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Saturday, December 11, 2004

Any New Players?

I've just put out an Ascension Alert prematurely, again; that it seems more useful to give people a day's notice of a new Dynasty, rather than waking them up after it's already started, and having them wait for Admin to process their applications while the round's initial proposals go through.

If anyone wants to join at this point, now would be a good time to comment, and this would be an easily-found post to comment on.

Am beginning to wonder if a day's official rest between Ascension and starting-pistol Address might be healthy - some time for new players to line up, and for the existing ones to reflect and draw Important Lessons from the method of Ascension. (I think this one has underlined the tricksiness of conditional "if most votes say 'X'" proposals, for me.)

Town Gossip Final

"So how was the town? Did you find everything we needed at the market? Wait, what are you doing?"

"Help me pack, we're leaving."

"Why? What happened? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Something is very wrong in this town! There is no market. There isn't a soul on the streets, but I could feel eyes on me the whole time. I was going to visit the church but nearly gagged from the smell. Then I heard screaming in the distance and I ran. Forget packing - just get the baby. We have to get out of here as fast as we can!"

Declaration of Victory

I have 19 living Family members, everyone else combined has 14. By rule 24, I hereby declare victory.

As Aaron pointed, out, I misspelled the title.

11-3. Timed Out. Hiatus continues until Knightking does his Ascension Address. If he never does it, does the game die?

Decleration of Victory

I have 16 living Family members, everyone else combined has 12. By rule 24, I hereby declare victory.

Proposed Marriage: A to Irene

I offer the minimum dowry.

Proposed Marriage: D to Jehosephat

I offer the minimum dowry.

Proposed Marriage: A to Thereza

I offer the minimum dowry.

Death to Jose

Killed by Jehosephat

Proposed Marriage: C to Antonio

I offer the minimum dowry.

Proposed Marriage: A to Julia

I offer the minimum dowry.

Death to Anna

Killed by F

Death to Jesus

Killed by A

Death to Rosa

Killed by D

Death to Johan

Killed by C

Go Forth And Multiply

Just a reminder to anyone who's not combing the GNDT in too much detail that "State Sponsored Immigration" has passed, allowing each Family a couple of free immigration rolls (as specified in Rule 11) within the next 36 hours or so.

Proposal: Clear Trivializing [Trivial]

In Rule 5 - Voting, change

FOR votes may be marked as 'Trivial' if the voter thinks that the Proposal should have been marked Trivial. (If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial.)


FOR votes may be marked as 'Trivial' if the voter thinks that the Proposal should have been marked Trivial or if the Proposal stipulates different conditions for Trivial enactment. If at least half of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial.

I think it's reasonably safe to say that if the FOR votes are tied Trivial/Non-Trivial, it's safer and more stable to err on the side of caution. If you don't believe me, check out Cayvie's tirade through the now-blood-stained streets, made possible by a tied Trivial/Non-Trivial vote, unclear wording in this Rule, and Viewers Like You. ;)

Veto Vetoed. Failed by Knightking.

The streets ran red

What a bloodbath! At least 13 fights broke out. In the chaos there was a mistaken identity as Johanna was presumed killed by her husband when in fact she beat him to death with a frying pan:

11/12 04:07 (GMT) (101 A.T.) - Cayvie
Cayvie's Thalers = 22 (was 22)
(Johan and Johanna FIGHT: DICE:3 vs DICE:5)

So Johan is dead and Johanna is married to Jesus. If anyone cares... (it is not against the law this way)

Having problems with the GNDT ...

It seems to be ignoring my latest updates, as evidenced in my attempts to update my Family field.

Is someone else able the make the proper updates that I attempted to make, but which are for some reason having no effect when performed by me?

Petition: Accuse Cayvie

Thhha and Donald. Thhha isn't even 10 yet, and they're both guys.

Johan and Jesus. Jesus isn't even 10 yet, and they're both guys.

Johan and Donald. Both are guys, and both are married to other people.

Three murders, two self-defense killings.

I count

  • 2 Cases of Bigamy,

  • 3 Homosexual Marriages, and

  • 5 Murders.

And I'm not even sure I got everything.

I say hang the lot, but I'm not the Emperor. How shall our illustrious leader exact justice?

Death to Aitrus

Johan killed him (in self-defence)


I guess we'll have the Dynasty of Cayvie now... Hope it'll be a good one...

Proposed Marriage: Thhha to Donald

Very young and of the same gender? It's only Against the Law! 1 Thaler. Overseen by Achmed.

Proposed Marriage: Johan to Donald

It may not be traditional but 3 Thalers.

Death to Johanna

Johan Killed her in self-defense. crazy bat.

Death to Juana

Johanna killed her because the names were too similar.

Petition: Accuse Cayvie

Samuel Cayvie has killed the Priest Carlos Phaenon in cool blood, for envy of his ellegance when officing marriages... The Phaenons claim for justice.

Death to Carlos

Samuel killed him. No more marriages for you.

Death to Beatriz

Rosa killed her.

Proposed Marriage: Juana Phaenon to Marco Phaenon (outcast)

Automatic. Carlos will office.

Proposed Marriage: Rosa to Juan

Oh, I see the problem. I went back and it took that as editing. 1 Thaler.

