BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, November 06, 2004
Invite TrumanCapote and Kevan.
Proposal: Electoral Gain
Add an Electoral Gain rule:
5-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
All possible manners of gaining or losing Electoral Votes shall be listed in this rule.
At any time, if a Lord has more than 100 Confidence, that Lord may spend ALL his current Confidence and increase his Electoral Votes by 1.
Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by both the Proposer and the Admin doing the enactment shall be raised by 1.
Any time an Admin fails a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be lowered by 1.

Proposal: No Quorum monopoly [Trivial]
In the Electoral Votes rule, add:
Self-Kill - Failed by Chronos
A Lord may not hold Electoral Votes exceeding one third of the totaled Electoral Votes held by all the Lords in the Game. At any time, if the Electoral Votes held by a Lord exceeds one third of the totaled Electoral Votes held by all the Lords in the Game, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule.

Party Creation: Prosperity
Invite: Orson
Invite: Simon
Invite: Simon
Proposal: Electoral Vote Counting [Trivial]
I know this one messes with voting rights, but I tried to make it in a manner that does as little harm as possible and that can be repealed when this Dinasty ends. Please note that Quorum meeting is still determined by the number of Lords.
If there is an Electoral Votes rule, add an Electoral Vote Counting rule:
2-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
If there is an Electoral Votes rule, add an Electoral Vote Counting rule:
This rule supersedes the second and third paragraphs of rule 6. Instead of using the procedure delineated there, those ones shall be used:
Any Admin Staff may mark the oldest pending Proposal as Enacted and update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal if any of those conditions is met:
* The number of Lords voting FOR that Proposal exceeds or equals Quorum and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by those Lords exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it;
* That Proposal is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting FOR it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it;
Any Admin Staff may mark the oldest pending Proposal as Failed if any of those conditions is met:
* The totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST that Proposal is enough that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed;
* All Lords have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted;
* The Lord who proposed it has voted AGAINST it;
* It is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting FOR it.
When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.

Proposal: Electoral Speaker [Trivial]
If there is an Electoral Votes rule, in the Parties rule change
2-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
Parties have a Speaker. All Members of a Party must vote for a Speaker when they join or create the Party, and may only change their vote once per day. At any time, if a Lord has more votes than the Speaker of their Party or if their Party does not have a Speaker that Lord may declare themselves Speaker by adding a * to the end of their Party.
Parties have a Speaker. All Members of a Party must name a Lord, within that Party, which they want to be the Speaker, and they may only change that nomination once per day. At any time, if the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming a Lord exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming the current Speaker, any Member of their Party may change the Party’s Speakership.
If a Party has currently no Speaker, any Member of that Party may change the Party’s Speakership so it goes to the Lord with the higher totaled number of Electoral Votes of Lords naming him.
A Party’s Speakership is indicated by adding a * to the end of the Speaker’s Party name.

Proposal: Electoral Votes
Add a rule, Electoral Votes:
2-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT.
A Lord may not hold more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party. At any time, if a Lord holds more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule.
There are some boundaries about the number of Electoral Votes a Lord may hold. These boundaries shall be listed here and any action that would bring the number of Electoral Votes held by a Lord to violate those boundaries may be done, but the change shall be capped so the resulting Gamestate doesn’t violate those boundaries:
* A Rogue Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
* A Lord must not hold less than 1 Electoral Vote.
* The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.

Proposal: Minimal Quorum [Trivial]
Add a rule Minimal Quorum:
No Lord shall receive any Confidence reward for the passing or enacting of this Proposal.
1-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
No Proposal shall be enacted if Quorum is less than 2. This rule will repeal itself when Quorum reaches 4.
No Lord shall receive any Confidence reward for the passing or enacting of this Proposal.

