BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, May 28, 2005
Complicated simplification:
A few months ago, I talked with Kevan about possibly migrating Blognomic to its own webspace, and start using a blogging tool we can customize to our liking. I purchased and at the time, and have subsequently done jack-squat with them.
Now it's summer, I'm getting a sleep disorder fixed, and I'm ready to make this happen to whatever extent it needs to.
This thread, then, is to talk about what things need to move, what things need to stay, what cool stuff to add, whether to scrap the whole idea, etc. Here's my preliminary thoughts:
* We could use WordPress or ExpressionEngine as the CMS. I'm already running an EE install on my webspace, and it has some very, very handy features we could use. In particular, fully configurable permissions and custom post statuses (enacting/failing a post would involve clicking a checkbox and typing a sentence). Also, we could do stuff like "Oldest pending proposal" natively instead of with scripting.
* We could almost certainly do just as much coolness with WordPress, and get the benefits of open-sourceness. This is open to discussion; I'm cool with either.
* In any case, we won't have to use BackBlog for comments anymore. It shouldn't be too hard to make all the old comments on old posts accessible, though. And the archives can stay on Blog*Spot, of course, if they prove too hard to migrate properly.
* I wasn't intending to move the GNDT or Wiki over, although we could move either or both if it's found desirable to. That's 100% entirely Kevan's call.
* If comment threading is important, we'll need to make sure we have that.
* Of course we'll have a lot of testing before we migrate the actual game over.
* I can't remember everything I wanted to say here.
So anyway, just pipe up with your thinkin's about this. If most everyone wants to leave well enough alone, then we can scrap the idea, redirect the domains to Blog*Spot, and that's altogether fine by me. :)
EDIT: Another important thing: admins can have shell/FTP accounts, so even if I go inactive, they have total access to everything.
(P.S. -- Regardless of what we do with the site, anyone who wants one can have a e-mail address)
Who is the Illuminatus Rex?
Tentative Powers, Mobile Phone Companies

Proposal: Outbid again!
If an Illuminatus posts "Auction Style Bribe Z", where Z is any integer above zero, with eir DEFERENTIAL vote then eir DEFERENTIAL vote, since changed to FOR or AGAINST, may be changed again by any Illuminatus for Z times the cost of the last change, except if the Illuminatus who posted the DEFERENTIAL vote posts the phrase "Auction over" in a comment.
This "U" thing is hard, but easier with Spivak. I think I've been spelling Illuminatus "Illuminus" for a long time.

Tentative Powers, Organization Every Villain is Lemons
If the Controller is removed from the Official List of the Organization, then the Illuminatus with the least seniority becomes the Controller if there are a perfect number of members, but otherwise the Illuminatus with the most seniority. If the Organization ever contains a Quorum of Illuminati, then the Controller may declare a "Strikethough" on any Illuminatus who has posted the letter "U" anywhere outside the word "Illuminatus", "Influence", "U" in quotes, or "Illuminati" after this was posted, member or not, and that player may not declare victory for any reason. The Controller must declare a Strikethrough if the letter "U" was posted in a Proposal outside these words, or the Controller was the one who posted it.
Ignore section: It's funny 'cause it hurts. But serious funny, because I'm serious. Did that make sense?

