Proposal: Malice Queen
Add a new player field to the GNDT, called 'Water Cooler'.
Add a new rule, entitled 'Gossip'.
At any time, and Teamsperson may create a new piece of gossip by spending 15 Dignity. They do this by messaging an admin with the piece of gossip, which must take the following format:
'Subject' 'flavour text' ('effect').
For example:
'Kevan is off his diet (lose 15 dignity)'.
'ChinDoGu comes to work with a hangover every morning (cannot recieve Blue papers)'.
The effect may only apply to the subject of the gossip. The Subject must be an active, non-idle Teamsperson. The flavour text has no effect.
The Admin then adds this new gossip to the Gossip field of the GNDT and posts to that effect on the BlogNomic weblog. Admins may not apply their own gossip; they must get another admin to do it for them. No Admin has to add any Gossip they are approached with if they choose not to.
Any player may change their own Gossip field to any piece of current Gossip at any time. The piece of Gossip which has been selected by the most Teamspersons is set to the player Water Cooler's Gossip field. This must be changed whenever it ceases to be correct. The piece of gossip active in Water Cooler's Gossip field is known as the Active Gossip.
For each 24 hour period that the Active Gossip remains active, its Subject looses 5 Dignity. The stated effect of the Gossip also remains in effect, although this effect is only considered to occur once.
The Subject of the Gossip may email the applying Admin at any time, trying to guess who proposed the gossip. Should they get this right, the Gossip is deleted and has no further effect, and the proposer of the gossip looses 20 Dignity. The Subject may only guess in this manner once per day.
Gossip is deleted from the field if seven days have passed without it having been the Active Gossip. There may not be more than one piece of currect Gossip about any Teamsperson. A value of '-' or no gossip in the Gossip column of the GNDT is considered Gossip for the purposes of deciding the Active Gossip (i.e. if more people have no gossip in their Gossip column than anything else, then '-' is the Active Gossip). The District Manager may delete any Gossip he chooses at any time, unless he himself is the Subject of that Gossip.