Proposed Marriage: Beatriz Phaenon to Aitrus of D'ni (outcast)

This passes automatically. Carlos will office.

Proposed Marriage: Rosa to Juan

Go For it! 1 Thaler.

Proposed Marriage: Samuel to Anna

Okay! 1 Thaler

Jesus Come'th

And on that day, in 100 A.T., Jesus rose from dead parents, born from those who could no longer birth except by special CFJ permsions
And with him, he brought peace.
And yet peace came at a price, that price was the outcasting of all sinners.
Jesus wanted it to be, and it was.
All was good, all was pleasant, or so Jesus thought.
Sadly, the Stepford family found Jesus to be a sinner himself.

And Jesus was sent to join the Outcast.

Until the day that it can no longer be done, let it be known that the Moto family shall deter all family growth, for as his family was so damaged by the improper enactment of a proposal, they shall make all families suffer the pain of loneliness.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Proposal: Power Vacuum

Seeing as petitions to the Duke are currently going unanswered, I feel we need a civil authority in town or the family feuds will get out of hand.

Add to the rule Professions:
The Royal Court

Families may Petition the Duke to have one of their Family Members become a Magistrate by using the Topic of "Magistrate Application" and naming a Family Member of theirs in the body of the Petition. The Duke may decree a cost in Thalers for the position in his pronouncement or may pronounce the Petitioner guilty of the Crime of "Wasting the Duke's Time" which is enforceable as per the Crime and Punishment rule. If the Petition is accepted and the Family pays the Thaler cost, that Family Member becomes a Magistrate which is indicated by a "%" in the symbols at the end of their name. At any time, the Duke may strip the title from any Magistrate, removing the symbol.

Add to the Petition rule:
A Family with a Magistrate as a Member may Vote on a Petition and make a Pronouncement as if they were the Duke as long as they are not the Petitioner or named in the Petition. If the Duke responds to that same Petition his Vote and Pronouncement overrides that of any Magistrate. If multiple Magistrates respond to a Petition only the first Magistrate's response is valid.

When voting on this Proposal Families may include a single nomination of any Family Member. When this Proposal passes, count the nominations included with the final Votes. The Family Member(s) with the most nominations gets the profession of Magistrate.
VetoVetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.

Proposal: Crispin's Crispian

Append to the end (redundantly) of Rule 22, Fighting:

If a Family Member has won 5 fights, then his or her Family may grant him or her a Fearsome Nickname of their choosing, and put it, in quotation marks, after his or her name in the GNDT (e.g. Thomas "The Tank Engine" (40/M)). When a Family Member with a Fearsome Nickname gets in a fight, 1 is added to his or her roll, in addition to whatever other bonuses he or she gets.

Also add after the first paragraph of the same rule:

All Family Members participating in a fight must belong to separate Families
VetoVetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.

Proposal: Decomposition [Trivial]

Add to the rule Death and Inheritance:
A Family may remove an Ancestor of theirs from the GNDT if that Ancestor has been dead for more than a day.
I will keep tracking ancestors in the wiki if you want to make room in the GNDT.
VetoVetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.

Notice: CfJ effect

I just passed Quazie's Call for Judgement. Sorry about the lateness, it got lost in the torrent of posts. Maybe we need something in the ruleset to keep pending CfJ's on our minds?

It was specified that Bob and Sally can try for children a number of times based on the date Purity passed, which is marked as passing on Dec 6th, the next day. As far as I see it that is one chance for childbirth.

Proposal: Economy

It’s not as large as it seems...

To rule 11 – Family, add:

There exists a Family in the GNDT called Common House with a surname of Outcasts. The amount of Thalers had by the Common House is known as the Village Treasure and may only be spent if a rule explicitly allows another Family to do so.

In rule 13 – Marriage, change:

a normal dowry, this will be given to the outcast family


a normal dowry, that will be given to the Common House Family

In rule 20 – Outcasts, change:

There exists a Family in the GNDT called Outcasts with a surname of Outcasts. When this family is created it will initially have no Family Members. If a family wants to get rid of a family member for any reason without waiting until they die they may Outcast said family member.


A Family may Outcast a Family Member by moving said Member to the Common House Family. Any Family Member listed at the Common House is an Outcast.

In that same rule, change:

and when the outcasted Family Member is added to the Outcast family


and when the outcasted Family Member is added to the Common House Family

Create a rule named Economy:

The work of our villagers creates and moves wealth around. Once each day, if no other Family has enforced that action earlier in the same day, any Family may enforce an action listed in this rule, provided they fulfill the requirements set at those actions. Once after enforcing an action listed in this rule, a Family may claim a reward of 2 Thalers.


The Family enforcing this action must have a live Priest between their Members. When enforcing Tithing, the acting Family must reduce the amount of Thalers had by each Family by 1 hundredth per Family Member on that Family, rounded up for the next integer number. Upon doing that, the total amount so taken shall be divided equally, rounded down to the next integer number, between all Families that have at least one live Priest between their Members and credited to those Families. Any amount of Thalers left over after that division, due to rounding, shall be credited to the Common House Family.

Foreign Commerce

The Family enforcing this action must have a live Merchant between their Members. When enforcing Foreign Commerce, the acting Family shall calculate an amount of Thalers equal to 3 times the number of live Merchants in the Village. The amount so calculated shall be divided equally, rounded down to the next integer number, between all Families and credited to those Families. Any amount of Thalers left over after that division, due to rounding, shall be credited to the Common House Family.