Party Creation: Exiles
Nobody is invited.
Peace Treaty (Ascencion Address)
Fellow Lords, after crushing Entropy, we may now settle for the pacifying of our Realm. Though I’ll retain the title of High Lord, we will not be called Warlords any more, but Lords, as we rightfully and peacefully rule over our lands.
The War process has damaged all our Reputations, and as part of this Peace Treaty we shall agree to once again normalize our Confidence in each other.
Furthermore, as peaceful persons, we shall no more call our meetings Alliances, but Parties, and the ones who lead those Parties shall be called Speakers.
Finally, I call upon all of you to become more acquainted to the people of our lands, for I’m intended to lead us into a Democratic State.
Simplifying: The High Lord remains so, Warlords are now only Lords, Reputation becomes Confidence. I’m keeping rules 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 26. Alliances are now called Parties and the Leaders become Speakers. Under rule 10, though, all entries of the GNDT are to be blanked. My veto icon will be this one:
The War process has damaged all our Reputations, and as part of this Peace Treaty we shall agree to once again normalize our Confidence in each other.
Furthermore, as peaceful persons, we shall no more call our meetings Alliances, but Parties, and the ones who lead those Parties shall be called Speakers.
Finally, I call upon all of you to become more acquainted to the people of our lands, for I’m intended to lead us into a Democratic State.
Simplifying: The High Lord remains so, Warlords are now only Lords, Reputation becomes Confidence. I’m keeping rules 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 26. Alliances are now called Parties and the Leaders become Speakers. Under rule 10, though, all entries of the GNDT are to be blanked. My veto icon will be this one:

Declaration of Victory
As Leader of Victorious Alliance Activity, and as none of my comrades blocks my claim of Leadership, I hereby declare myself Victor.
5-0 - Reached Quorum - Ascension Address to follow soon

Friday, November 05, 2004
Proposal: Stop Challenge Scam [Trivial]
In the Duels rule, under Leadership Resolution, change:
To the end of the first paragraph of the Duels rule, add:
Vetoed by Chronos upon ascension
If the Challenger has become Leader by that time, they may gain 20 Reputation, and the Defendant must lose 10 Reputation.
If the Challenger has become Leader by that time, they may gain 15 Reputation, and the Defendant must lose 15 Reputation.
To the end of the first paragraph of the Duels rule, add:
The Reputation a Warlord earns by winning a Duel must not exceed the Reputation lost by the losing side.

Challenge Leadership: Orson
Ha! Leader? Is that what you call yourself? We all know that I should be the leader!
Attack: Chronos
We are basically beaten militarily, but we have nothing to lose by attacking - in fact, we gain 5 Reputation!
Call for Judgement: Fix Combat
In the latest combat results, Simon should not have been included in the attack as he voted against it (aren't you glad you took that bribe, Simon?).
If this call for judgement passes, reverse the combat effects to Simon and apply the corrected Defeat ratio the combat would have had without Simon's participation.
If this call for judgement passes, reverse the combat effects to Simon and apply the corrected Defeat ratio the combat would have had without Simon's participation.
Defend: [Truman]
Attack: TrumanCapote
Combat Results: Chronos x Orson
Alliance | Name | Power |
Activity | Chronos | 340 |
Activity | Knightking | 260 |
Activity | Simon | 130 |
Activity | Wildcard | 200 |
Total | 930 | |
Entropy | Orson | 301 |
Total | 301 |
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 930
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 1
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 1/3 = 0.333
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 0.333 x 930 = 310
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 301
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 6
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 6/4 = 1.5
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1.5 x 301 = 451.5
Winner side is the Defending one. Defeat ratio = 310 / 451.5 = 0.6866
TrumanCapote un-idled
quorum is now 5
I wish to be un-idled
See above.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Proposal: Choose your Victory Conditions
Choose which Victory conditions you want out of this list.
Create a rule called Victory Conditions:
Vetoed by Chronos upon ascension
Create a rule called Victory Conditions:
A Warlord may declare Victory if the Gamestate matches all of these conditions:The initial letters in this Proposal are placeholders - when this proposal is Enacted, remove them, but first remove sections based on whether their letter is specified in the comments with the FOR Votes: if a letter is not specified in at least one valid FOR Vote - omit the associated list item in the resulting rule.
- The Warlord is a Leader.
- The Warlord is in the Alliance with the most Members.
- The Warlord is in the only Alliance in a State of Order.
- No Vote for Leader in the Warlord's Alliance points to a Member other than the current Leader.
- The combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of the Alliance Members of the Warlord is more than twice the combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of all Warlords not in his Alliance.
- The Warlord has the greatest Reputation among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has the greatest Reputation among the Warlords in his Alliance.
- The Warlord has the only non-zero Reputation among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has the greatest Combined Power (Offensive + Defensive) among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has the Greatest Combined Power (Offensive + Defensive) among the Warlords in his Alliance.
- The Warlord has the only non-zero Power (Offensive + Defensive) among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has just won a Revenge Duel against the Warlord with a Casus Belli against the greatest number of Warlords.
- The Warlord has just won a Leadership Duel against the Leader of the Alliance with the most Members.
- The Warlord has the Highest T-Total.
- The Warlord has the Lowest T-Total.
- The Date is November 15, 2004 or later.