Friday, May 27, 2005
Proposal: Control
An Illuminatus may also attempt to take Control of an Organisation controlled by another Illuminatus. In order for an Illuminatus to attempt this, e must be on the Official List of that Organisation, have a number of influence at least equal to the Organistation's Reality Index, and not have combined attempted takeovers pending(including this latest) for Organizations that, added together, have Reality Indices greater than the Illuminatus's Influence.
If these Conditions are met, then the Illuminatus may make a post to the Blog under an anonymous account labled "Org", entitled "Attempted Takeover: [Organisation]" and must include, within this post, a whole number N with a value less than or equal to the value of the Reality Index of the Organisation. Any player who wishes to Place a Bid may notify the Illuminatus Rex with the number of Bids(each Bid is equal to N influence points in cost, and N must be a positive integer or zero) that player wishes to place, and a number for each Bid representing a Guess that player makes. If a player places more Bids than members of the Organisation, any Bids after that number are rendered void and not looked at, though the Illuminatus placing them is neither notified, nor do e(?) recieve bid points back. The Illuminatus controlling the Orginazation may place two Bids for each N points spent, in multiples of two Bids, to a minimum of one free Bid at no cost, with no maximum. Bidding ends two days after the initial announcement post--
at which point, the Illuminatus evalutes Guesses as follows:
Any illegal(negative, fractional, not-bid-for, or non-real) Guesses are removed, of course.
Any duplicate Guesses are removed.
If at least two Guesses remain, the lowest Guess other than zero wins.
If exactly one Guess remains, it wins, even if it is zero.
If no Guesses remain, the current Controller of the Organization's Guess wins.
If the remaining Guess belongs to the current Controller of the Organization, half the bids(rounded down) times N Influence is added to eir influence.
If the remaining Guess does not belong to the current Controller of the Organization, then the Illuminatus to whom the Guess belongs becomes the new Controller of the Organization. The Organization is still listed as being controlled by the old Controller; the new Controller is noted on the Official List with a star next to eir name. The old Controller should be notified they ae no longer in power, and the new of eir position as Controller
Regardless, for each Bid each Illuminatus placed, that Illuminatus loses N Inluence.
All Influence changes mentioned in this block of text take place on the last day of the week, and should be changed by the Illuminatus Rex on the first week's end day possible.
Amend rule 16 from
"by posting an entry to the front page with the subject"
to "by posting an entry to the front page under the account "Org' with the subject"
If the account "Org" cannot be created, replace all instances of "Org" with the account that is created.
This was my best idea to hide who's gained control of what... anything better? As per the Glossary, the week's ending day is Sunday.
The Guess system is of course Ro, with a slight change for zero...
I like the idea of people not knowing who the owner of an Organisation is.

Proposal: Secret Decoder Ring
(This code was written by Chris Veness at Moveable Type and the actual code should be copied from there.)
Since we have so much secret information in this dynasty I thought it would be good to have a way to encrypt and decrypt information. We should be able to find creative uses for this.
There is documentation to escape the character set this generates, if it is incompatible with the GNDT or blogger posts.

Proposal: Closed Government
I'm not sure I can see any advantage to tracking all this, that can't be covered just as easily (and far more dramatically) by informal agreement and trust and denial and back-stabbing. Some minor room for Watergate-style exposés when a rival takes over an Organisation and finds suspicious links to other Illuminati, but it seems a lot of work and paper, for that.
Or am I just being unimaginative? ]
Repeal Rule 14 (Members Only).
If "Pick Your Own Take 3" passed, remove the paragraph beginning "An Illuminatus may also attempt to take Control" from the ruleset, if it exists.

Proposal: The Right Price
Any vote of DEFERENTIAL may be accompanied by a Bribery Cost for that vote, being a positive, integer amount of Influence. (If no Bribery Cost is specified, the vote's Bribery Cost defaults to 5 Influence.)
Replace "giving 5 Influence" with "paying its Bribery Cost".

Draft Proposal: Time for GNDT II
Instantiate the following fields in the OrgDT: Abbrv., Reality Index, Controller. Set the Reality Index and Controller as appropriate for each organisation. Let the Controlling player for each organisation set the abbrv. field to any three-character (or less) symbol e likes that has not yet been taken by another organisation.
If Proposal: Pick Your Own Take 3...With Bonus Features passed, strike the following text, modify the first three paragraphs as follows, (strikethroughs are deletions, boldface are additions. Set additions to plainface upon enactment and addition to the ruleset).
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, a unique abbrevation of no more than three characters and a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero). All properties of these organisations are tracked in the Organisation Data Tracker, or OrgDT.
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations. This control is tracked as a list of their abbrevations in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati., with the Reality Indices given in brackets after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend X points of its own Influence, where X is at least 12, to create a new Organisation with a Reality Index of X, and gain control of it (provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus). E must then create the organisation in the OrgDT, and set all appropriate fields to their starting value, including the 'Controller' as eirself.
If Kevan adds a Veto Icon to eir comment, do not add that final sentence, and instead add 'E must then add a post to the blog frontpage, with the title "Make Organisation X Y's", where X is the name of the organisation and Y is eir name'
If Proposal: Pick Your Own Take 3...With Bonus Features fails, do not create a field entitled 'Reality Index' and reword rule 11 (the world) to (as above boldface is the additions):
A number of Organisations exist in the World; Illuminati may control any number of them, and such control is tracked as a list of their abbreviations, in a single GNDT field. Furthermore, in the OrgDT, each Organisation shall have its controller listed in an OrgDT field.
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend 25 of its own Influence to create a new Organisation and gain control of it, provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus. The Illuminatus must then create the Organisation in the OrgDT, set all fields as appropriate, with the abbreviation being no more than three characters long and unique, and the controller set to eirself.
Once again, if Kevan replies with a veto icon in addition to eir standard voting icon, do not make the change to the last sentence, and replace it with the sentence given for said contingency above.
I think that's all we need to change. This allows us to assign all sorts of fields to the orgs that does apply to the standard players, while at the same time making the two lists linked. The abbreviations were introduced to allow the lists in the GNDT to not be quite as long, though we still allow the long names in the ruleset and the OrgDT.

