BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, January 24, 2004
This week's constest was posted on Thursday, and I said for it to resolve "by this time Monday." I also said something about having 72 hours. This is, obviously, incorrect. The contest will end after 96 hours, at 7:46 PM GMT.
Friday, January 23, 2004
As threatened in comments to an earlier proposal, I've moved the BlogNomic History into a set of static, easily-browsable pages. Keitalia claimed 20 Power for writing a History that hasn't appeared yet - send a copy to me and I'll sort things out.
Would I be right in assuming that all the unattributed Histories were written by Damanor?
Would I be right in assuming that all the unattributed Histories were written by Damanor?
I think it's about time we replaced that Thing-Dynasty logo with something else - I've grabbed some swirly elemental picture from the web and written "BlogNomic" on it, for lack of any better ideas. I await your angry CfJs. (If anyone, chiefly the Archmage, wants to change it back, just rename the file to "bnthing.jpg" in the template, and alter its dimensions to 200x99.)
Proposal: Kevanesque [trivial]
Add four new Spells:
Edited on 1/26/04 at 1:26 am GMT.
Failed by Kevan, 28th Jan - timed out, 1 vote to 2. -5 to Brendan, +1 to Kevan.
Benevolence of the Manatee
x Water
The x in the cost of Benevolence of the Manatee is the number of other Sorcerers in the casting Sorcerer's School. A Sorcerer must have Balance greater than 4 to cast Benevolence of the Manatee. Benevolence of the Manatee has no effect on Sorcerers with a Benevolence Effect. On casting Benevolence of the Manatee, the casting Sorcerer gains 1 Balance.
Each other Sorcerer in the casting Sorcerer's School gains a "Benevolence" Effect, tracked in the GNDT. When a Sorcerer with a Benevolence Effect gains energy as part of his or her School's attunement, he or she may choose to destroy his or her Benevolence Effect to gain 1 Energy of any type.
Courage of the Mongoose
x Fire
The x in the cost of Courage of the Mongoose is the number of other Sorcerers in the casting Sorcerer's School. A Sorcerer must have Balance greater than 4 to cast Courage of the Mongoose. Courage of the Mongoose has no effect on its caster, or on any Sorcerer who already has a Courage effect, except that the Caster gains 1 Balance.
Courage of the Mongoose gives each other member of the caster's School the effect "Courage (timestamp)," where timestamp is the time of casting in the format hh:mm {am, pm} GMT. While a Sorcerer has a Courage effect, if he or she has his or her Power reduced by another Sorcerer's Spell, he or she may attempt to ignore it by rolling DICE-5. If the result is 1, that Sorcerer gains back all Power lost to the ignored Spell.
If the timestamp on a Courage effect is older than 12 hours, any Sorcerer may destroy that Courage effect. Once a Courage effect is destroyed, a Sorcerer may no longer attempt to ignore Spells cast during its duration.
Cunning of the Armadillo
3 Air
A Sorcerer must have a Balance with an absolute value <= 3 to cast Cunning of the Armadillo. On casting, choose Sorcerer A and Sorcerer B, neither of whom may be the casting Sorcerer. Both chosen Sorcerers must have at least one non-Unique Gewgaw. Cunning of the Armadillo is not considered to affect either of these Sorcerers.
Choose one non-Unique Gewgaw held by Sorcerer A; Sorcerer A loses that Gewgaw, and Sorcerer B gains it. Choose one non-Unique Gewgaw held by Sorcerer B; Sorcerer B loses that Gewgaw, and Sorcerer A gains it.
Ring of Elephants
3 Earth
A Sorcerer must have a Balance greater than 4 to cast Ring of Elephants. Ring of Elephants gives another Sorcerer, who may not be the Caster, the effect "Ring of Elephants (4)," where the parenthetical is the number of Charges on Ring of Elephants. The caster of Ring of Elephants gains 1 Balance.
Spells that would damage a Sorcerer with a Ring of Elephants do not affect that Sorcerer, but remove one Charge from Ring of Elephants. Other Spells that would affect a Sorcerer who has a Ring of Elephants do nothing.
If a Sorcerer who has a Ring of Elephants effect casts a Spell or Crafts a Gewgaw, his or her Ring of Elephants is destroyed. If a Ring of Elephants ever has 0 or fewer Charges, any Sorcerer may destroy that Ring of Elephants effect.
Edited on 1/26/04 at 1:26 am GMT.

Proposal : Domination
[ Can we have a victory condition yet? ]
Add to the "Dispersion" rule:-
Enacted by Kevan, 28th Jan. +12 to Kevan.
Add to the "Dispersion" rule:-
If all but one School has been Dispersed, then the remaining School gains complete control of the magical energy of Serl - the Magus of that School becomes the Archmage, and may claim Ascension.

