Proposal: Laddish
Add a new rule, Snakes and Ladders:
At the following text to the 'GameData' field of all player in the GNDT: "GameBoard:1".
Add a new page to the Wiki, entitled "Gameboard". On it, place this:

Times out 2-5. Failed by Excalabur, 16:34 on the 15th of August
A Snakes and Ladders board has been pinned to the wall. Board position is tracked in the GNDT, under GameData; the board may be seen in the Wiki, under "Gameboard".
A Player may occasionally convert their Kudos into moves on a board, at a rate of 2 Kudos to one Board Move. Board Moves can be spent to allow the player to move to another square numbered one greater or lesser than the square currently occupied by that Player. Any move or sequence of moves is termed a 'play'.
Multiple board moves may be spent allowing the player to progess by an equal integer of squares; the player is not considered to touch any of the intervening squares when this is done. At the beginning or end of a play, a player may use a Board Move to use a ladder on the currently occupied square to travel to its other end.
Whenever a player wins Kudos at a game, they may, instead of gaining Kudos, instead elect to force one other Player to convert Kudos (2 of their Kudos per Kudos point that the winning player would otherwise gain) to Board Points, and spend them as ey sees fit.
Some squares have special properties. These may be specific or generalised, and are applied immediately, based on the Player landing on the square at the end of a play. They are listed below.
- If the square on the game board contains writing, and the writing contains the letter 'a', then move back one space. This only be done once per play.
- If the square contains the body of a snake, but neither its head nor its tail, or the graphical representation of a snake, then they player may optionally convert two more Kudos to travel up the snake to its tail.
Suggestions for new board rules may be proposed at any time and do not count towards individual proposal totals; however, there may be no more than three pending at any time, unless they are appended to proposals that affect any other rules, or any other parts of this rule, in which case they are treated as normal proposals.
At the following text to the 'GameData' field of all player in the GNDT: "GameBoard:1".
Add a new page to the Wiki, entitled "Gameboard". On it, place this:

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