the game. Unless otherwise specified, all Locations are fitted with security cameras.
Upon enactment of this proposal, each Citizen shall be moved to random Housing Block, and the Emperor shall be moved to the Imperial Palace.

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