Call for Judgment
Squirrel gave himself 1 Air and said, in the GNDT:-
"(Retroactively change one of the Swirls to being cast by my new Stone Head. Not technically legal, but I could have done this at the time and forgot, so it's not exactly cheating either. Feel free to CfJ.)"
Come now. Given that "forgot" means "didn't think to", this seems a bit cheeky - if you make a move in a game, that move should stand, even if you realise later that you could have made a better one.
I suggest that Squirrel be forced to lose 1 Air.
"(Retroactively change one of the Swirls to being cast by my new Stone Head. Not technically legal, but I could have done this at the time and forgot, so it's not exactly cheating either. Feel free to CfJ.)"
Come now. Given that "forgot" means "didn't think to", this seems a bit cheeky - if you make a move in a game, that move should stand, even if you realise later that you could have made a better one.
I suggest that Squirrel be forced to lose 1 Air.
Proposal: If You Spin It, It Whistles [trivial]
Add a new Gewgaw:
Edited on 1.25.04 at 11:17 pm GMT to make this less powerful still.
Failed by Kevan, 28th Jan - timed out, 3 votes to 3, boringly. -5 to Brendan, +1 to Kevan.
Anbaric Dynamo
2 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Earth, 5 Power
Each Anbaric Dynamo starts with 0 Charges, and this is tracked in the GNDT. Any time another Sorcerer's Spell reduces the Power of the Sorcerer holding Anbaric Dynamo, the Sorcerer holding Anbaric Dynamo may gain either one point of Air Energy or one point of Fire Energy.
Each time a Spell is absorbed in this way, Anbaric Dynamo gains one Charge for each point of Energy the spell costs. For example, if Cayvie holds an Anbaric Dynamo and Bluebottle casts a Lightning Blast at him, Cayvie's Anbaric Dynamo gains two Charges. Any time any other Sorcerer's Spell affects the holder of Anbaric Dynamo but does not cause an absorption of Energy, Anbaric Dynamo gains one Charge.
If 24 hours elapse after the casting of a Spell on the holder of Anbaric Dynamo, and the holder of Anbaric Dynamo has not yet gained any Energy from that Spell, Anbaric Dynamo still gains Charges, but the holder of Anbaric Dynamo may not gain Energy from that Spell.
If at any time Anbaric Dynamo has 11 or more Charges, any Sorcerer may destroy Anbaric Dynamo and deal 20 Power damage to the holder of Anbaric Dynamo.
Edited on 1.25.04 at 11:17 pm GMT to make this less powerful still.

Proposal: Pour One for the Gipper [trivial]
Add a new Spell:
Failed by Kevan, 28th Jan - self-killed. -5 to Brendan, +1 to Kevan.
x Water
A Sorcerer must have Balance >= 5 to cast Benevolence. Benevolence gives 10 Power to each other member of the caster's School; x, in the cost, is the number of other members of that School. The caster does not receive any Power, but does gain 1 Balance.

Proposal: No time outs remaining (trivial)
In the rule titled "Proposals" change "Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired." to "Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed."
In the rule titled "Voting" add "DEFERENTIAL votes are ignored if the Archmage has not voted on that proposal." to the end of the second paragraph.
Reword the second and third paragraphs of The rule titled "Enactment" to
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset passed, in Rule - 5 Voting change "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial." to "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial' at the time of enactment, the Proposal becomes Trivial."
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset failed, delete Rule 7 - Time Out, and decrease the number of all following rules other than the glossary by one.
Failed by Kevan, 28th Jan - timed out, 1 vote to 5. -5 to Squirrel, +1 to Kevan.
In the rule titled "Voting" add "DEFERENTIAL votes are ignored if the Archmage has not voted on that proposal." to the end of the second paragraph.
Reword the second and third paragraphs of The rule titled "Enactment" to
If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if it is more than 48 hours old, there are a number of votes on the proposal (not including the proposer's assumed for vote) equal to or greater than one third of quorum (rounded down), and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal.
If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Sorcerers have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Sorcerer who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old, there are a number of votes on the proposal (not including the proposer's assumed for vote) equal to or greater than one third of quorum (rounded down), and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed.
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset passed, in Rule - 5 Voting change "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial." to "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial' at the time of enactment, the Proposal becomes Trivial."
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset failed, delete Rule 7 - Time Out, and decrease the number of all following rules other than the glossary by one.

Quorum is now 8.
Proposal: It's just a jump to the left... (trivial)
If it is possible, change the timezone of the comments to GMT to match the weblog and GNDT.
If it is not possible, change the timezone of the weblog and GNDT to EST to match the comments.
Failed by Alex, 3:00 am GMT 26th Jan; -5 to Squirrel, +1 to Bluebottle.
If it is not possible, change the timezone of the weblog and GNDT to EST to match the comments.

Proposal : Trigger Spell (Trivial) WITHDRAWN
Withdrawn before voting starts, due to kevans valid point.
Failed by Kevan, 25th Jan; timed out 1 vote to 4. (The rules didn't allow Proposals to be withdrawn, at the time that Chindogu attemted to withdraw this.) -5 to Chindogu, +1 to Kevan.

