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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Proposal: Contaminant

Add a rule, "Biosample Contamination", worded as follows:

At any one time, there might be one or more biosamples released (or at least identified to be in storage) on the Caine (from the sample pods in Cargo Bay 2), as tracked at the end of this rule. The sample's status, be it Released, Dead, or In Stasis, is also tracked.

At present, there are no biosamples identified - as soon as one is identified, this sentence will repeal itself.
If the Biological Sample Stasis Pods in Cargo Bay 2 do not exist, crerate them with the wording specified below. If they do exist, alter the wording to read:
Biological Sample Stasis Pods (Cargo Bay 2): A Crewmember who is Pulling the Levers on one of the pods may attempt to open it by posting a comment to the GNDT stating 'Biosample Release DICEX' (where X is either eir Logic score plus five, or 5, whichever is higher). On a result of:
  • Two-thirds, rounded up, of X, or greater: The pod opens, and the sample is released.
  • 2 or less: The pod malfunctions, and the sample dies.
  • Any other result: Nothing happens.
However, the pod will refuse to operate if the Buttons haven't been Pushed first.

A Crewmember who is Pushing the Buttons on a pod may run a Query through Howard to obtain the status of the sample or lifeform contained within the pod, without spending an extra Action Point. If e does not run the Query, e should post status results the the blog with the title "Biosample status results: ", along with whatever other information e wishes to add pertaining to the biosample. Once this is done, the Computer should respond to the post with either a FOR icon, in which case the biosample should be added to the Ruleset and may be released at a later date, or an AGAINST icon, in which case nothing happens.
This should alleviate AG's concerns that the pods didn't "do anything" - i.e everything e said about the samples would be just flavour text.

Tick Passed 8-0 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 11th of May at 2:25.

Computer Sequence #0

1, 4, 27, 256, 3125, 46656, ...

Just priming the pump.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Proposal: Who does guard the guards?

In Rule 25 - Ship's Protocol, change:

Criminals must be escorted to the Cell by a member of the Epsilon group. After 48 hours, if a member of the Epsilon Group has not escorted a Criminal to the Cell, any crewmember may do so by use of the Teleport Chamber or any other means available to them.


Criminals must be escorted to the Cell by a member of the Epsilon group. If 48 hours have elapsed since a Crewmember has been declared Criminal or at any time if the Criminal is a Member of the Epsilon group eirself, any Crewmember may move em to the Cell by use of the Teleport Chamber or any other means available.

In the same rule, under Law #3 description, change:

No Crewmember may move another one without explicit permission of the moved one, except in the conditions delineated in this Law; this includes doing so via usage of robots.


No Crewmember may move another one without explicit permission of the moved one, except in the conditions delineated in this Rule; this includes doing so via usage of robots.

Tick Passed 7-1 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 8th of May at 21:14.

More idle people

Gazebodude, by request, and Doodle, for not voting in a week, are idle.

Idle Me

I request to be Idled per Rule 2. I'll be back... maybe before the next dynasty, maybe not. But I don't want to hold back quorum until then. So hope the game goes well.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Attention Crewmember Kevan

Crewmember Quazie's Logic field is stuck. An un-sticking would be appreciated. Do you have any idea what caused this? I'll volunteer to start a GNDT FAQ page in the wiki, which could include a list of buggy characters and how to use the DICE and other special commands.

Proposal: Bounty Hunter 2

In rule 25 change:
Criminals must be escorted to the Cell by a member of the Epsilon group. After 48 hours, if a member of the Epsilon Group has not escorted a Criminal to the Cell, any crewmember may do so by use of the Teleport Chamber or any other means available to them.
Criminals must be escorted to the Cell by a member of the Epsilon group. After 48 hours, if a member of the Epsilon Group has not escorted a Criminal to the Cell, any crewmember may do so by use of the Teleport Chamber or any other means available to them. When a Criminal is moved to the Cell by another Crewmember the Crewmember that moved the Criminal has eir Grade increased by 1 unless eir Grade was increased this way within the last 24 hours.

