Proposal: Xerox Knows What You Do
Enact a new rule: "Copy Machine":
At any time, for a cost of 5 Dignity, a Teamsperson may "use the copier" to
create a duplicate of any paper in their inbox or outbox, which is then placed
in the same box. Unfortunately, it's an old monochrome model, so the duplicates automatically have the colours Black and White, instead of the original colours. (Note: This does not remove the original paper, just makes a new one of Black and White.)
In addition, the copier may be used for "non-business purposes." Such a paper is labeled with a color of "NB," and automatically goes to the creating Teamsperson's outbox. Non-Business papers may be moved to any other Teamspersons outbox at no cost, at anytime. A non-business paper costs 15 Dignity to create.
This rule doesn't seem to do much right now, but it opens up some interesting possibilities for future use, especiall the NB (aka, Joke) papers.