Proposal: Seriously, Though, We Need Something Like This
Enact a rule, "Exhaustion:"
... just because as it stands, there's no reason not to put yourself into negative Power. Comments and questions welcome. I've tried to address previous problems with this kind of proposal, but remind me if I've missed anything.
Enacted by Squirrel, Jan 20, 15:49 EST
A Sorcerer may not take any action which would reduce his or her Power below 0. If any action (Spell, Gewgaw or otherwise) would reduce a Sorcerer's Power from a positive integer to 0 or less, the Sorcerer targeted by the effect has his or her Power set to 0. If any action (Spell, Gewgaw or otherwise) would reduce the Power of a Sorcerer with 0 Power, that action has no effect.
A Sorcerer with 0 Power may not claim Ascension.
... just because as it stands, there's no reason not to put yourself into negative Power. Comments and questions welcome. I've tried to address previous problems with this kind of proposal, but remind me if I've missed anything.

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