Child Doctoring

The Family enforcing this action must have a live Doctor between their Members. When enforcing Child Doctoring, the acting Family must reduce the amount of Thalers had by each Family by 2 for each Family Member that Family has with an Age less than 20. Upon doing that, the total amount so taken shall be divided equally, rounded down to the next integer number, between all Families that have at least one live Doctor between their Members and credited to those Families. Any amount of Thalers left over after that division, due to rounding, shall be credited to the Common House Family.

In the GNDT, rename the Outcast Family to Common House.In the GNDT, rename the Outcast Family to Common House.
VetoVetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.

Proposed Marriage: Marco Phaenon to Desdemona! of D'ni

Will the Family of D'ni consent to the Marriage of our sibling Marco to the beuatiful Desdemona, when she comes of age? Our Family is wanting to pay a 20 Thalers Dowry. We'll also pay 3 Thallers to the Priest who performs the ceremony (Remember to do that only when she comes of age (which will be at 100 AT).

Antonio Phaenon, Current head of the Phaenon Family.

Proposal: GNDT Census Legibility [Trivial]

In Rule 11 - Family, change

Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Members', as a list with each Member formatted as "Forename (BirthDate/Gender?, married to Spouse)", with Gender as a single letter - a typical list might be "Hans (10/M, married to Gretchen), Gretchen (20/F, married to Hans), Gustav (10/M)".


Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Members', as a list. Each Member will be denoted in the format "Forename(BirthDate/Gender)", with Gender as a single letter.

Married couples and their children will be grouped together in brackets, in the format "[[ Proposer & Proposee >> Children ]]". ("Children" here does not pertain to age; a Child will only be removed from the brackets if he leaves the family, if he gets married himself, or if his parents' Marriage is annulled.) All such groupings in a Family will appear at the beginning of its Members list. If a Family has Members who are married to Members of another Family, they will be denoted in the format "Forename(Birthdate/Gender, married to Spouse)" immediately following any bracketed groups in that Family's Members field.

A Family's dead Members will be grouped together in braces {{ }} at the end of its Members list.

A typical list, then, might read as follows:

[[ Bob(20/M) & Sueann(30/F/Smith) >> Billy(50/M), Catherine(60/F) ]] Joe(40/M, married to Lucy), Susie(50/F) {{ Remus(10-90/M), Claire(10-90/F) }}
VetoVetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.

Proposal: Cayvie sucks. ;-)

If "Moving on revision 1" is passed, change

The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal, as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other. If the proposal is accepted, any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the Marriage ceremony by posting a comment to that effect.


The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal, as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other. If the proposal is accepted, a Family meeting the requirements set forth later in this Rule may perform the Marriage ceremony by posting a comment to that effect.

A Family may perform a Marriage if

  1. That Family does not have as a Member that Proposed Marriage's proposer, AND

  2. That Family does not have as a Member the Member being proposed to in that Proposed Marriage, AND

  3. That Family has at least one living Priest.

VetoVetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.

Proposal: Large and In Charge

Add a new rule, entitled Something To Work Towards to the ruleset, with the following text:

If a single Family ever has more living Family Members than all other Families combined, including Outcasts, then that Family may declare Victory.

And also, to prevent immediate shenanigans involving putting other families' members in exile, reword the second sentence of the rule entitled Outcasts to the following:

"If a family wants to get rid of one of their own family members for any reason without waiting until they die they may Outcast said family member."

If this proposal is voted trivial, then everything up to the words "And also" shall not be enacted.

. 8-3 (With 1 Null). Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

nuh-uh, chronos. that's 8 votes for, 4 of which are trivial. the whole thing gets enacted.

Proposed Marriage: Crispin Cayvie to Julia the Outcast

My wife has died, and your husband has abandoned you. Here's 2 Thalers to make it all better.

Proposed Marriage: Aitrus of D'ni to Julia the Outcast

Just before his death, the bitter Sirrus of D'ni outcast Julia. I, Aitrus of D'ni, find this act reprehensible, and wish to take the lovely Julia's hand in marriage until the end of her days. I offer a dowry of 2 Thalers to the Outcast family for this, and I seek a priest to perform our marriage.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Town Gossip

- Sugna "The Bull" Cayvie didn't take well to a life of celibacy and made improper advances on Verl T'roj and Julia of D'ni. His fight with Edmund Simon-Simon showed just how young at heart he was, but old Simon took justice into his own hands. Those two may have died choking each other.

- Fand and Verl T'roj have each snuck over to the ShadowSliver house on at least one occasion.

- Svrek and Qfar Pwexl have been seen holding hands. Something seems to have occurred between Qfar and Leon Chris that led to the Chris Family leaving town.

[a gift of a few Thalers might give me something better to do than snoop around town...]

Proposal: State Sponsored Immigration [Trivial]

Within the period of 48 hours after the enactment of this Proposal, each Family may perform the DICE rolling action described in the 4th paragraph of rule 11 – Family twice, regardless of the number of Members they have then. The 50 Thalers charge specified in that rule will be waived for the actions taken because of this Proposal.

I guess we need a larger population.