My votes may be purchased at a discount
But that's not all! I also have a price-match guarantee. I'll match anyone else's legitimate offer which exists at the time of your purchase.
Don't delay! Tamper with the vote today!
Proposal: You You You Not You
An Illuminatus may apply to get on the Official List of an Organisation of which e is not a member, by privately contacting the Controller of that Organisation with a message containing the phrase "Am I In?" and the name of the particular Organisation. If the Controller replies to the request within 48 hours with the phrase "You're In" and the name of the particular Organisation, then the Controller may and must add the applicant's name to the Official List of that Organisation, and must notify the Illuminatus Rex that e is doing so.

Proposal: Pick Your Own Take 3...With Bonus Features
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, and a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero).
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations. This control is tracked as a list in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati, with the Reality Indices given in brackets after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend X points of its own Influence, where X is at least 12, to create a new Organisation with a Reality Index of X, and gain control of it (provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus).
An Illuminatus may also attempt to take Control of an Organisation controlled by another Illuminatus. In order for an Illuminatus to attempt this, e must be on the Official List of that Organisation, have at least twice the Influence of the Controller of the Organisation, and not have any other attempted takeovers pending. If these Conditions are met, then the Illuminatus may make a post to the blog entitled "Attempted Takeover: [Organisation]" and must include, within this post, a whole number N with a value less than eir current Influence. The Illuminatus Rex must then respond to this post in one of two ways, depending on the legality of the Takeover and the value of N. If the attempted takeover is legal (as defined in the second sentence of this paragraph) and N is greater than the sum of the Influence values of all other Illuminati on the Official List of that Organisation, then the Illuminatus Rex must respond with a :FOR: vote, subtract N from the Influence of the Illuminatus taking over, switch Control of the Organisation in the GNDT, remove the previous Controller of the Organisation from the Organisation's Official List, and send a copy of the Member List to the new Controller. If, however, the necessary conditions are not met, or N is not greater than the sum of the Influence values of all other Illuminati on the Official List of the Organisation, then the Illuminatus Rex must respond with an :AGAINST: vote, remove the Illuminatus attempting the takeover from the Organisation's Official List, and subtract N from that Illuminatus's Influence.
Any Organisations which were created prior to this Rule's enactment shall have their Reality Index set to 25, unless their owner used the word "fnord" in their vote on this proposal, in which case the Organisations belonging to that Illuminatus shall be dissolved, and the Illuminatus refunded 25 Influence per dissolved Organisation. In addition, if at least 6 of the FOR votes for this proposal are preceded by the word "Junkyard," then the paragraph beginning "An Illuminatus may also" shall not be added to the ruleset.
I fixed the insta-win loophole of the previous "pick your own" attempts (by increasing the minimum creation cost), and added a twist so as not to be entirely derivative.

Proposal: Power in a Timely Fashion

Thursday, May 26, 2005
#15, which is not a Sequence, by Gobleteer
All values in "Logics". ;)
TheExalabur 5 Logics
AngryGrasshopper 5 Logics
Gobleteer 0 Logics, Current Puzzler
Puzzle # 5, OpenThere is a game called "Fill". On each turn, a player fills in any 1, 2, or 3 of 15 bubbles. There can be no ties. Which player wins in a perfect game, and why?
If I can't understand you, you're wrong; remember I'm in high school. :P
Puzzle #4
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
+5 Logic AngryGrasshopper.
Puzzle #3(Gobleteer), Closed
1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31
Come ON. Someone needs to answer one of these sequences. I know someone can figure them out.
+5 Logic Exalabur, 0 Logic AngryGrasshopper.
Puzzle #2(Gobleteer), Open
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 8, 8, 23, 49, 72, 163, 315, 550
This sequence starts at the 3. Hope you read the hint I hadd up, as I've deleted the illegal version!
Puzzle #1(Gobleteer) , Open
4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Please post any answers that would work minus the first number as well. As a hint, I'm continuing roughly the same vein as AG at first.
As a hint, another sequence.
1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
Proposal: Influential Influence
Move the entire text of rule 13 to rule the end of rule 10, and delete rule 13.
Also append to the end of rule 10 the following text:
If an Illuminatus' Influence has not changed in the past 23 hours, e may change it by up to 5 points.
If Proposal: Dictator Apathy passed, append the following to the rule created thereby, otherwise, create a new rule entitled "Voting Shenanigans" with the text:
An Illuminatus may reduce eir influence by 21 to add one additional vote for or against a proposal, with a comment indicating that this rule was invoked. This vote does not contribute to the proposal reaching quorum, but otherwise acts as a standard vote. Further votes may be added, each costing twice what the previous one did (i.e., 42 for the second, 84 for the third, and so on).
An Illuminatus may also veto any proposal by reducing eir influence by 250 and adding a Veto icon in place of a standard voting icon, along with a comment indicating that this rule was invoked.