Peace Offering
I plan to use the Entropy Peace Offering to give 2o Reputation to any Activity members to vote against the pending Attack, in gratitude for their mercy (as long as my Reputation supplies last).
Warlord Orson
Warlord Orson
Proposal: Victory Condition
Add a rule Victory Condition:
Remember that an Alliance in Turmoil has no Leader. I thought about making the second condition being that all other Warlods must be zeroed, but I guess that will be very boring actually zeroing everyone, since we can now only attack once a day.
4-2 - Timed Out - Enacted by Chronos
The Leader of an Alliance may claim victory if all those conditions are met:
* No Vote for Leader in his Alliance points to a Member other than the current Leader.
* The combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of his Alliance
Members is more than twice the combined total power (Offensive +
Defensive) of all Warlords not in his Alliance.
Remember that an Alliance in Turmoil has no Leader. I thought about making the second condition being that all other Warlods must be zeroed, but I guess that will be very boring actually zeroing everyone, since we can now only attack once a day.

Proposal: Post Status [Trivial]
I adminned the Tributes earlier but was unable to mark them due to the Official Post guidelines.
At the end of the rules Audiences, Duels, and Alliance Warfare add:
0-4 self fail. Failed by Orson Nov 5
At the end of the rules Audiences, Duels, and Alliance Warfare add:
After resolution, an Admin may mark the [Audience/Duel/Attack] as failing or succeeding with notes about the voting and effects.(using the appropriate keyword for each rule.)

Proposal : Four More Years
Add a new Rule, "Victory":-
If (ignoring all Warlords with zero Offensive and zero Defensive Power) only one Alliance remains, and if that Alliance is not in Turmoil, then its Leader may choose to declare Victory.Fails 6-0, Truman + 2, Kevan -3
Audience with Entropy: Create Tribute: Entropy Saboteur Bribe II
Name: Entropy Saboteur Bribe II
Enforcer: Any Entropy member
Trigger: When a member of another Alliance sends a Diplomatic Rebuke against another member of the same Alliance.
Limits: As stated in Powers
Powers: The Enforcer may transfer 25 Reputation, or 50 Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
[I realized that the earlier bribe doesn't give a reward to the Warlord who causes the Cassus Belli]
2-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos - Nov, 04
Enforcer: Any Entropy member
Trigger: When a member of another Alliance sends a Diplomatic Rebuke against another member of the same Alliance.
Limits: As stated in Powers
Powers: The Enforcer may transfer 25 Reputation, or 50 Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
[I realized that the earlier bribe doesn't give a reward to the Warlord who causes the Cassus Belli]

Audience with Entropy: Create Tribute: Entropy Peace Offering
Name: Entropy Peace Offering
Enforcer: Any Entropy member
Trigger: When there is a Pending Attack against a member of Entropy
Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have voted AGAINST the Attack or Attack Audience.
Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
2-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos - Nov, 04
Enforcer: Any Entropy member
Trigger: When there is a Pending Attack against a member of Entropy
Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have voted AGAINST the Attack or Attack Audience.
Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.

Challenge Leadership: ShadowSliver
ShadowSliver! Your girlish war cries demoralize the troops. Meet me in the Kitchen where you may use the cutlery of your choice to defend your right to lead.
Challenge succeeds.

Audience with Entropy: Create Tribute: Entropy Saboteur Bribe
Name: Entropy Saboteur Bribe
Enforcer: Any Entropy member
Trigger: Once per day per member of Entropy
Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have a Cassus Belli against another member within their own Alliance.
Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
2-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos - Nov, 04
Enforcer: Any Entropy member
Trigger: Once per day per member of Entropy
Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have a Cassus Belli against another member within their own Alliance.
Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.