Passed 8-3. Enacted by Cayvie (+2 to Cayvie, +2 to Chronos)

Proposal: No bride kidnapping [Trivial]

To the end of the first paragraph of rule 13 – Marriage, add:

It’s Against the Law for a Priest to perform a ceremony where the proposed Family has rejected the Proposal.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos

Petition: Accuse Cayvie Family

Edmund was a good kid. He never did any harm to anyone, he never complained about work, and he went to church every week with a smile on his face - which is more than Sugna Cayvie can say about himself.

I don't know if I have long for this world; I'm sure everyone saw that dagger Sugna slid from his sleeve during what was supposed to be a bare-knuckle fight for honour. So I'll make this quick. My whole life, I've seen nothing but tragedy, from my sister's death to the forced marriage of my daughter to Sirrus of D'ni. This day was the final insult. So I'm asking, no, I'm begging the Duke to set things right for my family. Punish Sugna Cayvie for murdering Edmund!

Ugh! My head's swimming... things are gettin' kinda dark... heh heh, this could be the end for me. Wasn't gonna last much longer anyway, I hear the plague's comin' down from the mountains. You'll wish you'd gone with me! Ha, ha, haaa... *cough*hack*

He was asking for it

That bastard, Edmund, got all uppity with me today in church today. I told him to keep his filthy mouth closed, but when he just wouldn't listen, I had to give him a sound thrashing, just to show him I still was ten times the man he'll ever be. Would ever have been, that is, as his flimsy little neck snapped after the first punch.

Sugna Cayvie

Proposal: Victory

Enact a new Rule, "Royalty":

Family Members of the Duke's Family and their children are Royal,which is indicated by a @ at end of their name.If a Family other than the Duke's Family or the Outcast Family is the only Family with Royal Family Members then that Family wins this Dynasty

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos

2 Notices

1. If you have not yet voted at Proposal: Indecent Proposals, you have until 12/10/2004 06:30 AM (some 9 hours from now) to cast a vote and don't get hit by the 5 Thaler time-out penalty.

2. If Shadowsliver doesn't vote or otherwise manifest until that time, I'll idle him, as his last vote was an implicit one at his Proposal: Arranged Marriages, at 12/3/2004 01:03 AM.


I was doing some idle research into automated family-tree generation, wondering whether it'd be worth someone using pre-existing software to maintain a (somewhat lagging) database of births, marriages and deaths, which could be used to generate a nice family-tree image every so often, and uploaded somewhere.

And then I tripped and fell into the terrifying world of online genealogy obsessives, which I suppose was inevitable; there seem to be plenty of scripts and softwares around that can handle this sort of thing, many of them dealing in a single "GEDCOM" file format. Which, conveniently, is very clunky and retro and pure ASCII, so could be maintained as a page in the Wiki, for anyone to plug into whatever software they liked.

So I've put a rough GEDCOM file up in the Wiki, containing the McGeddon family and branching out into a couple of others. It might not be an entirely valid file, as I built it by hand (having absurd difficulty in finding anything to generate GEDCOM files that wasn't a 15mb Visual Basic program, or demanding a yearly $49.95 payment, or both) - it crashed one GEDCOM parser I downloaded, but worked okay with the other, and was able to generate a bunch of static, browseable pages for me.

If anyone wants to dig some decent software out and put together a more comprehensive GEDCOM file - I presume it's fairly painless, if you've got a graphical interface - feel free to hijack the Wiki page. (Email me for the password, if you're not an admin but would like change-access to the Wiki.)

New family

Welcome Rodney. Quorum remains at 8.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Proposal: You can't take it with you [trivial]

Add to Rule 12, Death and Inheritance:
If a Family Member dies of natural causes without ever having been married, the Family gains 15 Thalers out of pity.

6-3 (With 3 Null). Timed-Out. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: And the twins

In Rule 17, Childbirth, after the phrase "On a roll of 6, the pregnancy succeeds, but the mother dies in childbirth (her Age is turned to X, her Marriage is annulled, and the like)", add:
If both rolls are 6, the mother does not die, but instead gives birth to twins, and an extra Twin DICE must be rolled. The results are as follows: 1-2, two male children; 3-4, two female children; 5-6 one male and one female child.

[Someone brought the idea of twins up, so here it is]

10-4. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Moving on revision 1

The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal for as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other at which point any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the ceremony by posting a comment to that effect; after that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer.


The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal, as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other. If the proposal is accepted, any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the Marriage ceremony by posting a comment to that effect. After that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer. If the proposal is rejected, the proposal fails immediately and no Mmarriage takes place. Once a proposal is either accepted or rejected, it may not be either accepted or rejected later.

The stuff after the semi-colon before was bad.

9-0 (1 Null Def.). Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Moving on

After Sirrus of D'ni's recent exploitation of the Rules, let's change the first paragraph of Rule 13 - Marriage from

The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal for as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other at which point any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the ceremony by posting a comment to that effect; after that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer.


The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal, as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other. If the proposal is accepted, any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the Marriage ceremony by posting a comment to that effect. After that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer. If the proposal is rejected, the proposal fails immediately and no Mmarriage takes place. Once a proposal is accepted or rejected, it may not be accepted or rejected later; a new proposal must be made.