Technical Query for Kevan: GNDT
(I may be able to hack it if you're busy.. my perl's weak, but does exist)
Proposal: Cleanse

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Proposal: What you don't read in the newspapers
Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g, British English, American English, Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
Create a new rule titled "Organization Powers":
No more than once per day, an Illuminatus who controls at least one Organization may attempt to quantify the game effects of that Organization's connections, influence, cash, and general secret society clout by posting an entry to the front page with the subject "Tentative Powers, Organization X", where X is an Organization under eir control.
The body of the text of that post must begin with the phrase "The Illuminatus who controls Organization X may...", and should be concluded by a list of game abilities, in the opinion of the Illuminatus making the Proposal, that are fitting for the Organization and the general theme of the game.
If the Illuminatus Rex marks the post with a FOR vote, then the body of the "Tentative Powers" post is appended to this rule and becomes rule text. If e marks the post with an AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL, or VETO vote, or more than one vote, then no action is taken and no rule text shall be appended to this rule. In the case that the Illuminatus Rex blocks a change defining Organization powers, e may optionally explain the reason for moving against such a change, e.g.,, proposed changes are too powerful, generally broken, or those that tend to prejudicially effect the balance of the game, changes are thematically unrelated to the Organization in question, etc.
If this Proposal is Enacted and the plurality of FOR or DEFERENTIAL votes contain the phrase "Spelling Only", then the rule "Organization Powers" is automatically repealed and is not added to the Ruleset.

Proposal: New Puzzles
Repeal Rule 34
Sequences #11, 12, 13, 14, and TheExalibur's Influence change are still legal.
Add a new rule, titled "Puzzler Sequences"
One per day or when the latest sequence is solved, to a maximum of twice per day, the Puzzler may post a Sequence to the main page. Illuminatus Gobleteer is the current Puzzler.
A Sequence is a post with the title "Sequence #N", where N is an indexing number, with a sequence of numbers (in any field) as the body of the post. Sequences are Open or Closed. All Sequences are Open when they are posted. Each Sequence is noted with the posting Puzzler's name.
Any Illuminatus, except Puzzler, may attempt to answer an Open Sequence by posting a reply with no less then the next six terms of that sequence, and optionally the rule that generates the terms of the sequence.
The Puzzler shall judge whether or not an answer to the Sequence is correct. If the Puzzler judges an answer satisfactory, then e shall respond to that comment with a FOR vote, which Closes the Sequence and signifies that the answer was substantially correct. Answers are judged chronologically. If different answers are posted to an Open Sequence that satisfy the initial data, the Puzzler may at eir discretion mark one or more answers as correct by posting FOR votes as responses to those comments.
An Illuminatus that correctly answers a Sequence has eir Influence increased by 5. The Puzzler may further add or subtract up to 2 points per Sequence for aesthetics and presentation at eir discretion.
All Sequences shall be listed in the SequenceLog with their status (Open or Closed), and their solutions, if Closed. Each shall be noted with the posting Illuminatus' name. If a single Illuminatus has solved more than half the Puzzles(which are Sequences posted by the current Puzzler), and there are at least three Puzzles, then that Illuminatus becomes the Puzzler. If the Puzzler is no longer able to legally post a Sequence for any reason, or annoucnes that e wishes to resign, whoever has solved the most Puzzles becomes the Puzzler. Whenever the Puzzler changes, an Admin should modify the second sentence of this rule to reflect the current Puzzler, and an announcement should be posted to the Blog.
If there is a tie for number of Puzzles solved, then the Illuminatus with the lowest Influence becomes the Puzzler.
Anyone feel free to add stuff other than Sequences you'd like to see. Please ignore the current situation until this is passed or failed. I have removed the "Computer" restrictions, as e no longer gives Sequences, and changed the passing of the Puzzler title to only be pased on the last Puzzler's Puzzles, which is what I meant to do the first time. And of course, removed bad references.