Attack: Orson
That's it.
Combat Results: Chronos x Kevan
Alliance | Name | Power |
Activity | Chronos | 300 |
Activity | Knightking | 260 |
Activity | Simon | 130 |
Activity | Wildcard | 189 |
Total | 879 | |
Entropy | Kevan | 29 |
Total | 29 |
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 879
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 3
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 3/3 = 1
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1 x 879 = 879
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 29
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 2
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 2/4 = 0.5
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 0.5 x 29 = 14.5
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 14.5 / 879 = 0.0165
Proposal: Normalizing Trust [Trivial]
Add to the end of the Trust rule:
[This will preserve the total Trust value, while making the Trust a little easier to read and giving a little boost of notoriety to the Warlords who are frequent targets or sources for trusting. I think the requirements for T-Neg to be non-positive and T-Pos to be non-negative keeps this from being abusable.]
4-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos - Nov, 04
At any time a Warlord may normalize their Trust by subtracting one from their T-Pos and adding one to their T-Neg, and optionally adding 2 to their Reputation.
[This will preserve the total Trust value, while making the Trust a little easier to read and giving a little boost of notoriety to the Warlords who are frequent targets or sources for trusting. I think the requirements for T-Neg to be non-positive and T-Pos to be non-negative keeps this from being abusable.]

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Proposal: Broader Ascension Powers [Trivial]
In the Victory and Ascension rule, change
4-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos - Nov, 04
The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Warlord", "High Lord" and "Reputation" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Reputation penalty for the proposer.
The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Warlord", "High Lord" and "Reputation" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new High Lord chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new High Lord's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Reputation penalty for the proposer.

Exploit Details
[as promised, I'm posting Patio11's exploit idea - in slightly shortened form.]
1) Get in a two man alliance.
2) Pass a Tribute allowing you to redirect Reputation at will (Offensive
Power also helps, but isn't crucial).
3) Attack any weaker Warlords infinitely. In a 2 person Alliance one Warlord can pass an Attack Audience instantly with no time for a Defense to get mustered. With a high enough Offense there is no chance of losing a battle (4.5 x Defense or higher). Get the +1 Rep award infinitely and share it with your fellow Alliance mate.
But that exploit should be taken care of now.
1) Get in a two man alliance.
2) Pass a Tribute allowing you to redirect Reputation at will (Offensive
Power also helps, but isn't crucial).
3) Attack any weaker Warlords infinitely. In a 2 person Alliance one Warlord can pass an Attack Audience instantly with no time for a Defense to get mustered. With a high enough Offense there is no chance of losing a battle (4.5 x Defense or higher). Get the +1 Rep award infinitely and share it with your fellow Alliance mate.
But that exploit should be taken care of now.
Call for Judgement: Editing
If this CFJ passes, the Admin enacting it shall alter the last point in the Glossary to:
4-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos - Nov, 04
"Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.

Attack: Kevan
As Leader of Activity, I declare an attack upon Warlord Kevan.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Combat Results: WildCard x ShadowSliver
(Hopefully correct this time)
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 839
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 3
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 3/3 = 1
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1 x 839 = 839
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 200
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 4
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 4/4 = 1
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1 x 440 = 200
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 440 / 839 = 0.2384
Alliance | Name | Power |
Activity | Chronos | 280 |
Activity | Knightking | 240 |
Activity | Simon | 130 |
Activity | Wildcard | 189 |
Total | 839 | |
Entropy | ShadowSliver | 200 |
Total | 440 |
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 839
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 3
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 3/3 = 1
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1 x 839 = 839
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 200
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 4
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 4/4 = 1
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1 x 440 = 200
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 440 / 839 = 0.2384
Combat Results: WildCard x ShadowSliver
Alliance | Name | Power |
Activity | Chronos | 280 |
Activity | Knightking | 240 |
Activity | Simon | 130 |
Activity | Wildcard | 189 |
Total | 839 | |
Entropy | Kevan | 29 |
Entropy | Orson | 211 |
Entropy | ShadowSliver | 200 |
Total | 440 |
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 839
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 3
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 3/3 = 1
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1 x 839 = 839
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 440
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 4
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 4/4 = 1
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 1 x 440 = 440
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 440 / 839 = 0.5244
Monday, November 01, 2004
Proposal: Exploit Containment
[Patio11 has revealed his exploit to me prior to idling. We can make a sub-game of this. If you can detail the exploit (or a close enough version) and be the first to give it in the comments, I will give you the Reputation award that I would get should this Proposal Pass (I'll post his technique after Enactment or Failure if nobody guesses it). Granted, the reward won't be as much as if you used the exploit, but that would just be annoying and probably result in a GNDT reset.]
At the end of the first paragraph of the rule Ritual Warfare add:
In the rule Ritual Warfare change the line:
Upon the passing of this Proposal if Orson nominated another Warlord in the comments to this post, give that Warlord the Reputation award as if they had been the author of this Proposal
5-0 Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos, Nov 3
At the end of the first paragraph of the rule Ritual Warfare add:
An Attack can only be processed by the Attack Coordinator if no Warlords on the Attacking side have been involved in another Attack within the last 24 hours.
In the rule Ritual Warfare change the line:
Each Warlord in the Winner Side has it Reputation raised by the number of Warlords participating in the other side of the read:
Each Warlord on the Winner Side has their Reputation raised by the number of Warlords with non-zero Defense participating in the other side of the Combat.
Upon the passing of this Proposal if Orson nominated another Warlord in the comments to this post, give that Warlord the Reputation award as if they had been the author of this Proposal