This should be sufficient clarification.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Doctors [Trivial]

If rule 19 is called Professions, add to its end:

The Hospital

Family Members taught at The Hospital become Doctors, which is indicated by a "*" at the end of their name. The entrance fee on The Hospital is 20 Thalers and the requirements are that the candidate's age must be greater than 10 and that the candidate must not have another Profession. It's Against the Law for a Doctor to achieve another Profession.

If this Proposal makes any change to the ruleset when enacted, Simon shall gain 5 Thalers.

5-3 (2 Null Def.). Timed-Out. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Yet More Imigration [Trivial]

In rule 11 - Family change

a distant relative


distant relatives


This costs the Family 50 Thalers, and allows the Family to create a new Family Member with a Forename, Age and Gender of their choosing (provided that the Forename has never been used for any Family Member in the past).


This costs the Family 50 Thalers, and allows the Family to roll a DICE and create a number of Family Members equal to half that DICE result, rounded down to a minimum of 1, each one with a Forename, Birthdate and Gender of their choosing (provided that each Forename has never been used for any Family Member in the past). If more than one Family Member is created this way, they may optionally be created married to each other.

This solves the 0 imigration problem.

Someone commented that the Gender should be random also. I disagree. If you are paying the Imigrates tickets, you should be able to choose who you are recruiting.

9-0 (1 Null Deferential). Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Professions

Rename rule 19 - Clergy to 19 – Professions, and rewrite it, so it reads:

By paying adequate fee a Family may send one of its live Members to a School and get them taught a Profession, provided that the chosen Member fulfills all requirements for entrance on the specific School.

Each Profession shall be marked by the addition of a signal to the name of the Professional.

No School, nor the requirements for entrance in a School, nor the signals that mark the Professions shall be listed in a rule other than this one.

Currently, the Schools and their characteristics are:

The Seminary

Family Members taught at The Seminary join the ranks of the clergy. That Member becomes a Priest, which is indicated by a "+" at the end of their name. The entrance fee on The Seminary is 20 Thalers and the only requirement is that the candidate must be unmarried. It's Against the Law for a Priest to be married.

The Merchant Guild

Family Members taught at The Merchant Guild achieve the position of Merchant, which is indicated by a "$" at the end of their name. The entrance fee on The Merchant Guild is 20 Thalers and the only requirement is that the candidate's age must be greater than 10 and lower than 60.

Edited for spelling

9-3. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Idle swapping

I've swapped Aaroon and Chris at the Sidebar. Quorum remains at 8.

GNDT Timestamps

The GNDT now includes the game year in all of its timestamps, which should correspond to the way that the sidebar's been calculating it (I'm using int(($day-1)*10+10*($hour*60+$minute)/(24*60)), and pre-emptively adding 310 if we get to January).

This means that we now have a definitive server-controlled record of the current year, so could start using it to determine precise ages and years, if we wanted to, rather than rounding to the nearest ten. That all Births will be timestamped, and if a cull of the elderly turns out to be slightly premature, the GNDT will clearly say so, when the first one's stricken.

(It should be easy to display Family Member's ages from their birthdates, as well, although I'll have to think of a non-confusing way to do this. I just could replace dates with ages in the "Members" fields as part of display, but it'd mean that you couldn't just copy and paste Members when you were editing them, that you'd have to change the dates back.)

Proposed Marriage: Sirrus of D'ni to Julia Simon-Simon

Julia, I know that your betrothal to Moto has been a burden to you for all of your 20 years. I have long adored you from afar, hoping that some day I would have an opportunity to catch your eye and, maybe, your heart. Now that your Family is advancing their plans, however, I have no choice but to publicly proclaim my devotion to you. If your family will call off their vendetta to wed you to the miscreant Moto man, or if you will reject it of your own accord, I will give them a dowry of 75 Thalers, and gladly take upon my family any shame that yours so wrongly believes would befall them.

Please acknowledge my desires and requite my affection, and I will make you a happy woman till the end of my days.

Yours forever,
Sirrus of D'ni

Edited for spelling

Proposal: Indecent Proposals [Trivial]

In Rule 13 - Marriage, after the first sentence insert

When proposals are posted to the blog, the posts' titles should begin with the phrase "Proposed Marriage:".

Upon passage of this Rule, any admin may change previous Marriage Proposals' titles to satisfy the revised Rule 13. Any admin may claim 1 Thaler for each such entry he edits. The admin who makes this change to the "Simon Simon-Simon to Jane Stepford" Marriage Proposal may claim 5 Thalers instead of 1 Thaler for that entry.

To keep from screwing up the "Oldest Pending Proposal" bit in the sidebar.

Tick Passed 8-2 with 2 Deferentials. Enacted by Simon, 9th of December. +2 to 75th Trombone, +2 to Simon.

Spouse Sale

"Will she accept my proposal?", "Is this dowry big enough?", "Does he even know I exist?"

No more! The Stepford Family takes the hassle out of marriage - if you have the dowry, we have the spouse! We will bring a comely young bride or groom, desperate for marriage, directly from our homeland to you. Let us know your particular requirements by posting in the public square or by messenger, and with a dowry of 55 Thalers your marriage will be performed on the spot by our resident Priest. Don't wait, your biological clock is ticking, so inquire today!*

*(Some restrictions apply. Stepford will not break current marriage laws. Dowry price is subject to change and is non-refundable. Orders are taken on a first come, first serve basis which are processed as fast as possible, but please allow up to 10 years for delivery of your spouse.)

