Proposal: New Toys for evil and good (Trivial)
Add the following Gegaws to the gegaw list.
Enacted by Cayvie, 25th Jan. 4:49 GMT
Holy Relic
1 Fire, 1 Air, 1 Earth, 1 Water, 10 Power
The Posser of a holy relic may (if they wish), at any time when they are directed to gain balance, instead gain twice the specified amount, simply by mentioning the relic in the GNDT
Unholy Relic
1 Fire, 1 Air, 1 Earth, 1 Water, 10 Power
The Posser of an Unholy relic may (if they wish), at any time when they are directed to lose balance, instead lose twice the specified amount, simply by mentioning the relic in the GNDT

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