Admin: Idling Warlords
I'm idling Patio11 at his request, as well as Aaron and TrumanCapote for efficiency's sake. If I am idling you prematurely, I'm sorry, just make a post or email me.
Quorum drops to 4.
Quorum drops to 4.
Admin Notes
I've processed the proposal queue with these game results:
- "No wimping out II" passed. The defense maneuver tributes are now unusable. Patio11 claims this will enable a dramatic exploit - if that is still the case, please describe it in condensed form without using the large number of posts technically required.
- "Airdrop" passed giving +200 defense to 5 warlords: 3 in Entropy, 1 in Activity, and 1 in Gimp. This resulted in a Warlord with Power 0/200 which at first I thought was illegal, but in fact no rule prohibits a 0 Offense or Defense.
There remains one Pending Proposal: "Spies". Please Vote! (both in Blognomic and in the US election if you can!) Aaron and TrumanCapote, you are at or near the time limit for idling.
- "No wimping out II" passed. The defense maneuver tributes are now unusable. Patio11 claims this will enable a dramatic exploit - if that is still the case, please describe it in condensed form without using the large number of posts technically required.
- "Airdrop" passed giving +200 defense to 5 warlords: 3 in Entropy, 1 in Activity, and 1 in Gimp. This resulted in a Warlord with Power 0/200 which at first I thought was illegal, but in fact no rule prohibits a 0 Offense or Defense.
There remains one Pending Proposal: "Spies". Please Vote! (both in Blognomic and in the US election if you can!) Aaron and TrumanCapote, you are at or near the time limit for idling.
The State of Entropy
Fellow Entropy members, please remain calm! True, there is a 10 point Trust difference between TrumanCapote and myself, but that means we are just on the cusp of Turmoil, not actually in Turmoil. The demise of Entropy is much exaggerated!
Our Defense Maneuver has been protecting us. There are slight losses each time we use it as fractional units are lost, but I have been able to prevent the kind of slaughter we saw when TrumanCapote's forces were obliterated.
I recommend trying to equalize your Trust to zero by Entrusting Chronos and Distrusting Knightking. We may put Activity into a state of Turmoil. With a campaign of misinformation and spin we can win this election - I mean war.
Our Defense Maneuver has been protecting us. There are slight losses each time we use it as fractional units are lost, but I have been able to prevent the kind of slaughter we saw when TrumanCapote's forces were obliterated.
I recommend trying to equalize your Trust to zero by Entrusting Chronos and Distrusting Knightking. We may put Activity into a state of Turmoil. With a campaign of misinformation and spin we can win this election - I mean war.
Entropy in Turmoil
Entropy are now in a State of Turmoil, as the Total Trust difference between TrumanCapote and Orson is 10.
Audience with Activity: Attack: ShadowSliver
Combat Results: Orson x Chronos
I apologize about that incorrect combat. Both Audiences should have passed as they had more than 50% FOR Votes when they timed out. So it looks like everybody is involved. This is my corrected version of events (different from Knightking's CfJ, which assumes the Attack Audience failed, but Defense Audience passed):
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 551
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 4
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 4/3
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 4/3 x 551 = 734.66
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 642
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 3
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 3/4 = .75
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = .75 x 642 = 481.5
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 481.5/734.66
= .6554
Alliance | Name | Power |
Activity | Chronos | 206 |
Activity | Knightking | 200 |
Activity | Simon | 16 |
Activity | Wildcard | 220 |
Total | 642 | |
Entropy | Kevan | 197 |
Entropy | TrumanCapote | 97 |
Entropy | Orson | 47 |
Entropy | ShadowSliver | 210 |
Entropy | Patio11 | 0 |
Total | 551 |
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 551
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 4
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 4/3
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 4/3 x 551 = 734.66
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 642
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 3
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 3/4 = .75
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = .75 x 642 = 481.5
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 481.5/734.66
= .6554
Call for Judgment: Defense
The Defense Audience and Attack Audience failed, so according to the Attack Audiences rule, I took the option to press the Attack. (I just have to try to make a dent in the Activity armor! And regain some lost Reputation.)
If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered approved.
The defence Audience passed 1-0. As a result, the combat results should be as follows:
Name | Power | |
Activity | Knightking | 200 |
WildCard | 120 | |
Chronos | 206 | |
Simon | 16 | |
Total | 542 | |
Modifier | 0.75 | |
Final | 406.5 | |
Entropy | Kevan | 197 |
Orson | 47 | |
Total | 244 | |
Modifier | 1.33333333 | |
Final | 325.333333 |
Winner side is the Defending one. Defeat ratio = 325.33/406.5 = .8033
If this CfJ passes, set the gamestate to be as it would be if the attack had been originally calculated correctly.
Combat Results: Orson x Chronos
The Defense Audience and Attack Audience failed, so according to the Attack Audiences rule, I took the option to press the Attack. (I just have to try to make a dent in the Activity armor! And regain some lost Reputation.)
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 244
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 4
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 4/3
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 4/3 x 244 = 325.33
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 206
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 3
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 3/4 = .75
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = .75 x 206 = 154.5
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 154.5/325.33 = .475
Alliance | Name | Power |
Activity | Chronos | 206 |
Total | 206 | |
Entropy | Kevan | 197 |
Entropy | Orson | 47 |
Total | 244 |
Computing Combined Attacking Power:
Step 1 - Raw Attacking Power = 244
Step 2 - Attack DICE: 4
Step 3 - Attack Modifier = 4/3
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = 4/3 x 244 = 325.33
Computing Combined Defending Power:
Step 1 - Raw Defending Power = 206
Step 2 - Defend DICE: 3
Step 3 - Defend Modifier = 3/4 = .75
Step 4 - Combined Attacking Power = .75 x 206 = 154.5
Winner side is the Attacking one. Defeat ratio = 154.5/325.33 = .475
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Proposal: Spies
Adds a new rule, Spies:
6-0 Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos, Nov 3
After any Attack Audience has been posted, the target of the attack may send one (and only one) spy. To do this roll a DICE.The game has been chaos for quite some time now.
The effects based on the result of the dice are below:
1,3,5 - The spy fails to find anything.
2,4,6 - The spy finds the enemy army approaching. The defending party has time to prepare and defend, so the defending dice automatically becomes 6 when the attack is calculated.

