In Rule 21 (Imperial Bankruptcy), replace the text "If each and every subject possesses" with "If a number of subjects equal to or greater than Quorum possess".

By Imperial Decree, I hereby appoint Nea as our new Grand Vizier. I'm certain she will do a great job. Congratulations, Nea!
Fellow citizens of Blognomic, it gives me great pleasure to accept the mantle of Empress from our last beloved Emperor, Myke, who sadly has left us much too soon. With Myke goes his legacy of humor, intelligence, and wit, as well as his incredible tenacity and fervor for Blognomic. We shall miss him, and anticipate that he shall one day return.
I must admit that it was my hope that if ever I should become Empress, it should be because of my own skill, and of late I find that I certainly did not feel I was coming any closer to achieving that goal. Alas, it seems that out of the kindness of his heart Myke has bestowed the Mantle upon me, and I am grateful to him. Imagine my surprize!
As Empress of Blognomic, I promise to be just in all decisions, aid my fellow Citizens, and direct affairs not for my personal gain, but for the gain of my subjects. I promise to come down hard and swift upon offenders, and to praise and reward those loyal and helpful to the Empire.
I look forward to leading you toward a great and shining future!
~Empress Lyndse~
[Kevan, please contact me ASAP about the new color schemes and such for my first Dynasty]