Thursday, January 22, 2004
Proposal: re-attunement
It looks likely that Dispersement is going to pass. Thus, apend Rule 14: Schools to include the following:
Enacted by Kevan, 25th Jan. +10 to Joranj, +2 to Kevan.
A Sorcerer who has been Dispersed from a school may join another school. To do so, they must first email the Magus of that school asking for his or her permission, which may be given at a price.
Sorcerers without Schools may choose to convert 2 points of power to 1 point of the Energy of their choice. They may only convert power to energy in this way once per 24 hour period. If they choose not to do this, they can regenerate 2 power instead.

Proposal: New Core Ruleset
[ A revamp of the Core Ruleset, as raised a while ago. ]
Repeal Rules 1-11 and replace them with the Rules given at, provided that the contents of the text file haven't changed between the time of this proposal being made, and the time of its enactment.
[ Easier to link than to post it all here; I've tacked a no-change clause on, for your peace of mind. ]
Enacted by Kevan, 25th Jan; timed out 7 votes to 0. +12 to Kevan.
Repeal Rules 1-11 and replace them with the Rules given at, provided that the contents of the text file haven't changed between the time of this proposal being made, and the time of its enactment.
[ Easier to link than to post it all here; I've tacked a no-change clause on, for your peace of mind. ]

Contest: He Who Dies With The Most Toys
Proposal: Constests has passed, and so...
The objective of this week's contest is to have as many Gewgaws in your inventory as possible by this time on Monday. That is, I'm giving you 72 hours to accumulate as many Gewgaws as you can, through whatever measures necessary. Unique Gewgaws do not count. In case of a tie, the Sorcerer with the most total Energy left over will be the winner. If it is still tied, the winner will be chosen randomly by the Archmage.
The prize:
20 Power, 5 Energy (divided however the winner wants), and the winner may set his/her balance to any integer between -20 and 20.
The objective of this week's contest is to have as many Gewgaws in your inventory as possible by this time on Monday. That is, I'm giving you 72 hours to accumulate as many Gewgaws as you can, through whatever measures necessary. Unique Gewgaws do not count. In case of a tie, the Sorcerer with the most total Energy left over will be the winner. If it is still tied, the winner will be chosen randomly by the Archmage.
The prize:
20 Power, 5 Energy (divided however the winner wants), and the winner may set his/her balance to any integer between -20 and 20.
Archmage Auctions
That's right, folks, it's time for another exciting episode.
This week's prize:
This Unique Gewgaw can assume the form and effect of any other non-Unique Gewgaw that you own, by paying whatever the original Gewgaw's price was, minus any Balance effects. It can change between different Gewgaws at most once a day.
This week's prize:
This Unique Gewgaw can assume the form and effect of any other non-Unique Gewgaw that you own, by paying whatever the original Gewgaw's price was, minus any Balance effects. It can change between different Gewgaws at most once a day.
The proposal "I'm gonna clean your clock" has passed - the BlogNomic weblog (and thus the game) is now back in the GMT timezone, five hours ahead of EST.
Proposal: Delegation (trivial)
Basically, I know minimal html, and I really don't know what I'm doing with updating the Dynasty Histories.
So, perhaps edit rule 11 to say:
Failed by Kevan, 25th Jan; timed out 1 vote to 1. -5 to Cayvie, +1 to Kevan
So, perhaps edit rule 11 to say:
11 - Our Glorious Past
There exist documents known has Dynasty Records. A Dynasty Record records events that took place during a Dynasty, noting the theme, the Archmage or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accuarately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. There also exists a position, nominated by the Archmage, called the Archivist. If any Dynasty (including Round 1) other than the current one has no Dynasty Record, then any Sorcerer may write one, and send it to the Archivist. It is the Archivist's responsibility to ensure that Dynasty records can be accessed by a link in the sidebar. Any player who writes a Dynasty Record receives 20 Power. The Archivist gets 5 Power for adding a Dynasty Record to the Archive.

Proposal: Spell-Life Crystal (Trivial)
I think that Life Crystal is too cheap and needs to be more expensive. Using only 3 water to gain 50 power is absurd.
Failed by Kevan, 25th Jan; timed out 3 votes to 5. -5 to Elazar, +1 to Kevan
Life Crystal
3 Water
Each Life Crystal starts with 50 Power, and this is tracked in the GNDT. Whenever a Crystal wearer chooses to spend Power, they may spend it from their Life Crystal instead of their own reserve.
Life Crystal
5 Water
Each Life Crystal starts with 50 Power, and this is tracked in the GNDT. Whenever a Crystal wearer chooses to spend Power, they may spend it from their Life Crystal instead of their own reserve.