Proposal: An Inbred Jerk by Any Other Name [trivial]

Change all references to "Emperor" in the Ruleset to "Duke".

A local Duke keeping peace amongst the rabble seems much more appropriate than something as grand as an Emperor, don't you think?

10-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Proposed Marriage: Truman to Katherine

The Hohenzallern's would like to formally announce the engagement of Truman to Katherine.

Would one of the town priests be kind enough to attend to the ceremony?


  • "Negligence" on part of the Simon-Simon family. They must support the wee one whom the McGeddon clan have been forced to support. 5 Thalers from the Simon-Simon to the McGeddon family.
  • "Wasting the Emperor's Time" for the Simon-Simon's, "Disrupting the Peace" and for the McGeddons. 5 Thalers from each family to the Emperor.
  • "Willful Misconduct" Against the mischievious McGeddon clan, unless of course he was taken advantage of by the Simonwoman, a claim no man would claim, unless he be coward either of punishment or emasculation. 5 Thalers donated to charity.
The above is my judgement on the petition brought forth by the Simon-Simon family.

Proposed Marriage: Julia Simon-Simon to Bob Moto

Now, Mr. Moto, I understand that you've already chanced to meet my daughter and been acquainted with her. She's quite enamoured with you! So we'll just get the matter of the dowry out of the way... 15 Thalers, the same as I gave John Smith when I married his sister. Your sister will have to perform the ceremony, I'm afraid; Sylvia would have done it, but she wasn't expecting to pass on so suddenly. But enough morbid talk! This is a time for celebration! Eat, drink, etc...

Proposals: Gifts II [Trivial]

Add a rule called Gifts:
Once per day, a Family may transfer a non-negative amount of Thalers from themselves to another Family as long as it is equal or less than the amount of Thalers held by the Family doing the transfer.

10-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Outcasts... now what?

add to rule 13, marriage, as a new paragraph

An outcast can be proposed to at half the cost of a normal dowry, this will be given to the outcast family, unless the outcast is unable to marry due to a rule (not a law) then the outcast is considered to consent upon being proposed to. All other marriage rules/laws apply.

add to rule 21, Trysts, as a new paragraph

An outcast can be part of a tryst, but if the female member of the tryst is the outcast, the father has the option of making the baby part of his family.

11-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: I dont want the bastard

Add to rule 18, Legal Gaurdian, as a new paragraph

A bastard, while at age 0, may be left on the doorstep of any Family. When a bastard is created, if the mother so chooses she can give the baby to any Family to atempt to get rid of the responsibility.

12-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

One last age question

Terribly sorry about this, but I can't find clarification in any of the posts so far:

In what year were our initial Family Members born in? 0 A.T. or 10 A.T.? No Member in the GNDT has 0 listed as his/her birthdate, so it seems as though we began at 10.

Also, Rule 12 (Death and Inheritance) states:

If any Family Member would become older than 70 Years they die of natural causes.

And Rule 16 (Calendar) states:

The Year is tracked in the Blog sidebar. It is measured in Years A.T. ("Anno Truman"). Once per day at midnight GMT the Calendar advances 10 Years.

Periodically the Calendar will advance 1 year. This has no game effect other than to indicate the time until the year increments; the Year is still considered to be what it was at midnight.

From these I draw two conclusions:

1) The "68" dates for Sylvia and Edmund Simon-Simon should actually be 60.
2) A Member dies in the year he would otherwise turn 80, so the first generation will die in 90 A.T.

This isn't a Proposal or a CFJ, since I haven't checked in a couple of days (a n00b mistake I won't make again, I assure you) and a lot has happened. Sorry for rehashing old questions.

Town Gossip

You may see your neighbors regularly in church, but don't be fooled - you'll find plenty of scandalous behavior among the families if you keep your eyes and ears open. Bitter old John Stepford, who was left at the altar by Morag McGeddon for a man 30 years her junior, has some stories to tell if you buy him an drink. The juiciest news this year:

Young Julia Simon-Simon has made indecent proposals to her presumed groom to be, Bob Moto. Perhaps at age 10, she doesn't know what proper lady-like behavior is? To be sure, her aunt Sylvia certainly didn't provide a good role model.

Of course the Motos are quite a story in themselves. Despite Sister Sally Moto's vows, she is unnaturally close with Bob Moto. If they have a love child it may well be the antichrist.

Maybe I'll post town gossip regularly to provide a summary of the affairs I spot in the GNDT. I'm just a busybody, I guess.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Alert about impending chaos

I was adminning some proposals, when I came in the queue to the proposal Gifts.

I realized that if this proposal were passed as is, it would arguably allow anyone to move anyone else's Thalers around, willy-nilly. I changed my vote so it was no longer at quorum.

I strongly urge others to do the same so it does not pass when timed out.

Proposal: Fight Club

Enact a new Rule, "Fighting":-

Once per day, a Family Member may choose to get into a Fight with another Family Member, by having their Family post a GNDT comment in the format "[Name] and [name] fight: DICE vs DICE", where the dice rolls are assigned to the corresponding person.

