BlogNomic has moved!

The game is now running at

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Proposal: Remnants

Replace the initial text on the wiki homepage with:-
This is a Wiki for the Blognomic Legacy. The live version of Blognomic is now at Designated custodians are empowered to maintain this wiki and Blognomic Legacy. If you've never used a Wiki before, read the WikiHelp.
Remove the "Current Dynasty Data" section from the wiki homepage.

Remove all items from the sidebar FAQ, and then add these two items:-
What is this?
This is the one-time home of Blognomic. The blogger archives of blognomic posts may be viewed here, and this blog is still open for general blognomic discussion.

How do I play?
Go to, the live game of blognomic and view the FAQ there.
Remove the "Need to know", "GNDT" and "Previous Posts" sidebar items. Change "Active Disciples" to "Active Members", change "(admin in bold and *)" to "(custodian in bold and *)", and remove the Quorum and Idle Disciples list. Change the title from "Blognomic Second Dynasty of Josh" to "Blognomic Legacy".