Question about clay walls.
Is your clay wall destroyed if you cast a spell that changes your Balance?
I'm withdrawing myself from the game. Thanks for the fun.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Proposal: New Toys for evil and good (Trivial)
Add the following Gegaws to the gegaw list.
Enacted by Cayvie, 25th Jan. 4:49 GMT
Holy Relic
1 Fire, 1 Air, 1 Earth, 1 Water, 10 Power
The Posser of a holy relic may (if they wish), at any time when they are directed to gain balance, instead gain twice the specified amount, simply by mentioning the relic in the GNDT
Unholy Relic
1 Fire, 1 Air, 1 Earth, 1 Water, 10 Power
The Posser of an Unholy relic may (if they wish), at any time when they are directed to lose balance, instead lose twice the specified amount, simply by mentioning the relic in the GNDT

Proposal: Please Give Generously [trivial]
Add a new Spell:
Again, suggestions welcome.
Vetoed by Cayvie, 25th Jan. 4:48 AM GMT
Raw Sacrifice
15 Power
Gain 1 unit of any Energy.
Again, suggestions welcome.

Proposal: There's a Hole in the Bucket [trivial]
Add a new Spell:
Edited on 1/23/04 at 3:17 am GMT.
Failed by Cayvie (time-out), 24rd Jan. 20:05 GMT
Bubble Shield
1 Water, 1 Air
The Sorcerer casting this Spell (the Shielded Sorcerer) gains the effect "Bubble Shield (timestamp)," where timestamp is the time of casting in the format hh:mm {am, pm} [ZONE].
As long as this effect is in place, no other Sorcerer's offensive Spells affecting the Shielded Sorcerer have any effect. An offensive Spell is defined as one that would reduce the caster's Balance, or one that would reduce the Shielded Sorcerer's Power. Spells affecting only the Shielded Sorcerer's Gewgaws are not included in this restriction.
Instead, the Sorcerer casting the offensive Spell to affect the Shielded Sorcerer may roll DICE-2. If the result is a positive number, the Shielded Sorcerer loses that much Power.
At the end of 24 hours after Bubble Shield is cast, any Sorcerer may destroy the Bubble Shield effect on the Shielded Sorcerer.
Edited on 1/23/04 at 3:17 am GMT.

Proposal : Quadrilogy [Trivial]
Add another rotationally-symmetrical four-set of spells:-
Failed by Squirrel (self-killed), 23rd Jan. 15:22 GMT
Poison Dart
1 Water, 3 Fire
A chosen Sorceror becomes Poisoned. While they remain Poisoned, any Sorceror may deduct 10 Power from them if nobody else has done so earlier in the day. If a Healing Jet is administered to a Poisoned Sorceror, and if it rolls 7 or higher, then the Poison is removed.
1 Fire, 3 Air
Double all numbers (excluding the "6" in "D6", and adjust dice comments appropriately) in the effect section of the next spell that you cast.
1 Air, 3 Earth
Every Sorceror (including the caster) takes 3D6 damage. (The caster must make a huge comment of "Name (DICE+DICE+DICE)" for each Sorceror, when expending the energy.) Caster gets -1 Balance.
Fountain of Life
1 Earth, 3 Water
Every Sorceror gains 20 Power. Caster gets +1 Balance.

Proposal : Dusty Bin [Trivial]
[ Hmm, Dust Storm becomes very powerful in time-limited combats - one School could easily shut down another, during a Dispersion, and any time-based Contest would become a race to cast the first Dust Cloud. Perhaps a way for a benevolent outsider to remove a Cloud is in order... ]
Add a new Spell:-
Enacted by Squirrel, 23rd Jan. 15:16 GMT
Add a new Spell:-
1 Air
Destroy a Dust Cloud.

Proposal : School Dispersion
Enact a new Rule, "Dispersion":-
If the Proposal I'll Come In Again failed, replace "the Magus" with "any member".
Enacted by Squirrel, 23rd Jan. 15:13 GMT
If no Dispersion intentions are already pending, then the Magus of a School may declare an intention to Disperse another (specific) School, by posting such an entry to the BlogNomic weblog.
The Dispersion Battle will begin at the next midnight (in the timezone of the BlogNomic weblog), and will last for exactly 24 hours, during which the two Schools shall engage in magical warfare, with however much outside assistance as they are able to muster.
At the end of those 24 hours, whichever of the two Schools has the lowest total Power is Dispersed - its members are removed from the School, and lose any remaining Energy of the elements associated with that School.
Currently, no Schools have been Dispersed. (Any Admin may update this paragraph to reflect the Dispersion of a School.)
A Sorceror may not join a School which has been Dispersed.
If the Proposal I'll Come In Again failed, replace "the Magus" with "any member".