The clause at the end is to prevent a member of Epsilon from releasing a Criminal on purpose to gain promotions.

Tick Passed 8-1 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 8th of May at 21:12.

Proposal: Critical Security Patch

Add a Rule called Ghosts in the Machine:
A Dead Crewmember can perform no game action apart from the basic actions allowed in the Core ruleset, unless a rule specifies that the action is allowed for Dead Crewmembers.

A Dead Crewmember may not declare Victory.

Once a day, a Dead Crewmember may perform any action the Computer is empowered to perform. This action is treated as though the Computer had made it. E is limited to a single blog post or comment, or any actions in the GNDT that require no more than 1 Action Point in total. The Computer then loses 1 Logic.
I'd like to avoid a Dead Crewmember winning this dynasty (I've read in the Archives that it has happened before), but this gives the Dead something to do.

Cross Self-Failed. Failed by smith, 7th of May at 17:57.

Proposal: Proposal by Reference

If the rule Computer Sequences does not exist, then treat this Proposal the same as the text of Proposal: Computer Sequences minus the first section creating the 'Credit' GNDT field and replace every instance of the word 'Credit' with 'Logic' in the body of the rule it would create.

If the rule Computer Sequences does exist, remove the GNDT Credit field and replace every instance of 'Credit' with 'Logic' in the body of that rule.

I'd like to stick with Logic, but otherwise I think the rule could be fun.

Tick Passed 8-1 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 7th of May at 17:45.

Proposal: A More Active Computer

Still using the LDB. I guess it can add some spice to the game.

To Rule 16 – Machinery, add after the first Paragraph:

If a piece of Machinery has an asterisk (*) after its name, the Computer may activate any of its function by spending an Action Point, instead of doing any of the mechanic actions described in Rule 11 - Buttons, Levers, inter alia. The Computer is considered to meet any Group requirement for an equipment e is trying to use.

To Rule 18 – Action Points, add:

The Computer has a Daily Points score of 2. If the Computer has not done it in the last 24 hours, e can reset eir Action Points to the same value as eir Daily Points.

In rule 22 – Service Robots, change

If a Robot has not been moved during the current day, any Crewmember in the same Location as that Robot may take control of it, by posting a comment to the GNDT to that effect. Taking control of a robot costs that Crewmember one Action Point and causes the controlled Robot’s Action Points to be reset to its Daily Points. Once the Robot is under eir control, the controlling Crewmember may move the Robot or use it to control Machinery. The controlling Crewmember continues to control the Robot even after the Robot leaves the Crewmembers current Location. The Robot moves and operates Machinery in the same way as a Crewmember: it spends one AP per location traversed and one AP to change its Action field.


If a Robot has not been moved during the current day, the Computer or any Crewmember in the same Location as that Robot may take control of it, by posting a comment to the GNDT to that effect. The Computer or Crewmember who takes control of a Robot is considered to be its Controlling Entity. Taking control of a robot costs the Controlling Entity one Action Point and causes the controlled Robot’s Action Points to be reset to its Daily Points. Once the Robot is under eir control, the Controlling Entity may move the Robot or use it to control Machinery. A Controlling Entity who is a Crewmember continues to control the Robot even after the Robot leaves that Crewmember’s current Location. The Robot moves and operates Machinery as if it were a Crewmember.

In the same rule delete, if it exists, this text:

The Computer may, once per day, take control of any robot in any Location, this doesn't require spending an Action Point.

In Rule 29 – The Space Mad, change

A Crewmember with Space Madness has the following changes and additions to eir normal Crewmember abilities:


A Crewmember or Computer with Space Madness has the following changes and additions to eir normal abilities:

Tick Passed 10-0 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 7th of May at 17:43.

Proposal: Computer Sequences

Create a new integer-valued GNDT field named "Credit" and set each Crewmember's Credit to zero. New Crewmembers start with zero Credit.