call for opinion: reconsidering judgment
I now think a Call for Judgment should stop the game in the same way a Declaration of Victory does, with the exception that other Calls for Judgment could be posted in response to it. This would solve the problem of CfJs getting lost in the queue, as well as the problem of CfJs coming into effect after being made obsolete by gamestate changes.
The main problem is that the game would lose momentum after hitting a brick wall like this. Maybe players would think twice about invoking a CfJ with game-stopping effects? Or maybe a system could be devised to make it harder to invoke a CfJ?
Sequence #14(Gobleteer)
Proposal: Fixies Mark II. Fjord.
Change the Glossary entry
"References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog."
"References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog, which is considered to be GMT for all purposes."
Gobleteer is an admin
I'm tired of waiting for the Puzzles to be posted. I don't know a thing about the rules. ;)

notice: puzzler rule still exists
Proposal: Puppet Trees, Part I
In Rule 11 - The World, change:
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, and a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero).
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations; Organisations may be joint-controlled by multiple Illuminati if rules allow it. This control is tracked as a list in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati, with the Reality Indices given in brackets after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
A number of Organisations exist, each one with a Name, a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of One) and an Influence Trait (with a minimum of Zero).
The Influence Trait of an Organisation may never be greater than its Reality Index.
A newly created Organisation has an Influence Trait of Zero.
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations; Organisations may be joint-controlled by multiple Illuminati if rules allow it. This control is tracked as a list in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati, with the Reality Indices and Influence Traits given in brackets and separated by slashes after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index or Influence Trait changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Give all currently existing Organisation an Influence Trait of Zero.
Should we make the Organisations GNDT player-like entries and list their controllers as a GNDT field?

Proposal: Pick Your Own, Take 2
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, and a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero).
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations; Organisations may be joint-controlled by multiple Illuminati if rules allow it. This control is tracked as a list in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati, with the Reality Indices given in brackets after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend X points of its own Influence, where X is greater than 0, to create a new Organisation with a Reality Index of X, and gain control of it (provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus).

Any Organisations which were created prior to this Rule's enactment shall have their Reality Index set to 25, unless their owner used the word "fnord" in their vote on this proposal, in which case the Organisations belonging to that Illuminatus shall be dissolved, and the Illuminatus refunded 25 Influence per dissolved Organisation.
Proposal: Dictator Apathy
Any Illuminatus may amend any vote of DEFERENTIAL to either FOR or AGAINST by giving 5 Influence to the Illuminatus who cast the vote, and replying to the DEFERENTIAL vote with a comment containing two voting icons - DEFERENTIAL, followed by the changed vote. The DEFERENTIAL vote is then considered changed, and the Illuminatus who cast it may not vote again on that Proposal.

Proposal: Pick Your Own
Reword Rule 11 (The World) to:-
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, and a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero).
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations; Organisations may be joint-controlled by multiple Illuminati if rules allow it. This control is tracked as a list in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati, with the Reality Indices given in brackets after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend X points of its own Influence to create a new Organisation with a Reality Index of X, and gain control of it (provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus).
Any Organisations which were created prior to this Rule's enactment shall have their Reality Index set to 25, unless their owner used the word "fnord" in their vote on this proposal, in which case the Organisations belonging to that Illuminatus shall be dissolved, and the Illuminatus refunded 25 Influence per dissolved Organisation.

Proposal: Who/What/Where/When/Why
Each Organisation has an Official List, which contains the names of all members of the Organisation.
The Controller of an Organisation has a copy of that Organisation's Official List, and the power to alter it, in accordance with the ruleset.
The Illuminatus Rex has a copy of each Organisation's Official List. Whenever the Controller of an Organisation alters the contents of that Organisation's official list, that Controller must contact the Illuminatus Rex, stating the nature of the alteration, in order for the alteration to be legal.
When an Illuminatus creates a new Organisation, both that Illuminatus and the Illuminatus Rex must create an Official List for that Organisation, with the creating Illuminatus as the sole member.
When an Illuminatus takes Control of an Organisation from another Illuminatus, then the Illuminatus Rex must send a copy of the Official List of that Organisation to the new Controller of that Organisation, so that e can have one.
Upon the Enactment of this proposal, each Controller of an Organisation shall create an Official List for that Organisation, with emself as the sole member, and the Illuminatus Rex shall create Official Lists for each Organisation, with the Controller of the Organisation as the sole member.
I was going to add methods of joining Organisations, but I figure that can go in another proposal

New Player
Quorum rises to 11.
(Actually, it seems it stays at ten due to Heiwa being idled)
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Proposal: Assult and bibery.
Any Illuminatus may transfer a whole number of eir influence from eirself to another Illuminatus.
There's no use being a conspiritor if you can't bribe people.