Proposal : Update Steam Conduit [TRIVIAL]
That Steam Conduit be updated to read
Enacted by Squirrel, 23rd Jan. 1:23 GMT
SPELL Steam Conduit
Cost 1 Water 1 Fire 5 Power
A chosen Sorceror loses 10 Power, and another chosen Sorceror gains 10 Power.
If the first target is not the caster, the caster loses 1 balance.
If the second target is not the caster, the caster gains 2 balance

Proposal: Contests
Enact the following rule:
I'm bored, and want something better to do than raise my numbers by 1 and take the occasional potshot.
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd Jan. +10 to Joranj, +2 to Kevan.
The Archmage may, at any time (but no more than once per calender week), call all Active Sorcerers to a Contest, making a post on BlogNomic entitled Contest: {title}. The terms of the contest are for the Archmage to choose, as is the prize. There may only be one Contest running at a time, and it is never mandatory for any Sorcerer to take part in the contest. The terms of the contest may not explicitly or specifically favour any specific Sorcerer; if any Sorcerer believes this to be the case, they may issue a CTJ to get the contest declared void.
I'm bored, and want something better to do than raise my numbers by 1 and take the occasional potshot.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Proposal : I'll Come In Again
[ Reproposing the Magus idea, but with an Energy gain instead of all the veto nonsense. ]
To the Rule "Schools", add:-
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd Jan. +12 to Kevan.
To the Rule "Schools", add:-
If a Sorceror belongs to a School and has a higher Power than any other member of that School, then he or she is the Magus of that School; all of its other members are Adepts.
If a Sorceror is a Magus at the time of their daily Energy gain, they may claim an extra Energy of either of the School's strains.

Proposal: I'm gonna clean your clock (trivial)
On the enactment of this proposal, the BlogNomic settings are immediately changed so that all posts are timestamped in GMT, reather than EST, to bring it into line with the GNDT.
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd Jan. Timed out, 4 votes to 3. (Mat is no longer a player.) +2 to Joranj, +1 to Kevan.

Call For Judgement - Clay Wall
My reading of clay wall
Is that it also includes spells cast on yourselth. For example A second Clay Wall. A gegaw's crafting (Since Crafting a Gewgaw is equivalent to a casting a Spell)
This means that a few times previously in the rules situations have been mishandled. Our benevelant archmage having 2 clay walls at once for instance.
This interpretation becomes particularly important in light of the new proposal making clay walls more powerfull if it passes.
I see 2 ways forward
1) Events are re-evaluated as they actually would have happened.
2) Events are left to stand as they are, but clay wall is treated as it should be from now on.
[ I know technically noone has disputed this actively, but I dont want to post a huge number of changes to the GMDT then have this rejected and have to undo them ]
Clay Wall
1 Water, 1 Earth
The caster gains a "Clay Wall" effect. Whenever a spell would affect a Sorceror who has one or more Clay Walls, one of their Clay Walls is destroyed instead.
Is that it also includes spells cast on yourselth. For example A second Clay Wall. A gegaw's crafting (Since Crafting a Gewgaw is equivalent to a casting a Spell)
This means that a few times previously in the rules situations have been mishandled. Our benevelant archmage having 2 clay walls at once for instance.
This interpretation becomes particularly important in light of the new proposal making clay walls more powerfull if it passes.
I see 2 ways forward
1) Events are re-evaluated as they actually would have happened.
2) Events are left to stand as they are, but clay wall is treated as it should be from now on.
[ I know technically noone has disputed this actively, but I dont want to post a huge number of changes to the GMDT then have this rejected and have to undo them ]
Proposal: Opposition Without Infighting (Trivial)
Someone pointed out that opposition allows infighting between mages of similar inclination. Here is a fix.
If Proposal: Opposition passes, append the following to the spell description for Opposition:
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd Jan. +2 to Orkboi, +1 to Kevan.
If Proposal: Opposition passes, append the following to the spell description for Opposition:
A dark mage may only choose a light mage as the target of Opposition. A light mage may only choose a dark mage as the target of Opposition.

Proposal: Giving Schools Names (trivial)
[This was brought up a while ago, but never carried out. Since it wasn't my idea, I don't want any Power for it.].
In Rule 14 - Schools, add:
Also, replace:
Should this Proposal pass, Royce shall not recieve any Power for it passing.
Failed by Kevan, 22nd Jan. -5 to Royce, +1 to Kevan.
In Rule 14 - Schools, add:
Each of the six schools has a unique name, as follows:
Island - Water, Earth
Ocean - Water, Fire
Tundra - Air, Water
Desert - Earth, Air
Volcano - Earth, Fire
Sky - Air, Fire
The members of a School can change the name of their school at any time, with a majority vote of members of that school in a post to BlogNomic.
Also, replace:
A Sorceror declares, in the GNDT, which two strains of magic his or her School follows,
A Sorcerer declares, in the GNDT, the name of the school he or she is a member of,
Should this Proposal pass, Royce shall not recieve any Power for it passing.