Add a new rule "Computer Sequences" to the ruleset.

One per day, the Computer may post a Sequence to the main page.

A Sequence is a post with the title "Sequence #N", where N is an indexing number, with a sequence of numbers (in any field) as the body of the post. Sequences are Open or Closed. All Sequences are Open when they are posted.

Any Crewmember may attempt to answer an Open Sequence by posting a reply with no less then the next six terms of that sequence, and optionally the rule that generates the terms of the sequence.

The Computer shall judge whether or not an answer to the Sequence is correct. If the Computer judges an answer satisfactory, then e shall respond to that comment with a FOR vote, which Closes the Sequence and signifies that the answer was substantially correct. Answers are judged chronologically. If different answers are posted to an Open Sequence that satisfy the initial data, the Computer may at eir discretion mark one or more answers as correct by posting FOR votes as responses to those comments.

A Crewmember that correctly answers a Sequence has eir Credit increased by 10. The Computer may further add up to 5 points per Sequence for aesthetics and presentation at eir discretion.

All Sequences shall be listed in a SequenceLog (to be hosted on the BlogNomic wiki) with their status (Open or Closed), and their solutions, if Closed.

We can do something with Credit later. I thought that these points should somehow be distinct from Logic.

Tick Passed 8-6 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 7th of May at 17:38.

Proposal: Too many actions can drive you mad

My take on de-speeding (I'm also hit by thsi, if I choose to use my 4th AP)

In rule 18 – Action Points, change:

A Crewmember may spend Action Points by decrementing the number in eir "Action Points" field by the amount spent. A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more that day.


A Crewmember may spend Action Points by decrementing the number in eir "Action Points" field by the amount spent. A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more until resetting eir Points. If a Crewmember’s spending of Action Points causes the difference between eir Daily Points score and eir current Action Points to exceed 3, that Crewmember must lose an amount of Logic, as calculated by the formula LL = (DP – AP) - 3, where LL is the amount of Logic to be lost, DP is the Crewmember’s Daily Points Score and AP is eir Action Points after the spending.

Self-Killed. Failed by Chronos at 05/06/2005 GMT 13:32

Proposal: Better evaluation, Take 2.1

Still Using the LDB

If Proposal: Better evaluation, Take 2 failed, this Proposal does nothing.

In rule 27 – Orders, change:
After the tallying, any Crewmember in the same Group as the evaluated Officer who failed to vote on the evaluation may be downgraded by 2 levels.


After the tallying, any Subordinate in the same Group as the evaluated Officer who failed to vote on the evaluation may be downgraded by 2 levels.

9-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 05/06/2005 GMT 13:30

Criminal: Cayvie

At 05/05 01:41 (BST) - Crewmember Cayvie used Service Robot R002 to teleport Crewmembers Gobleteer, Kurt, and TAE from the Deck 2 Telechamber to the Deck 5 Security Post without explicit consent, in violation of Law #3. Neither I nor Service Robot R002 were responsible for the unlawful teleportation as Crewmember Cayvie had transferred control from the Caine's autonomous systems to emself at 1:34 BST.

Crewmember Cayvie, please report to the Deck 5 Cell for a mandatory 72 hour stay.

Cheerfully yours,


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Proposal: Ad-hoc de-speeding

Reduce Smith, Paladin, and Rodney's DP by two, and increase eir logic by 7.

They were the only three to seriously abuse the loophole regarding the speedy drug. Since that is an entirely logical thing to do, give them a few logic points: this also avoids the problems with trying to do this on a threshold system, since slowy still exists

4-9. Cannot be enacted without COV. Failed by Chronos at 05/06/2005 GMT 13:29

Proposal: Better evaluation, Take 2

Using the LDB, again, to normalize evaluation. (I've just opened one Proposal slot.

In rule 27 – Orders, change:

Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]". Each Subordinate may respond once, including a FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL vote. Each FOR vote increases the Officer's Grade by 1, each AGAINST vote decreases it by 1, and DEFERENTIAL votes have no effect.

