New Crew Member: Inauspicious
Let's have a big BlogNomic welcome for Inauspicious!
Once a Crew Member's Health hits zero, they are Dead and may not have their Health raised again, by any effect.
If all but one of the Crew are Dead, the remaining Crew Member may declare victory. If all of the Crew are Dead, the last Crew Member to die may declare victory. (If the last remaining Crew all died at the same time, then any of them may declare victory.)
Dead Crew Members may not change their Locations.
There are six Locations in and around the ship that can provide some form of shelter for the Crew:-Enact a new Rule, "Aliens":-Crew's Locations are tracked in the GNDT, and they may move themselves to another Location at any time. All Crew begin on the Bridge.
- The Bridge
- The Galley
- The Engine Room
- The Cargo Hold
- The Drilling Rig
- The Caves
Shadowy aliens are massing around the perimeter of the crater that the ship rests in, and they will periodically launch attacks on the crew. If the aliens haven't attacked for more than four days, any Crew Member may resolve an alien attack by posting a GNDT comment of "Alien Attack: DICE". The number rolled should be looked up on the list of Locations in the previous Rule - all Crew in that Location lose 50 Health, and the resolving Crew Member should post a blog entry detailing the attack.
(The aliens are holding back to begin with, however, and may not attack before the 6th of June 2004. Any Admin may remove this paragraph on or after that date.)
Each player's suppy of food (measured in units equal to one day's supply for one person) is tracked in the GNDT.
A Crew Member may eat one unit of their food at any time by removing it from their inventory.
Each Crew Member can go 48 hours without eating. If a Crew Member has not eaten or had their Health lowered for not eating withing the past 48 hours, any Crew Member may lower their Health by 10.
If a new Crew Member joins they receive an amount of food equal to the average Food of all other Crew Members (rounded up).
Once per day, in place of consuming a unit of their food supply, a crew member may choose to eat some of Nadil-5's indigenous vegation. To do so, post a comment to the GNDT saying "Foraging: DICE"
If a 1, 2, or 3 is rolled, the plant was edible and the Crew Member is no longer hungy. If a 4 is rolled, the plant was poisonous and the Crew Member loses 5 Health and is no longer hungry. If a 5 is rolled the plant contained sprores, the Crew Member's Spores goes up by one, and they are no longer hungry. If a 6 is rolled, roll again and perform the action appropriate to your new roll. If 6 is rolled twice in a row the Crew Member's Health is reduced to 0.
If at any time a Crew Member's Health is 0 they are considered dead, and "R.I.P." is added after their name in the sidebar.
Dead Crew Members may not gain Health and are not considered Crew Members for the purpose of non-core rules other than this one.
R.I.P. : These Crew Members are deceased.
Each Minor God has control of one burgeoning race of insects, with the aim of guiding it to genetic superiority. Each race is described in the gamestate by 4 generalised characteristic-based statistics, Strength, Speed, Intelligence and Community Spirit (or STR, SPD, INT and COM). These are tracked, along with each species' name, in the GNDT, and may not be changed unless provision for such exists within the ruleset.
At any point, a Minor God may abandon their race and start afresh. When creating a new race, the Minor God may apportion 5 points among their statistics and create a new name for their race. Once these details have been entered into the GNDT, that race is considered to have been created, and thus those fields may not be altered unless provisions for such alterations exist within the ruleset.
No numeric field in the gamestate may be reduced to a negative value unless the ruleset specifically provides for it to do so.
Each Crew Member has a value called Damage, which represents the amount of damage to the ship that Crew Member has been ordered to fix. Every Crew Member has an initial Damage value of 15. Crew Members may transfer their Damage to lower-ranking Crew Members. The ship can not leave the planet until all Damage values have reached zero.
The Computer cannot take any other game actions until it has posted an entry to the BlogNomic blog clearly and truthfully specifying the number of Saboteurs among the Crew (if any). After it has done so, any Admin may repeal this rule.
Whenever an Admin times a proposal out, he or she may assign the Red Shirt to a random Ensign who failed to cast a vote on that Proposal.
In the event that there is a tie for highest rank, the Computer will decide which one of the tied Crew Members may declare victory.