Proposal : Non-Negative (Trivial)
Append to rukle 12 - Magic the following
[Just in case]
Failed by Kevan, 22nd Jan. -5 to Chindogu, +1 to Kevan.
A sorcerers Elemental Reserves may never be negative. If an effect would reduce them below 0, they are instead set to 0. If this effect is a cost, then the cost is not considered paid.
[Just in case]

Monday, January 19, 2004
Proposal: $400 going once... (trivial)
If Proposal: $400! Do I hear $450? passes, then after the paragraph ending "Sorcerers may not quit the bidding if their bid is the highest." add the following paragraph:
[I thought imposing a fine, but I realized that this rule already makes auction-winners targets for attack, so I decided to leave it out. This can be changed if anyone has strong feelings about it.]
Also, move the final paragraph of the rule to after the fourth paragragh.
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd Jan. +2 to Squirrel, +1 to Kevan.
Sorcerers may not bid more than they have at the time the bid was made. If a sorcerer is unable to pay their winning bid, then that bid is considered void, and the Gewgaw goes to the highest bidder able to pay his or her final bid.
[I thought imposing a fine, but I realized that this rule already makes auction-winners targets for attack, so I decided to leave it out. This can be changed if anyone has strong feelings about it.]
Also, move the final paragraph of the rule to after the fourth paragragh.

Proposal: Transferring?
Add to the rule Schools:
If Mentoring or a Spell like Mentoring does not exist in the ruleset within 48 hours of this proposals passing remove: 'unless a spell cast by another Sorcerer adds another strain of energy.'
I'd appreciate any suggestions, questions or any other remark concerning this proposal before voting. +-15 or +-10? It really depends on how long you want this Dynasty to last. Thank you for your remarks.
Failed by joranj, 23h40 GMT
Each Sorceror belongs to a magical School of their choosing. Each School is attuned to two of the four strains of magical energy (Water, Earth, Air and Fire), and thus its owner, once a day, may add 1 of each of the attuned strains to his or her reserves. A Sorceror declares, in the GNDT, which two strains of magic his or her School follows, and, after doing so, may not change his or her attunement preference.
Each Sorcerer belongs to a magical School of their choosing. At first, each School is attuned to two of the four strains of magical energy (Water, Earth, Air and Fire), and thus its owner, once a day, may add 1 of each of the attuned strains to his or her reserves. A Sorcerer declares, in the GNDT, which of the strains of magic his or her School follows, and, after doing so, may not alter his or her attunement preferences until they reach a balance of 15 or -15.
Add to the rule Schools:
Once a Sorcerer has gained a balance of 15 or -15, he or she may choose to add 1 new attuned strain of energy to their school or specialize further in 1 energy strain. (Ex: Mat has a Balance of -15 and chooses to add Air making his school: Earth, Fire and Air. Or Mat decides to specialize in Earth making his School: 2Earth and Fire) They may now add 1 of the newly attuned strains into their reserves, daily. There are three conditions; the benefit of achieving -+15 balance by adding an energy strain to a School can only be done once, a School cannot be attuned to 3 or more of the same strain and a School cannot be attuned to all 4 energy strains unless a spell cast by another Sorcerer adds another strain of energy.
If Mentoring or a Spell like Mentoring does not exist in the ruleset within 48 hours of this proposals passing remove: 'unless a spell cast by another Sorcerer adds another strain of energy.'
I'd appreciate any suggestions, questions or any other remark concerning this proposal before voting. +-15 or +-10? It really depends on how long you want this Dynasty to last. Thank you for your remarks.

Proposal: Mine!
In rule 16 Gewgaws replace:
A little childish I know. But it's better than having perfectly good Gewgaw go to waste.
Passed by joranj, 23h20 GMT
If the 24 hours expire and the Gewgaw has not been claimed, it is considered destroyed.
If the 24 hours expire and the Gewgaw has not been claimed, it is considered ‘up for grabs'. By making a comment in the GNDT 'Sorcerer's name: Mine!' The first Sorcerer to comment in the GNDT after the expiration receives the Gewgaw in question. If no one claims the Gewgaw within 2 hours after the expiration then the Gewgaw is considered destroyed.
A little childish I know. But it's better than having perfectly good Gewgaw go to waste.

Proposal: Opposition (Trivial)
Add a new spell to the spell list:
Passed by joranj, 23h15 GMT
1 fire, variable power (see below)
A dark (negative balance) or light (positive balance) mage may cast opposition. The target of the spell loses an amount of power equal to the sum of the absolute values of both his/her balance and the caster's balance. The caster loses half this amount of power, rounded up.

Proposal : Greased Lightning [Trivial]
[ Elazar cast Lightning Blast at Wittgenstein, despite both of them carrying Lightning Rods. Arguably this is permissable because the Fire cost of the Blast was reduced by Elazar's Volcano, so the Blast didn't actually "require" any Fire.
This is, of course, nonsense. So... ]
In the effect of Lightning Rod, replace "spells that require both Air and Fire" with "spells that include both Air and Fire in their default casting cost".
Passed by joranj, 00h55 GMT
This is, of course, nonsense. So... ]
In the effect of Lightning Rod, replace "spells that require both Air and Fire" with "spells that include both Air and Fire in their default casting cost".

