Proposal : One Hat Each [Trivial]
In Rule 18 (Dynasties), replace "may appoint any Player as Grand Vizier for that Dynasty" with "may appoint any Subject as Grand Vizier for that Dynasty".
[ The Empress shouldn't be able to appoint herself, of course. Note, incidentally, that there is no current Vizier, as Lyndse was only appointed by Myke as Vizier "for that Dynasty". ]
Enacted by Kevan, Friday the 23rd, 4 Gold to Kevan
In Rule 18 (Dynasties), replace "may appoint any Player as Grand Vizier for that Dynasty" with "may appoint any Subject as Grand Vizier for that Dynasty".
[ The Empress shouldn't be able to appoint herself, of course. Note, incidentally, that there is no current Vizier, as Lyndse was only appointed by Myke as Vizier "for that Dynasty". ]

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