Sequence #13(Gobleteer)
Come ON. Someone needs to answer one of these sequences. I know someone can figure them out.
Proposal: New admininstration staff
Anything else that I should write?

Legal Admin Proposal?
I could certainly use the admin help.
Proposal: Tin foil Hats
Create a rule, "Tinfoil Hats", with the text
Illuminati with Tinfoil Hats lose 5 Influence per day. If an Illuminatus with a Tinfoil Hat fails to reduce eir logic for two successive days, the Illuminatus Rex may set eir Influence to any value e likes that is lower than eir current Influence, to a minimum of 0.
If at any time any crewmember violates a rule any Illuminatus may make a post entitled "X needs a Tinfoil Hat" to the BlogNomic weblog, where X is the name of the Illuminatus who violated the rule, and the body of the posting contains details of the rules violation. The affected Illuminatus' logic is then set to its negative, if positive, or doubled, if negative. In the special case when eir logic is 0, set it to -1. Note that mistakes made in the GNDT may not be the subject of this rule if corrected within 42 minutes of being made.
For instance, say that crewmember Shea posts four proposals in one day, and has a logic of 13. Any Illuminatus may then add a post to the blog stating "Shea needs a Tinfoil Hat" to the front page, with the violated rule (3) in the body. Shea's logic is then set to -13. If Shea already had negative logic, say -3, then eir logic would be set to -6.
Basically, if you are a crazy loon you lose all your influence (slowly) and if you break the rules you're crazy. Tinfoil Hats just seem to fit, somehow.

Proposal: UTC/GMT/Z
References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in Universal Coordinated Time of the BlogNomic blog.
If the majority of people voting for this proposal include the text "GMT" in their comments, replace "Universal Coordinated Time" with "Greenwich Mean Time"
If the majority of people voting for this propsal include the text "Z" in their comment, replace "Universal Coordinated Time" with "Zulu Time"
(These are all completely equivilant.. pick your country...)

Un-idle me please
Monday, May 23, 2005
No fair! *pouts*
Un-idle me, please
Proposal: Sublime
Each Organisation has a Reality Index. This number is determined as follows: For each letter, in order, of the word "Shockwave" found, in order, in the name of the Organisation, add one point of Reality Rating from a start of 0. If the consecutive letters "Wave" are contained in the name, subtract 3; if the consecutive letters "Shock" are contained, subtract 4; if the consecutive letters "Shockwave" are contained, subract 1 more. All of these stack. The final Reality Index should be noted in parentheses after the Organisation name. Gibberish(non-word) names will please not be used, or names of more than three words. And Admin may, at the Admin's initiative, allow an Illiminatus to change a name. This is intended to be the "enforcement". Not if they come up with something better.
My idea is that these indices help you get influence, but they also draw attention from the populace if they're high. Is it really spelled "Organisation"? I have no idea.

Sequence #12(Gobleteer)
This sequence starts at the 3. Hope you read the hint I hadd up, as I've deleted the illegal version!
Proposal: Fixies
Change the phrase in rule 9 reading "by rules 2 and 6." to "by rules 2, 6, and 9." to avoid confusion.
Change the Glossary entry
"References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog."
"References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog, which is considered to be GMT for all purposes."
Reword a portion of text in Rule 2, which currently reads as follows,
Some Illuminati are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Illuminati who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation.
Some Illuminati are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Illuminati who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and a sponsoring admin should submit a Request for Adminhood to make that person an Admin. All Admins may vote on it, casting votes of FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL. If any admin votes AGAINST in the next two days(not including the day the Request was posted), then the Request fails; otherwise it passes and the e is made an Admin.Existing Admins may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation. The Illuminatus Rex may call for a revote at a later time; if a quorum of admins vote AGAINST, then that Admin is stripped of eir power.
Why waste a proposal? I modeled this off the Journeyman trial, for those who don't recognize it.

Proposal: Spell checking.
Admin Staff may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset at any
Admin Staff may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset and offical posts at any time.
This way no one has to worry to much about bad spelling.