Proposal : Feat of Clay [Trivial]
[ Clay Walls currently cost 2 Energy to build, but can be easily destroyed by a 1-Water Healing Spell or (proposed) Heat Sink. This will not do. ]
Make Clay Wall into a Gewgaw, and reword its effect to:-
Passed by joranj, 00h55 GMT
Make Clay Wall into a Gewgaw, and reword its effect to:-
A Sorceror with a Clay Wall is unaffected by Spells which cost their caster 1 Energy or less. If a Wall-owning Sorceror would be affected by a Spell which cost its caster more than 1 Energy, that Spell has no effect on the Wall owner, and one of their Clay Walls is destroyed instead.

Proposal : Fix Mentoring (Trivial)
This Proposal is dependant on Proposal : Schooling(Trivial)
Proposal That Spell Mentoring Be updated so that the word life is changed to power, the word school be changed to element, and the following be added to the end of it
additionally That any sorcerer who has cast spell Mentoring at a point in the game prior to the enactment of this rule lose 20 power instead of 20 life.
[I think that will do it - If you see a problem say something before voting, so i can fix it]
Conditional; Failed by joranj, 00h52 GMT
Proposal That Spell Mentoring Be updated so that the word life is changed to power, the word school be changed to element, and the following be added to the end of it
No Sorcerer may gain an Element they already have in their list
additionally That any sorcerer who has cast spell Mentoring at a point in the game prior to the enactment of this rule lose 20 power instead of 20 life.
[I think that will do it - If you see a problem say something before voting, so i can fix it]

Proposal: Schooling (trivial)
Add the following Spell:
Might as well get some milage out of the factioneering that's been going on... ¬_¬
Failed by koranj, 00h50 GMT
5 of the chosen Energy, 2 Air, 20 Life
The caster may teach another Sorcerer the secrets of one of their chosen Schools. The target may then add the new school to their list and gain Energy from that school each day as well. Caster gains +5 balance.
Might as well get some milage out of the factioneering that's been going on... ¬_¬

Sunday, January 18, 2004
Holy Crap...
Wow, missed a whole lot! Well, I'd like to become active again, although I'm not actually idle..?.. Guess I got kicked out.
Proposal: Fair Prices (Trivial)
I think some of the spells have prices either too low or too high.
Change the cost of Detonation from 3 Fire to 5 Fire, and add a clause stating "Unique Gewgaws may not be destroyed by Detonation." (With the price as low as it is, it seems silly to build any Gewgaws, and even sillier to bid anything on Unique Gewgaws, as they can just be destroyed for less than it cost to create them)
Change the cost of Jade Garden to 2 Water, 2 Earth. (The Power cost is sort of silly, as it takes 5 days to pay for itself. Four units of Energy is plenty for 2 Power a day)
Enacted by joranj, 00h48 GMT
Change the cost of Detonation from 3 Fire to 5 Fire, and add a clause stating "Unique Gewgaws may not be destroyed by Detonation." (With the price as low as it is, it seems silly to build any Gewgaws, and even sillier to bid anything on Unique Gewgaws, as they can just be destroyed for less than it cost to create them)
Change the cost of Jade Garden to 2 Water, 2 Earth. (The Power cost is sort of silly, as it takes 5 days to pay for itself. Four units of Energy is plenty for 2 Power a day)

For the benefit of any lurkers, by the way, I've set up an Ascension Alert Service Yahoo group - whenever a Dynasty ends, I'll post a message to this list to let people know that it's a good time to join.
Proposal: Seriously, Though, We Need Something Like This
Enact a rule, "Exhaustion:"
... just because as it stands, there's no reason not to put yourself into negative Power. Comments and questions welcome. I've tried to address previous problems with this kind of proposal, but remind me if I've missed anything.
Enacted by Squirrel, Jan 20, 15:49 EST
A Sorcerer may not take any action which would reduce his or her Power below 0. If any action (Spell, Gewgaw or otherwise) would reduce a Sorcerer's Power from a positive integer to 0 or less, the Sorcerer targeted by the effect has his or her Power set to 0. If any action (Spell, Gewgaw or otherwise) would reduce the Power of a Sorcerer with 0 Power, that action has no effect.
A Sorcerer with 0 Power may not claim Ascension.
... just because as it stands, there's no reason not to put yourself into negative Power. Comments and questions welcome. I've tried to address previous problems with this kind of proposal, but remind me if I've missed anything.

