Proposal: Indulging With Knowledge
[This is a revision of my last proposal, taking into account Kevan's advice about people abusing such a privelege. Also, for the trouble such an entry may cause to the players of the blog, I made claiming successive entry points more lucrative (two gold as opposed to one); and I also think this will encourage the players to read one another's blogs and pay close attention to them. If anyone is concerned about people claiming points that they don't deserve, they can just check up on their fellow players. Basically, don't claim extra points if your post isn't worth the trouble it may stir up.]
I propose to Change the last paragraph of "Rule 9: Gold:"
"A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog, for a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted)."
"A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog; and two gold for each successive entry on a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted; Claiming points for successive entries in the GNDT should be marked with an "Extra Post" comment)."
and adding the following:
"Points for successive entries may only be claimed if the entry meets the requirement of being one paragraph (five sentences) long; if such a successive post is questionably unworthy of reward (due to the nature, content, or length of the entry), any player may ask for a call for judgement on it. If the vote is in favor of removing points, the Grand Vizier shall remove the points from the offending player." Failed by Kevan, Monday the 19th, -2 Gold to Lyndse, 2 Gold to Kevan
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