If the officer in question loses sufficient grades that e is no longer an officer, and there are no other officers in the same Service Group, then a new Officer shall be chosen at random from amongst the members of the service group by any Admin staff not in that group, excluding the just-demoted officer.


Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]". Each Subordinate may respond once, including a FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL vote.

The evaluation must be tallied 48 hours after its posting, or when all subordinates have voted, whatever happens first. When tallying, each FOR vote increases the Officer's grade by 1, each AGAINST vote decreases it by 1, and DEFERENTIAL votes have no effect. After the tallying, any Crewmember in the same Group as the evaluated Officer who failed to vote on the evaluation may be downgraded by 2 levels. Any Crewmember in the same group as the Officer being evaluated may apply the grade changes to the GNDT.

If an Officer loses sufficient grades in eir evaluation that e ceases to be an Officer, and there are no other Officers in the same Service Group, then all non-Officer Members of that group, excluding the just-demoted Officer, are considered candidates to promotion. The Crewmember applying the evaluation results shall then roll a DICEX, where X is the number of candidate Members, and promote the DICEXth candidate, in the same order they appear in the GNDT, to Officer with a Grade of 0.

9-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 05/06/2005 GMT 13:21

Proposal: Chopped Liver

In Rule 10:
If a Crew Member is Stunned, e may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, eir Daily Points are reduced to zero.

Replace with:
While a Crewmember is Stunned eir Daily Points are lowered by 1. While a Crewmember is Wounded eir Daily Points are reduced to 1, and e cannot move between Locations. While a Crewmember is Dead, eir Daily Points are reduced to zero and e can perform no game action apart from the basic actions allowed in the Core ruleset, unless a rule specifies that the action is allowed for Dead Crewmembers.

A Healthy Crewmember has 3 Daily Points, unless another rule gives em a different Daily Point total.

Add this to Rule 12 (where-ever Admin sees fit):
A Crewmember may drag a Wounded or Dead Crewmember with them when moving to a Location by spending an additional 2 Action Points.

These changes make Stunning and Wounding somewhat less debilitating. I like the idea of a Wounded Crewmember being able to run a piece of Machinery heroically, despite their injuries. I have an idea for something Dead Crewmembers can do which I will propose next.
Cross Failed 1-10 (Expired). Failed by Smith, 6th of May at 12:56.

Proposal: Britain forward not back

add the following to the end of rule 27 - Orders:

Officers with a gold star may issue orders to any non-officer crewmember not in eir service group as if e were a subordinate crewmember in that officer's service group.

If a crewmember has been ordered by an officer with a gold star not in eir service group for a given week, then for that week that crewmember may vote in the officer's evaluation as if e were a subordinate crewmember in that officer's service group.

I hope that all of you Brits go vote tomorrow, Labour or otherwise.

Passed 10-2. Enacted by Cayvie at 05/05/2005 GMT 15:16

Proposal: Letter and Intent II

If Proposal: Beta Changing fails, this proposal also fails.

If Proposal: Beta Changing passes, alter Rule #25 -- Ship's Protocol Law #3 from:

Law #3: No Crewmember may move another one without explicit permission of the moved one, except in the conditions delineated in this Law. Members of the Beta Group may use any means available to them to move a Crewmember who is either non-Healthy or suffering from Space Madness to the Ambulatory. Members of the Epsilon Group may use any means available to them to move a Criminal Crewmember to the Cell. No Crewmember may use the Teleport Chamber to remove a Criminal from the Cell.


Law #3: No Crewmember may move another one without explicit permission of the moved one, except in the conditions delineated in this Law; this includes doing so via usage of robots. Members of the Beta Group may use any means available to them to move a Crewmember who is either non-Healthy or suffering from Space Madness to the Ambulatory. Members of the Epsilon Group may use any means available to them to move a Criminal Crewmember to the Cell. No Crewmember may use the Teleport Chamber to remove a Criminal from the Cell.