May I apply...
Proposal: Everybody's got one
An Agenda is a Victory Condition which can be used only if it has been recorded as the Agenda of that Illuminatus by the Illuminatus Rex. This may be done in secret by emailing or otherwise contacting the Illuminatus Rex and indicating the Agenda of choice from the list in this rule. When the Illuminatus Rex has confirmed that choice then the Illuminatus has that Agenda. The Illuminatus Rex may deny the request.
The Illuminatus must also make a post to the blog announcing that they have selected an Agenda (although the exact one needn't be revealed). Agendas may be changed using the same process, but at most once per week.
An Illuminatus can only have one Agenda at a time.
All Agendas must be listed at the end of this rule. If an Agenda is no longer listed in this rule, then it may not be used.
Agenda #1: "Power Broker". An Illuminatus with this Agenda may declare Victory if it has 800 or more Influence.
Agenda #2: "Puppet Master". An Illuminatus with this Agenda may declare Victory if it controls 25 or more Organizations.
Agenda #3: "The AnarchiCosmic Order Of Fnord". An Illuminatus with this Agenda may declare Victory if the word "Fnord" has been used in a Proposal Title during this Dynasty by a number of different Illuminati equal or greater than the current Quorum.

The existance of Sequences.
Proposal: Puppetry
A number of Organisations exist in the World; Illuminati may control any number of them, and such control is tracked as a list, in a single GNDT field.
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend 25 of its own Influence to create a new Organisation and gain control of it, provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus.
If Influence doesn't exist, replace "25 of its own Influence" with "10 of its own Logic".

Proposal: Above the Influence
Every Illuminatus, including the Illuminatus Rex, has an Influence rating, tracked in the GNDT. This may be any integer value from 0 to 1000. All Illuminati begin with an Influence of 50.
And rename the rule to "Knowledge is Power".

Alert Mode: Blue
Proposal: Fixing stuff
Change "Computer" to "Illuminatus Rex" and "Crewmember to "Illuminatus"

