Proposal: Research Grants
In the rule "Career Branches" replace the sentence "Scientists get 15 Credits instead of 10, when a non-Trivial Proposal of theirs passes." with "Scientists get 25 Credits instead of 10, when a non-Trivial Proposal of theirs passes."
(Considering that that it's a bit harder to get a proposal, especially non-trivial, passed than it is to go to the factory for a day, especially with limits on the number of pending proposals, and delays waiting for people to vote and admins to enact. This in mind, it seems more than fair to raise the amount scientists get a little. Also remember you can try and declare a proposal as trivial with FOR votes, to prevent abuse of research grants without having to shoot the proposal itself down.)
After this, append the text of the rule "Career Branches" to the rule "Career Options", then delete the rule "Career Branches"
(Fixing the mistake Squirrel noted.)
Enacted by Kevan, Sunday the 17th. 15 Credits to Ben, 5 Credits to Kevan.
In the rule "Career Branches" replace the sentence "Scientists get 15 Credits instead of 10, when a non-Trivial Proposal of theirs passes." with "Scientists get 25 Credits instead of 10, when a non-Trivial Proposal of theirs passes."
(Considering that that it's a bit harder to get a proposal, especially non-trivial, passed than it is to go to the factory for a day, especially with limits on the number of pending proposals, and delays waiting for people to vote and admins to enact. This in mind, it seems more than fair to raise the amount scientists get a little. Also remember you can try and declare a proposal as trivial with FOR votes, to prevent abuse of research grants without having to shoot the proposal itself down.)
After this, append the text of the rule "Career Branches" to the rule "Career Options", then delete the rule "Career Branches"
(Fixing the mistake Squirrel noted.)

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