Passed 11-1. Enacted by Cayvie at 05/05/2005 GMT 15:14

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Minor maintenance

I've added all of the backlogged queries to the QueryLog, so you may now collectively peruse the Queries without searching through the blog archives.

Also, a question: what exactly am I allowed to do with the ruleset? I know exactly what I can do via Queries and Power Checks, but am moderately uncertain about the effects of changing the alert status and the new Stasis Pods. Perhaps some new proposal is in order on this--that is, if you still want that sort of dynamic in this dynasty.

Proposal: This is the title of this proposal.

Add the following text to the end of rule 22:
The Computer may, once per day, take control of any robot in any Location, this doesn't require spending an Action Point.

Passed 13-0. Enacted by Cayvie at 05/05/2005 GMT 15:13

Epsilon Evaluate: Kurt

Epsilon Evaluate: Mnemosyne

Sorry, fogot to mention the officer before--didn't notice there was more than one. Yell at me if this has been done within a week.

Proposal: Doomsday

Remove the following machine(text) from rule 16, "Machinery":
Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer
[Sickbay, Crew Dorms] A Crewmember who is Turning
the Knobs here may create a drug described in the Ruleset by stating the desired one in the GNDT
comments field. Drugs may be consumed in the place they are created and are desintegrated if the
Crewmember who created it moves elsewhere.

Remove the whole of Rule 20, "Wonder Drugs", retaining existing numbering.
Sorry, I think we need to override the addicts here.

Could not reach quorum at 3-10. Failed by Cayvie at 05/05/2005 GMT 15:10

Tangelo Juice!

Howard, might you want to up the alert mode?

Note: Speedy Party is over

Proposal: Loopholes be gone has just been enacted.

I see idle people

Fjom, Kamikaze, Knightking and Ornithopter are no more between us. Quorum drops to 10.

Alpha Evaluate: Chronos

That is it.

Proposal: King of the Bridge

Fourth proposal by being an officer using the LDB.

Add to Rule 16 - Machinery:

* Euclidean Space Console [Bridge] If there is only one Crewmember in the Bridge, and that Crewmember sequentially Pulls the Levers, Turns the Knobs, Push the Buttons and Flip the Switches in the Euclidean Space Console, without taking any other action (including resetting their AP) between those ones, that Crewmember causes the Caine to leave non-Euclidean space without damaging the Caine.

Self-Killed. Failed by Chronos at 05/05/2005 GMT 13:47

Proposal: Law fixes.

Add the following laws to the end of rule 25
Law #6: No Crewmember may order another Crewmember or use a robot to violate a law.
Law #7: No Crewmeber may remove a Criminal from the Cell.

In paragraph 2 of rule 25 change "the Computer" to "A Crewmember or the Computer."
The Computer has no reason to check the GNDT so if someone commits a crime then it may be weeks before e becomes a Criminal.

3-11. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 05/05/2005 GMT 13:46

Monday, May 02, 2005

Proposal: Criminal Robots

Third pending Proposal allowed by being an Officer. I guess this one covers all means of using a Robot to Criminal ends.

To rule 22 - Service Robots add:

If, by controlling a Robot, a Crewmember causes that Robot to perform an action, that Crewmember is considered to have performed that same action eirself, except for the effects of machinery use limitations. The machinery use limitations still apply only to the Robot performing the Action.

2-13. Reached Quorum. Failed by Chronos at 05/05/2005 GMT 03:43

Proposal: Less Computer Power

In Rule 15 - Data Banks, change:

These changes are limited to the addition, removal and alteration of Machinery and Locations.


These changes are limited to either one addition, one removal or one alteration of one, and only one, piece of Machinery or one Location.

At the moment this Proposal is enacted, the Admin doing the enactment shall process, as if e were the Computer, any unprocessed Command which would cause the Computer to violate the new provision, issuing an Error message in the comments. Neither the Crewmember who issued the Command not the Computer shall lose any Logic in consequence of that Error message.