Ascention address.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Wiki Regression?
Happy Birthday, Quazie
First Dynasty of Quazie
4th January 2005 to 25th January 2005
[Ascension Address][]
I had a dream last night. An octopus began to eat my brother’s liver as a hippopotamus
made of cheese helped me sneak across the Canadian border and infiltrate a tangelo
smuggling ring. This dream doesn’t even begin to describe the obscurities of this dynasty.
Having no theme wouldn’t be exactly what shall happen, but having a distinct one is not
true either. The random, the obscure, the impossible shall be all it can be.
I proclaim myself to be the GRAND POOBAH instead of the Overloard. Muffins shall
replace hordes and Stuff, shall replace brains. Years shall be in D.Q. (Despues de Quazie)
instead of A.E. (Anno EquitisRegis).
I would like to point out that Muffins are walking talking and in all right animate objects.
They can do everything that Muffins can do, and anything that muffins normally can’t.
this is just there so people who like to live by any sort of logic don’t say that we can’t be
muffins, which we can, and will be, for no other reason than I say so.
I shall immediately veto ‘A Victory for all seasons’, and ‘Jumping on the “I win”
All rules but 1-10 and 99 now go poof (or are repealed for those of you who may not
speak Quazie). So please before having them erased, make a copy for the Wiki, I thank
you for your time. I would like to have a locations like thing, but not the way that one is
worded, we'll work that out later.
Note that you should all be prepared for a dynasty filled with Stuff you wouldn’t normally
expect. There are many a trick up my sleeve, but if you are at least this tall you may ride
the ride, and experience what shall be forever known as the ascension of Blognomic’s
first GRAND POOBAH – Quazie.
Please keep arms and legs inside the ride at all times, for we shall be making many and
frequent trips out side of your normal reality. Thank you and enjoy your flight. There are
exits here, there, and immediately to Kevan’s left at all times.
And whomever does the color coordination for this nomic, I’d like a nice darkish orange
background, and maybe something off white for the other colors, all I know is that there
must be a darkish orange background, from there do whatever looks best without being
eye shattering, sure that would go with my ‘theme’, but heck I know I’m gonna be
looking at this often enough that I don’t want my eyes to die.
Just to note albeit hypocritical, I think we need to change the rules a bit so that you can
only win by achieving a victory condition set by the rules, although mine was similar ‘If
there is a horde who holds their own allegiance while all other hordes hold the allegiance
to another and can keep this state for a matter of a few days they win’, basically if the
mouse can survive in a world of cats, he wins, that’s how I saw it at least. It would have
been possible for someone to thwart my win condition if they tried and with Bens help,
all they had to do was move Heiwa. Oh well, let the fun begin.
Rule 10 referred to Points(Now Stuffs).
The veto symbol was a Q.[Copy from]
Players(all names in lowercase)
75th trombone, aaron, ben, blueberry(heiwa), cafemusique, cayvie*, cheater, chronos
phaenon*, cosmologicon, josh, knightking, orkboi, quazie*, simon, slipjig, smith,
Proposals of Interest
[Stuff It,]
Made Stuffs of a constantly changing nature. Stayed for the end ruleset.
Added a number of positions, 1-9. Kevan is an awesome guy.
‘Flavor’ gave Muffins special abilities.
[Let's Free Fall again,]
Added a game of “Tag” to the positions - if you’re ‘It’, you rise in position.
[Who is John Galt?,]
Exceptionally good or bad proposals were given extra points one way or the other.
[Haiku are Yummy,]
Haiku (deemed to be any 5-7-5 syllable line post) in votes dropped the voter one position,
up to once per day.
[Into the Mystic,]
Added colors, which could be chosen by a majority when a new rule number was added.
Colors did not do anything.
[I really want to dance,]
Added Dance Offs, which let the winner get Stuff from the loser. Play was like
[Sleight of Hand,]
Added ‘Hands’ of italicized text which surrounded bits of words. There was also a
‘Switcheroo Alarm’. If a rule was changed, the Admin changing it could move an
ajoining hand, and then update the alarm to the current time, plus ten years. If the current
time was after the alarm, however, the text in the hands was switched instead of moving a
hand. If a player had posted “Shoo!” in the blog since the last move, the next rule change
HAD to involve a hand movement if possible. There were two pockets for the hands to
start in or revert to.
[Gold Into Straw,]
What is this?
[Muffins Roll,]
Added ‘jobs’ for the muffins.
[The Cornetto Proposal,]
Added notes and note histories to muffins - lists of their moves. If enough notes matched
between Muffins, they got bonuses.
[In your eye!,]
Let Muffins poke one another in the eye and change the pokee’s Flavor to Blind. This
stopped them from moving, changing Flavor, or dancing for 24 hours.
If a Muffin moved to an occupied position, that Muffin had to move out.
[Mystic River,]
Repealed Rule 17 - Mysticism... the one about the colors.
[That Sweet Muffin Music,]
Changed notes because of the new bouncing rule.
I don’t wanna.
John Galt is the main character in “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand, which is, incidentaly,
EVEEEEEER. Unless Ayn Rand has written worse books which I haven’t heard of. I am
quite serious, though. Ever. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER read this
book, NOT EVEN TO MOCK IT! If you do, I will personally hunt you down, give you
comfort and a cup of tea, and then PUNCH A LONG HOSE FILLED WITH TANGELO
-Your loving friend, Gobleteer.
DICEX, rather than DICE(6 sides), was added this dynasty.
Note: I couldn’t find the original Tag rule.
History compiled by Gobleteer. He is iffy on the players list. And I really mean it about
the ever.
Sequence solutions
Fix A_n to be the nth term of the sequence in question. All sequences start with n = 0.
Define Phi (n) to be Euler's totient function, or how many numbers are relatively prime to n; Phi (m) = #n such that n does not divide m.
Sequence #2: (difficult). A_n = 3^n modulo Phi (n).
For those of you who are unfamiliar with modular arithmetic, here is a link.
Wikipedia entry on modular arithmetic.
Difficult. Very difficult. I put this one up because the first two were so easy, and there were some complaints.
Sequence #3. (moderate). Define A_0 = Sin (1/2).
Then for n > 0, A_n = Sin (A_{n-1}), that is, iterate the Sin (x) function.
Sequence #6. (easy). A slight change of pace. #6 is a single substition cryptosystem. Let A = 0, B = 1, ... , Z = 25. Then the complete sequence should spell "Angry Grasshopper".
Sequence #8. (easy/moderate). Recursive, although the first two terms are omitted. A_{-2}=1,A_{-1} = 1, and
A_{n}= ( A_{n-1}+A_{n-2} ) \ A_{n-3}.
I felt that I had to omit A_{-2} and A_{-1}, otherwise the sequence was too easy.
Sequence #10. (moderate). Let p = 314159265, Pi_b be the binary representation of p, read backwards. Then A_n is the n+1th digit of Pi_b.
I tried my best to make sure that these sequences weren't in Sloans, and weren't too much of a Rorschach test. I hope that those of you who did work on the sequences had a fun time. =D