Proposal: $400 going once... (trivial)
If Proposal: $400! Do I hear $450? passes, then after the paragraph ending "Sorcerers may not quit the bidding if their bid is the highest." add the following paragraph:
[I thought imposing a fine, but I realized that this rule already makes auction-winners targets for attack, so I decided to leave it out. This can be changed if anyone has strong feelings about it.]
Also, move the final paragraph of the rule to after the fourth paragragh.
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd Jan. +2 to Squirrel, +1 to Kevan.
Sorcerers may not bid more than they have at the time the bid was made. If a sorcerer is unable to pay their winning bid, then that bid is considered void, and the Gewgaw goes to the highest bidder able to pay his or her final bid.
[I thought imposing a fine, but I realized that this rule already makes auction-winners targets for attack, so I decided to leave it out. This can be changed if anyone has strong feelings about it.]
Also, move the final paragraph of the rule to after the fourth paragragh.

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