5-10. Timed Out. Failed by Chronos at 05/05/2005 GMT 03:38

Proposal: Beta changing

I know this is lengthy, but I was unable to convey these changes in many Proposals without incurring the risk of leaving behind some loophole.

In rule Rule 12 – Locations, add a location named “Ambulatory (Deck 2)” and change

unless e is in the Cell.


unless e is either in the Cell or in the Ambulatory.

From rule 16 - Machinery, delete the MediBank and add:

* Ambulatory Control Panel [Sickbay] A Crewmember belonging to the Beta Service Group who is pulling the Levers at the ACP may move any number of Crewmembers of eir choice from the Sickbay to the Ambulatory or vice-versa, by changing eir Location accordingly.

A Crewmember belonging to the Beta Service Group who is pushing the Buttons at the ACP may at their discretion spend one extra Action Point to activate one of the Ambulatory Routines programmed in the ACP, as defined in the ruleset.

To Rule 21 – UCSRS add:

UCSRS[5] tracks the medical treatment record of a Crewmember. Whenever a Crewmember reset eir AP, e must also reset eir UCSRS[5] to “X”. Currently, its possible values are:

"E" – This Crewmember is unaffected by the mind warping effects on viewing non-Euclidean space and doesn’t lose any logic if e is in or enters the Viewing Bay while the Opacity Control Device is activated.

“L” - This crewmember makes all logic checks as if eir logic is 10 points higher than its recorded value in the GNDT.

"H" – This crewmember is unaffected by exposure to the vacuum of space.

“X” – No treatment in effect.

In rule 25 – Ship’s Protocol, change Law #3 so it reads:

Law #3: No Crewmember may move another one without explicit permission of the moved one, except in the conditions delineated in this Law. Members of the Beta Group may use any means available to them to move a Crewmember who is either non-Healthy or suffering from Space Madness to the Ambulatory. Members of the Epsilon Group may use any means available to them to move a Criminal Crewmember to the Cell. No Crewmember may use the Teleport Chamber to remove a Criminal from the Cell.

Add a rule Ambulatory Routines:

There are some Routines programmed in the Ambulatory Control Panel. Whenever a Crewmember activates one of those Routines, every Crewmember who happens to be at the Ambulatory in that moment suffers the Routine’s effects.

The routines currently programmed in the ACP are:

* Physical Cure Routine - Restore all Stunned or Wounded Crewmembers in the Ambulatory to a Healthy state. If healed from being Wounded or Dead, a Crew Member's Daily Points are set to the initial new-Crew value.

* Non-Euclidean De-sensitization Routine: Immunize all crewmembers in the Ambulatory to the mind warping effects on viewing non-Euclidean space. This is signed by changing the immunized Crewmembers’ UCSRS [5] to "E".

* Logical Empowerment Routine: Better the logical understanding of all crewmembers in the Ambulatory. This is signed by changing the immunized Crewmembers’ UCSRS [5] to "L".

* Psychical Cure Routine: Add 10 to the Logic of all crewmembers in the Ambulatory. If that would bring the Logic score of a Crewmember to greater than 0, set that Crewmember’s Logic score to 0, instead.

* Homeostatic Training Routine: Immunize all crewmembers in the Ambulatory to the exposure to the vacuum of space This is signed by changing the immunized Crewmembers’ UCSRS [5] to "H".

