I hereby appoint Royce the Grand Vizier, and give him all responsibilities that the title entails.
BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, June 28, 2003
I hereby appoint Royce the Grand Vizier, and give him all responsibilities that the title entails.
I am your Emperor.
Bow before me.
That is all.
Friday, June 27, 2003
[ It is, on reflection, a bit confusing that the header only gets updated when the Emperor gets around to doing it; it should really be immediate, for clarity.
Are you there, Geran? ]
In Rule 19 (Ascension), replace the first paragraph with:-
"When a new Dynasty begins, any Admin may update the BlogNomic header to reflect this. The new Emperor may perform the following actions within the first three days of their Dynasty:-"

Wednesday, June 25, 2003
I don't want you guys to think I'm a spoiled sport by not continuing to play after the Revolution, but I think it was painfully obvious to everyone here that I was not a very attentive Empress; the fact really is that I'm not a very attentive player. I've been very busy lately and haven't been online very much; moreover, I've been in a funk and haven't really had a lot of inspiration for proposals - or much else for that matter. The fact of the matter is, I was waiting for my reign to end before I quit the game.
With this, I'd like to bid all of you adieu, and thank you for allowing me to play BlogNomic with you. I really did have a fun time, and maybe I'll come back to you guys someday.
Congratulations, Geran, and good luck. I gotta warn you, being the King isn't always good.
Also, Kevan, keep in touch with me... I wanna talk to you about maybe getting some kind of variation on your two-word guestbook for my own site. :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
[ Hm, looks like this was overlooked when proposing the new-Dynasty reset - idle players get to keep their stuff (because they don't count as 'Players')... ]
To Rule 18, add "(including Idle Players)" after "every Player's". And set Rod's stats to zero, even though he's Idle.

As from 11:10am (EST) yesterday, Geran became the new Emperor of BlogNomic, and has the requisite three days to announce his ascension, and get the decor in order. Players' allegiances have flipped, and their Gold and Karma have been reset to zero...
parvenu \PAR-vuh-noo; -nyoo\, noun:
One that has recently or suddenly risen to a higher social or
economic class but has not gained social acceptance of others
in that class; an upstart.
Being a parvenu; also, like or having the characteristics of a
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Having defected to the Rebel Faction only a few moments ago, the Rebels now have a total of 1620 Gold between them; the Loyal Faction has a total of 1251.
Under Rule 21, I declare a Revolution, proposing the dutiful Geran as its Candidate for Emperor.
Nothing personal against the incumbent leadership; just the feeling that a change of colour and style and ruleset would kick-start BlogNomic into a fresh period of activity and expansion. It's been feeling increasingly stale and unexciting in recent weeks.