[ Faffing around with Adamantium and Titanium, making Titanium a rare ship-building material and Adamantium a common fuel (having abundant ship materials and rare fuel seems the wrong way around).
Also making Titanium a requirement for building new ships, rather than something that's merely helpful. ]
In Rule 20 (Military Force), replace the paragraph beginning "Any Representative in control of a Planet with a Combat Shipyard on it may construct military ships" with:-
Any Representative in control of a Planet with a Combat Shipyard on it may construct military ships at any time, by paying the construction cost of the Ship (requiring the expenditure of particular Commodities, in some cases).
Change all ship-construction costs from "X Mega-Credits" to "X Mega-Credits and 1 Titanium".
Replace "costs are reduced" with "Mega-Credit costs are reduced", and add "and 1 Titanium" to the end of that paragraph.
In Rule 19 (Commodities), rename Titanium to Adamantium and replace "one of the necessities for ship construction" with "a valuable interstellar fuel". Remove "At the cost of 1 Eetcha of Titanium a Representative can receive 10% off building costs for 1 star craft."
Also in Rule 19, rename the what was previously Adamantium to Titanium and replace "a valuable interstellar fuel" with "A critical component of ship construction".
In Rule 11 (Planets), replace the first bullet-point with:-
Send the Star Ranger on an exploration mission, at a cost of 1 Adamantium (fuel required for the mission).
[ Fuel will also be burnt during military manoeuvres, I suppose, whenever we get a rule for that. ]

Enacted by Mat on Dec 22, 12:29 EST, timed out