8-6. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 05/04/2005 GMT 19:16

>Power Check

Howard, while looking in Cargo Bay 2 I noticed a number of stasis pods, obviously too small to contain humanoids, but the diagnostic readouts indicate that most of them contain organic matter, and possibly lifeforms - I can't tell for certain because the main controls for the pods are deactivated. I'd like you to activate said controls - if it helps, I think they work like this:

Biological Sample Stasis Pods (Cargo Bay 2): Any Crewmember who is Pulling the Levers on the pods may attempt to open a pod by posting a comment to the GNDT stating 'Biosample Release DICEX' where X is either eir Logic score plus five, or 5, whichever is higher. On a result of two-thirds, rounded up, of X, or greater, the pod opens, and the sample is released. On a result of 2 or less, the pod malfunctions, and the sample dies. On any other result, nothing happens. A Crewmember who is Pushing the Buttons on the pods may run a Query through Howard to obtain the status of the sample or lifeform contained within the pod, without spending an extra Action Point.

Looking at these pods, it appears that one of them hadn't been sealed properly, and its contents appear to have escaped...

Proposal: Letter and Intent

Alter Law #3 of Rule 25, Ship's Protocol: from

Law #3: No Crewmember may use the Teleport Chamber on a non-Criminal Crewmember without eir permission, nor use the Teleport Chamber to remove a Criminal from the Cell.


Law #3: No Crewmember may utilize the Teleport Chamber -- either themselves , via robot, or via any other means -- to move a non-Criminal Crewmember without eir permission, nor use the Teleport Chamber to remove a Criminal from the Cell. Crewmembers with space madness may be moved to Sickbay without eir permission, in order to receive treatment.

11-2. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 05/03/2005 GMT 17:31

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Proposal: Loopholes be gone!

Apparently, I inadequately proofread this last time, AND forgot to tack 'Proposal' on it, so it wasn't legit. *sigh* Apologies to those that have read through this once already, the only changes are grammatical

Delete the drugs from Rule 20, Wonder Drugs, and replace with:

Speedy:The Crewmember using or being ministered Speedy subtracts 22 from eir Logic Value and adds 1 to eir Daily Points. If the crewmember is space mad, e can not use this drug. If this drug makes a crewmember space mad, eir DP are not set to 5 if already greater than 5.

Slowy: The Crewmember using or being ministered Slowy adds 22 to eir Logic Value and subtracts 1 from eir Daily Points. If e does not have any DP, e loses two levels of Vitality.

Saner: If the Crewmember using or being ministered Saner is Space Mad, eir logic is set to 1, eir DP set to 3 if greater than three, and ey become Stunned if they are Healthy.

11-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 05/03/2005 GMT 17:31

Proposal: The Elevators can't be that slow redux

Sorry everyone who might have voted on this before. As per a request I am reposting this so that it does not jump the queue.

In rule 12- Locations change

Every Location is adjacent to all other Locations in the same Deck. If the Lifts are working, the Corridors on a deck are adjacent to the Corridors in the decks immediatelly above or below the deck they are on.


Every Location is adjacent to all other Locations in the same Deck. If the Lifts are working, the Corridors on a deck are adjacent to the Corridors on all other decks.

This may be too powerfull, but it seems like way too much of a pain to get anywhere, especially if we want to encourage doing stuff other than hanging out by training devices all day. The situation will also only get worse if we "discover" any additional decks. If people don't like this as written, we could propose a rider that would slow the lifts down under certain circumstances (eg, under change the lightbulb, or as a machine somewhere).

11-1 (2 undefined deferential). Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 05/03/2005 GMT 17:29


Delete the drugs from Rule 20, Wonder Drugs, and replace with:

Speedy:The Crewmember using or being ministered Speedy subtracts 22 from eir Logic Value and adds 1 to eir Daily Points. If the crewmember is space mad, e can not use this drug. If this drug makes a crewmember space mad, eir DP are not set to 5 if already greater than 5.

Slowy: The Crewmember using or being ministered Slowy adds 22 from eir Logic Value and subtracts 1 from eir Daily Points. If e does not have any DP, e loses two levels of Vitality.

Saner: Slowy: If the Crewmember using or being ministered Saner is Space Mad, eir logic is set to 1, eir DP set to 3 if greater than three, and ey become Stunned if they are Healthy.

To fix the Speedy loophole currently being exploited by several players, and provide a drug for 'fixing' the Space Mad.