Proposal : Product Usage
To Rule 13 (Inventory), add:-
To the MCP, add (immediately before venting):-
Enacted by Kevan, 7th Oct. +17 to Kevan.
The Factory's Product is a versatile multi-purpose piece of electromechanical hardware, designed for both civilian and military use. Robots are discouraged from operating items of Product within the Factory.
To the MCP, add (immediately before venting):-
// !!! Robots are discouraged from activating Product within the Factory.
if (keyword = "ACTIVATE_FIRE" && inventory(self) contains product_object)
// Release electrical charge, powered from batteries.
power(self) = power(self) - 10
power(other) = power(other) - 30
// !!! Penalty
efficiency(self) = efficiency(self) - 2

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