Proposal : Quadrilogy [Trivial]
Add another rotationally-symmetrical four-set of spells:-
Failed by Squirrel (self-killed), 23rd Jan. 15:22 GMT
Poison Dart
1 Water, 3 Fire
A chosen Sorceror becomes Poisoned. While they remain Poisoned, any Sorceror may deduct 10 Power from them if nobody else has done so earlier in the day. If a Healing Jet is administered to a Poisoned Sorceror, and if it rolls 7 or higher, then the Poison is removed.
1 Fire, 3 Air
Double all numbers (excluding the "6" in "D6", and adjust dice comments appropriately) in the effect section of the next spell that you cast.
1 Air, 3 Earth
Every Sorceror (including the caster) takes 3D6 damage. (The caster must make a huge comment of "Name (DICE+DICE+DICE)" for each Sorceror, when expending the energy.) Caster gets -1 Balance.
Fountain of Life
1 Earth, 3 Water
Every Sorceror gains 20 Power. Caster gets +1 Balance.

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