Proposal: No time outs remaining (trivial)
In the rule titled "Proposals" change "Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired." to "Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed."
In the rule titled "Voting" add "DEFERENTIAL votes are ignored if the Archmage has not voted on that proposal." to the end of the second paragraph.
Reword the second and third paragraphs of The rule titled "Enactment" to
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset passed, in Rule - 5 Voting change "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial." to "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial' at the time of enactment, the Proposal becomes Trivial."
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset failed, delete Rule 7 - Time Out, and decrease the number of all following rules other than the glossary by one.
Failed by Kevan, 28th Jan - timed out, 1 vote to 5. -5 to Squirrel, +1 to Kevan.
In the rule titled "Voting" add "DEFERENTIAL votes are ignored if the Archmage has not voted on that proposal." to the end of the second paragraph.
Reword the second and third paragraphs of The rule titled "Enactment" to
If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if it is more than 48 hours old, there are a number of votes on the proposal (not including the proposer's assumed for vote) equal to or greater than one third of quorum (rounded down), and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal.
If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Sorcerers have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Sorcerer who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old, there are a number of votes on the proposal (not including the proposer's assumed for vote) equal to or greater than one third of quorum (rounded down), and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed.
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset passed, in Rule - 5 Voting change "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial." to "If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial' at the time of enactment, the Proposal becomes Trivial."
If Proposal: New Core Ruleset failed, delete Rule 7 - Time Out, and decrease the number of all following rules other than the glossary by one.

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