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Thursday, September 18, 2003

Call for Judgment

The disagreement:
It seems that many people disagree with Anthony's heavy-handed use of veto, especially since his brother is playing and will pretty much vote against anything that is negative towards Anthony, thus negating the checks and measures set out in Rule #18 - Dynasties.

Corrective measures:
I put it to you that the best way to finalise this incident is to remove the current Emperor and stage an election within the next 48 hours whereby the citizens of blognomic nominate and vote upon the next Emperor, where the candidate having a plurality of the vote, at the end of the 48 hour period immediately following the enactment of this proposal, shall be proclaimed the next Emperor.

Action needed:
If you agree that this is the best course of action, place a tick FOR in the comments. If you do not agree, place a check AGAINST in the comments. There are no IMPERIAL or VETO votes in a Call for Judgement.

How does the citizenry judge?