Journey to the Centre of the Ruleset
The "core ruleset" of BlogNomic is becoming more and more important to the game - we (almost) always revert to it when a new Dynasty begins, and it's becoming rarer and rarer that we need to make any changes to it. As such (and as Squirrel was doing last week), I think it's worth taking some time to snip off any dangling appendices from earlier Dynasties, and to tidy up the wording for the benefit of new players (trivial proposals, for example, are a mess, as the original concept was introduced in a very piecemeal fashion).
I've rewritten the whole eleven rules, cutting them down to ten and posting them here - it also includes a summary of major changes and removals. Post your thoughts in comment; once I've got some feedback I'll make suggested changes (including anything that happens in the mean time; I see we're attacking the flaws in the Time Out rule) and submit a proposal to paste them into the ruleset.
I've rewritten the whole eleven rules, cutting them down to ten and posting them here - it also includes a summary of major changes and removals. Post your thoughts in comment; once I've got some feedback I'll make suggested changes (including anything that happens in the mean time; I see we're attacking the flaws in the Time Out rule) and submit a proposal to paste them into the ruleset.
Proposal: Death to Miss Manners
Change Rule 7: Time Out from
Failed by Squirrel, Jan 20, 15:20 EST
If a proposal has been pending for longer than 48 hours, an admin may enact it if greater than half of the current votes on it are FOR; otherwise, he/she may fail it. If the Archmage has not yet cast a vote, all DEFERENTIAL votes are ignored.
If a proposal has been pending for longer than 48 hours, an admin may enact it if greater than half of the current votes on it are FOR; otherwise, he/she may fail it. If the only vote on a proposal is that of its author, and if there exists at least one other non-idle Sorcerer, the Admin may fail it. If the Archmage has not yet cast a vote, all DEFERENTIAL votes are ignored.

Call for Judgment: Thievery
As stated in the first paragraph of Rule 13: Spells:
As such, I believe that Proposal: Stop Thief! has always been trivial, and that Mat should be docked 8 Power in accordance with the nontrivial / trivial award system.
Sorcerors can cast the following spells, each of which costs some amount of Power, and depletes some combination of Water, Earth, Air, and Fire reserves when the spell is cast. A sorceror must have the required amounts of Power and Magical Energy at the time of casting (this is to prevent spells like "gives a Sorceror 3 Fire. Costs 2 Fire.") Proposing a new spell to be added to the spell list is always a trivial proposal.
As such, I believe that Proposal: Stop Thief! has always been trivial, and that Mat should be docked 8 Power in accordance with the nontrivial / trivial award system.
Proposal: reality is compared with propositions [trivial]
repeal spell Thievery
Enacted by Mat, Jan 20, 11:02 EST

Proposal : The Coming of the Magi
Enact a new Rule; "The Magi":-
Failed by Mat, Jan 20, 11:01 EST
If a Sorceror belongs to a School and has a higher Power than any other member of that School, then he or she is the Magus of that School; all of its other members are Adepts.
The Magus of a School may veto any Proposal that would create a Spell or Gewgaw which includes both of the School's Elemental types in its casting cost. A Magus may also veto such a Proposal if it contains only one of the School's Elements, and if the Magus of the other School that shares that Element has already voted against the Proposal.

Proposal : Not Just a Pretty Head [Trivial]
[ The Stone Head was meant to be able to cast spells for free, but I missed that bit out. I should probably clarify ]
Adjust the effect of the Stone Head to:-
Enacted by Mat, Jan 20, 10:59 EST
Adjust the effect of the Stone Head to:-
A Stone Head may cast one spell per day on your behalf, at no cost, provided that the Spell costs no more than 1 Energy and requires no Power. The Stone Head is considered to be a Sorceror for the purposes of its own spells, but any effects on the "caster" are passed back to its owner.

Proposal : Storms in Teacups [Trivial]
[ Some variants of Chindogu's Mudstorm which are a little more likely to be cast... ]
Add the following spells:-
Any Power that Kevan would gain from this Proposal shall instead be given to Chindogu.
Enacted by Mat, Jan 20, 10:58 EST
Add the following spells:-
Rain Fall
1 Water
Every other Sorceror gains 1 Water. Gain 1 Balance.
Heat Sink
1 Fire
Every other Sorceror loses 1 Fire. Lose 1 Balance.
Air Currents
1 Air
Any Sorceror with an even amount of Air Energy gains 1 Air; all others lose 1 Air. The caster is unaffected.
Tectonic Shift
1 Earth
Any other Sorceror with less than 5 Earth gains 1 Earth; all others lose 1 Earth. The caster is unaffected.
Any Power that Kevan would gain from this Proposal shall instead be given to Chindogu.

Proposal : Spell - Bubbling Heat
Add the following spell to the "Spells" rule:
Failed by Squirrel, Jan 19, 20:24 EST
Bubbling Heat
Cost : 2 Water 2 Fire
Effect : Target Sorceror loses 3D6 energy
(The caster must make a comment of "Damage = DICE+DICE" when expending the energy.) Caster gets -1 Balance.