Proposal: $400! Do I hear $450?
In Rule 18 - Auctions replace "24 hours after the posting of the list of auctioned Gewgaws, the Archmage then awards the items to the highest bidders, and subtracts what they bid from their accounts. If an item has no bids on it, then the Archmage decides nobody wants it and sticks it back in his attic, never to be seen again." with
Enacted by Squirrel, Jan 19, 20:19 EST
All subsequent bids cannot be for less power or energy than the previous bid and must have more of at least one of them.
A sorcerer who has bid on a Gewgaw, and does not wish (or cannot afford) to beat the current bid may comment that they quit the bidding. When all sorcerers who have bid on the Gewgaw other than the one who made the most recent bid have quit the bidding or when no further bids have been made for 24 hours, the sorcerer who made the highest bid receives the Gewgaw and their bid is subtracted from their statistics. Sorcerers may not quit the bidding if their bid is the highest.
If no sorcerers bid on an Gewgaw within 24 hours of the Archmage putting it on Auction, then the Archmage decides nobody wants it and sticks it back in his attic, never to be seen again.
Unique Gewgaws shall be notated in the following manner:
Gewgaws shall be notated in the following manner:Unique Gewgaw's name
Effect of Gewgaw, be it an indefinite Effect, a daily use, a one-time use which destroys the Gewgaw, or otherwise.
The list of Unique Gewgaws currently listed among a sorcerer's effects, in alphabetical order by title, is as follows:(This section to be replaced by the list.)

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