Proposal: Spell-sharing (trivial)
Add the following spells to the bottom of Rule 13:
Failed by Squirrel, Jan 19, 20:22 EST
Wrap up
1, any Energy; 5 Power
Allows the Sorcerer to wrap up the spell mid-casting, effectively preserving it to be finished later. Wrap-up must be cast at the same time as the original spell. The Sorcerer can elect not to pay the full energy or Power costs, defering the remaining costs to when the spell is unwrapped again. The Spell may be transfered to another Sorcerer while wrapped, who may finish it as if it were their own; however, the receieving Sorcerer must pay whatever energy or power costs that remain unresolved. Wrapped spells are tracked in the GNDT under effects, and expire (with any Energy or Power costs already spent wasted) if not unwrapped within 15 hours.
1, any Energy; 5 Power
Allows a Sorcerer to unwrap and complete any Wrapped spell. Once a spell has been unwrapped, it must be paid for and cast immediately, or else the energies will disapate, wasting any Energy or Power already spend on it. An Unwrapped spell cannot be re-wrapped. Note that any Sorcerer can unwrap a spell; however, if any Energy or Power needs to be spent on the spell, then the Sorcerer who is unwrapping it must meet any requirements for casting the spell set out in the ruleset, even if they were not the Sorcerer who orginally cast and wrapped it.

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