Proposal: Construction Company
[buildings takes time, money, and people to build them]
Add to rule 20 as a Civilian branch:
and Add to rule 21:
Failed by Mat, 9/11 4:07pm
Add to rule 20 as a Civilian branch:
Civ: Construction
Level 1 - Builder
Level 2 - Crew Leader
Level 3 - Project Foreman
Level 4 - Architect
Level 5 - Firm Owner
and Add to rule 21:
Whenever a proposal for a new building is enacted there must be at least one member of the Civ: Construction branch active in order for the building to be erected. Details of the buildings Cost and Time to construct should be included in the origianl proposal. Half the cost of the building shall then be distributed equally (rounded down) among all the active members in Civ: Construction. The building only appears on the Ruleset when the projected Time divided by the number of Civ: Construction members active (rounded down).

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