If one Fighter is older than the other, and if they are not older than 60, an extra 1 is added to their roll.

The Fighter with the lowest roll is defeated; the Fighter with the highest roll may, any time within the next 24 hours, announce that the loser has died as a result.

Killing a Family Member in such a way, even in self defence, is Against the Law.

13-2. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Petition: Accuse McGeddon Family

Specifically, I accuse Angus McGeddon of infidelity to a heinous degree. First, he outcasted his wife Karis for failing to have children. Then he proceeded to engage in a Tryst with Sylvia Simon-Simon, who died bearing his love-child - the same child who is even now being raised by the McGeddon family, due to our patriarchal society's rules. Sylvia passed on before she was willing to speak about the nature of her contact with Mr. McGeddon, but she was a lady of the faith and I suspect her of no wrongdoing.

The Tryst is the only actual broken Law that I can accuse Angus of, but I hope that in light of the circumstances surrounding this act, our enlightened Emperor will find just cause to punish the offence most harshly. I'm going to go mourn for my dead sister now.

Proposal: Alter Child Relocation [Trivial]

Change the second line of the Legal Guardian rule to read:
In the event of the death of a child's Male parent if the Female parent is alive and unmarried both she and any children under age 20 that she has may be transfered by the Female's original Family back to that Family.
A wandering wise man by the name of Ben uttered some words of warning about the strange situation that will arise when the current generation of fathers die and all their children are transferred back to their mother's Family.

4-5. Timed-Out. Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Unified Marriage Law and Punishment for its Breaking. [Trivial]

In rule 11 – Family, change

and (optionally) a single Spouse.


and (optionally) any number of Spouses. It's Against the Law for a Family Member to have more than one Spouse.

In rule 13 – Marriage, change

for as long as both parties remain unmarried


for as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other

In that same rule, delete

if the Emperor pronounces that it is a Crime, the marriage is also annulled.

In rule 19 - Clergy, change

Priests may not be married to anyone.


It's Against the Law for a Priest to be married.

In rule 15 - Crime and Punishment , add:

* "Unlawful Marriage". Only appliable if the accused Family is part of a Marriage which is Against the Law. Anull all Marriages inside the guilty Family which are Against the Law.

9-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Proposed Marriage: Morag Mcgeddon.

Will you be Maude to my Harold? Please? The hour for us to make tons of babies is yet waning, but we still have a chance.

32 Thalers is all I could swipe from my dad's coffers, but surely it should be enough to sway your heart.

Crispin Cayvie


I've idled shikimoku, as per his request, and Aaron, as per the idleing rule. Quorum drops to 8.

Proposal: Anti-poligamy/poliandry rule [Trivial]

In rule 11 - Family, change:

and (optionally) a single Spouse.

and (optionally) any number of Spouses. It's Against the Law for a Family Member to have more than one Spouse.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos

Proposal: More Imigration [Trivial]

In rule 11 - Family change

a distant relative


distant relatives


This costs the Family 50 Thalers, and allows the Family to create a new Family Member with a Forename, Age and Gender of their choosing (provided that the Forename has never been used for any Family Member in the past).


This costs the Family 50 Thalers, and allows the Family to roll a DICE and create a number of Family Members equal to half that DICE result, rounded down, each one with a Forename, Birthdate and Gender of their choosing (provided that each Forename has never been used for any Family Member in the past). If more than one Family Member is created this way, they may optionally be created married to each other.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Anti-celibacy rule [Trivial]

In rule 19 - Clergy, change

Priests may not be married to anyone.


It's Against the Law for a Priest to be married.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos

Proposed Marriage: Timothy Josh to Maria Phaenon

I have gotten over Katherine Truman-Capote rejecting me. Come, let us spend our twilight years in companionship. 20 Thalers for the deal.

Idle me

Idle me please.

I've become busy lately with school and don't expect to become un-busy anytime soon; semester exams are coming up.

Notice: Time Moves Backwards

If I'm not mistaken, and I am known to make mistakes from time to time ("Purity's next on the queue, right") the Anno Truman clock is messed up for anyone living outside the GMT time zone. Looking at the code for it in the template, I think I know what's wrong with it. The unit digit takes its value from the GMT clock, so it's always correct, but the tens digit seems to be taken from the local date, meaning when it checks with my computer it thinks it's still the 50s since it's still the 6th of December for another hour here. Even better, I can change the decade by manually changing the date on my computer; I can propel myself 140 years into the future by pretending it's New Year's Eve.

The point is, I just fixed a GNDT entry where Smith thought his latest kid was born in 50, when really it was 60; I noticed because my kid was born in 50, which was yesterday. Of course, when that happened, the year appeared to be 40 to me, but I thought the problem was mine alone because nobody else seemed to be having any trouble like this. So hey, watch out for the bend in time, just in case.

Proposed Marriage:". John Stepford to Morag McGeddon

I see that Timothy has overlooked the sweet flower Morag McGeddon. The unfortunate demise of my late wife has left a void in my life regarding certain comforts. Managing my affairs and raising a small child is quite disagreeable and I believe it requires a bit of the feminine. To this end, I am prepared to offer a handsome dowry of 40 Thalers for Morag's hand in marriage.

