Proposal: We Were Little Boys (Trivial)
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Very Small Catapult
2 Earth, 1 Air
The owner of a Very Small Capult may, at any time, deal 1d6 Power damage to any Sorceror. This counts as a Use of a Very Small Catapult. Each Use of this device destroys one Pebble in the owner's Inventory (not, however, granting the 1 Earth from the Pebble); if the owner has no Pebbles, he/she cannot use Very Small Catapult.
Enacted by Bluebottle, Jan 18, 18:19
Very Small Catapult
2 Earth, 1 Air
The owner of a Very Small Capult may, at any time, deal 1d6 Power damage to any Sorceror. This counts as a Use of a Very Small Catapult. Each Use of this device destroys one Pebble in the owner's Inventory (not, however, granting the 1 Earth from the Pebble); if the owner has no Pebbles, he/she cannot use Very Small Catapult.

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