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Friday, July 16, 2004

Meeting Results: Tough but Unfair

I propose massive and brutal downsizing, and the immediate repeal of all NCRs (except the Glossary), and a 25 Dignity penalty to any Teamspersons who fail to vote in favour of this solution. We must make painful and arbitrary cuts in order to progress and expand. Drop off your Hats and PCs in the big skip in the lower-management carpark.
Motion carried, and enacted by Kevan. +23 to Kevan.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

There's a thin line between "Dynasty" and "Holocaust"

Teamspersons who have not voted since at least July 2 include Keitalia, Ornithopter, 75thTrombone and Kamikaze. Idled. Quorum drops to 5.


I'm sure you all brought your agendas in, yes? No? Well, I suppose this is what we call a "paperless office." Ha ha! Just a little joke to lighten the mood. I'm thinking of reinstating Casual Fridays for you bunch of sour faces! Now, as soon as the orderlies are done securing you to your seats, we can begin.

Wow, we're lazy

I finally idled Royce, as per his request (having assumed until now that somebody else would get to it). Quorum is 7.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Proposal: Clutter Fixing [Trivial]

In Rule 14, change the effect of Clutter from

A Teamsperson may only claim Clutter if he or she sacrifices 20 Dignity. If a Teamsperson with Clutter is ever the Lackey during a re-org, his or her Dignity is effectively doubled (for the purposes of that re-org) due to sheer weight of plastic.


A Teamsperson may only claim Clutter if he or she sacrifices 20 Dignity. If a Teamsperson with Clutter is ever the Chum during a re-org, his or her Dignity is effectively doubled (for the purposes of that re-org) due to sheer weight of plastic.

This italicised section has no bearing on the rule, and will not be added to the rule should this pass.

Not only is the Lacky's digntity never checked in a re-org, making it currently do nothing, but I'm pretty sure the point of Clutter is to make it harder to get swapped out (not that I predict a re-org will ever happen)

FOR Passed 8 to 0 by Brendan at 2:39 pm GMT on 7.16.2004. +2 to Knightking, +1 to Brendan.

Proposal: Swap-Meet (Trivial)

Add to the end of Rule 13 - Reorganization:

Every Saturday at noon, every department who meets the above requirements must reorg their department within the next 24 hours, or lose 3/4(round down) of their efficiency.

This italicised section has no bearing on the rule, and will not be added to the rule should this pass.

You wanted a way to reduce efficiency? I gave you a way to reduce efficiency.

AGAINST Failed 1 to 6 by Brendan at 2:34 pm GMT on 7.16.2004. -3 to Greth, +1 to Brendan.