Proposal: Powerless Figureheads [Trivial]
In the rule Audiences change the first sentence to begin:
1-0 Vetoed. Failed by Orson, Nov 1
Warlords with non-zero Reputation and non-zero Power may request Audiences...So Warlords with no Reputation or military Power are not taken seriously enough to Join Alliances, Banish Warlords, create or repeal Tributes and the like, but they are still Warlords for most rules - making Proposals, Voting, creating and leaving Alliances.

I think I have discovered a vulnerability in the ruleset which is trivially exploitable and results in me getting infinite attack/defense power and reputation up to the cap. It also requires infinite posts. What do you guys want me to do? Should I clutter up the blog with the first iterations of the exploit, or would you like me to post the exploit, or would you like me just start issuing Proposals to fix?
Proposal: Stop The Madness
Modify rule 21, Ritual Warfare, by overwriting the current text of "Step 3" of both calculating Offensive and Defensive power with the following language, substituting Offense or Defense for X, where appropriate.
Modify rule 22, Alliance Warfare, by striking the following three words from the very start of the first paragraph
and replacing with the words
Commentary: I did the math earlier, and it turns out the built-in attacker's advantage gives the attacks a 60% probability of smashing someone at equal levels of offense/defense, and it gets really worse with repeated iterations, since you just have to keep attacking until you win and then pour on the pain, which is the cause of much of the degeneracy involved in the rule at the moment. In particular, circuit-breaking is important here.
0-1 Self Kill. Failed by Orson, Nov 1
Divide the X Dice by 1. This figure is the X Modifier.
Modify rule 22, Alliance Warfare, by striking the following three words from the very start of the first paragraph
At any time,
and replacing with the words
Once per twenty-four hour period,
Commentary: I did the math earlier, and it turns out the built-in attacker's advantage gives the attacks a 60% probability of smashing someone at equal levels of offense/defense, and it gets really worse with repeated iterations, since you just have to keep attacking until you win and then pour on the pain, which is the cause of much of the degeneracy involved in the rule at the moment. In particular, circuit-breaking is important here.