Proposal: Mine!
In rule 16 Gewgaws replace:
A little childish I know. But it's better than having perfectly good Gewgaw go to waste.
Passed by joranj, 23h20 GMT
If the 24 hours expire and the Gewgaw has not been claimed, it is considered destroyed.
If the 24 hours expire and the Gewgaw has not been claimed, it is considered ‘up for grabs'. By making a comment in the GNDT 'Sorcerer's name: Mine!' The first Sorcerer to comment in the GNDT after the expiration receives the Gewgaw in question. If no one claims the Gewgaw within 2 hours after the expiration then the Gewgaw is considered destroyed.
A little childish I know. But it's better than having perfectly good Gewgaw go to waste.

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