-- John Stepford

Edited by Chronos

Monday, December 06, 2004

Proposal: Rights to the dead [trivial]

reword rule 18, Legal Gaurdian from

When a child is born then he/she will become part of the Father's Family. In the event of the death of a child's Male parent both his spouse and any children that he may have had will the be transfered to the Female's original Family.


When a child is born then he/she will become part of the Father's Family. In the event of the death of a child's Male parent both his spouse and any children (a child being under the age of 20) that he may have had will then be transfered to the Female's original Family. If a Family Member dies that has been trasfered over due to a marriage then thier original family has to right to reclaim their dead body and bring it back to thier Famly by doing so throught a change in the GNDT

8-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos

Call For Judgement

There is another problem, Purity seems to not be enacted, but the effects of its permature enaction are still in the ruleset.

As stated by Rule 6 proposals must be enacted/failed in order
As purity was enacted before the three proposals in front of it were either enacted, vetoed or failed it should not have been enacted
As there is still one of these three proposals pending, Purity should not be enacted/failed until Doctor, Doctor is enacted/failed

Because of Simons error my marriage between Bob Moto and Sally Moto was anulled, and have missed two opportunities to bear children between them.

If this CFJ passes then Quazie shall be allowed to attempt childbirth between Bob Moto and Sally Moto as if they were married again a number of times equal to the number of days that have passed since December 5th and the actual Enacting/failing of Purity, including the day that Purity is Enacted/vetoed/failed, and excluding the 5th. If Sally dies during one of the childbirth attempts then no futher childbirth attempts may be taken and Sally will die as per the rules. Furthermore If purity fails then the line 'Priests may not be married to anyone' shall be removed from the rule Clergy.

Tick 8-0 Reached Quorum. Enacted by Smith, 10th of Dec.

Proposal: Birth Formulae [Trivial]

In Rule 17 (Childbirth), replace "with age of 0" with:-

with a Birthdate of the current year, and a Forename that has never been used for any Family Member in the past

7-1 (Plus 1 null Deferential). Timed-Out. Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Immigration Drive [Trivial]

[ As pointed out by Ben, in comments, new Families get something of a raw deal at the moment. ]

To Rule 11 (Family), replace "If a Family has no Family Members" with "If a Family has fewer than two Family Members".

In Rule 3 (Thalers), replace "New Families begin the game with 100 Thalers." with:-

New Families begin the game with 200 Thalers. (If the First Dynasty of TrumanCapote has ended, this value shall be reverted to 100 Thalers and this bracketed text deleted.)

Tick Passed 9-2. Enacted by Simon, 7th of December. +2 to Kevan, +2 to Simon.

History Chews

History Chews! The new delicious fruit-flavoured* snack from the Simon-Simon family. All your favourite shapes, like perennial leader Kevan, infamous totalitarian Anthony, and the GNDT!

Seriously tho, I just wanted to let everyone know that I updated the histories in the wiki. We're still missing complete histories for Kevan III, Joranj I, Keitalia I, Satyr Eyes I, Cayvie II, and Brendan I. That's a potential 120 Thalers to anyone who wants to comb through the old Dynasties. I'm currently working on a history for the first Meta-Dynastic Interlude because it fascinates me, after which I'll probably throw something together for Chronos's dynasty. If only real-world history had been kept in blog format, then I could've been one of those insufferable professors at some big-name university, with a pair of spectacles to leer at the firstyears with. "And do you know why I gave you six percent on your essay?"

But enough about me - let's discuss what a GNDT-shaped fruit snack would look like get back to the game. Hey, John Stepford, your sister died giving birth to our new daughter Julia. Can we bury my old copy of Die Hard with her? I think she requested that in her will somewhere...

Update: The Hat Meta-Dynasty is now available for your consideration.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Proposed Marriage: Timothy Josh to Katherine Truman-Capote

Come pick a bedspread with me, baby. Daddy's given us 40 Thalers to spend, so we can go to town... waddaya say?

Edited by Chronos

Proposal: Dowry Fix [Trivial]

In Rule 13 (Marriage), replace "If the proposal is accepted, an amount of Thalers equal to the dowry is taken from the Family making the proposal and given to the Family accepting the proposal." with:-

If the proposal is accepted, the dowry is transferred from the Family making the proposal to the Family accepting it - if there are insufficient Thalers at this point, the wedding is called off.

KnightKing can keep the money, though.

Tick Passed 10-1. Enacted by Simon, 7th of December. +2 to Kevan, +2 to Simon.

Proposed Marriage: Fand T'roj to Akiko Heiwa

I'll give you 100 Thalers for her. I won't even beat her too much if she doesn't misbehave!

Edited by Chronos

Proposed Marriage: Angus McGeddon to Karis Josh

Ach, it's probably time Angus was settling down. The McGeddon clan is able to spare 10 Thalers for the wedding, and in the interests of mutual familial support, young Morag has expressed a blushing interest in Timothy, if he's looking for a wife.

Edited by Chronos

Proposed Marriage: John Stepford to Akiko Heiwa

Akiko, we were meant for each other! I've never felt like this about anyone before. The Family is offering a Dowry of 40 Thalers.

Proposal: Old Stiffs [Trivial]

Add to the Death and Inheiritance rule (and correct the spelling in the name):
When a Family Member dies they become a Family Ancestor and are no longer counted as a Family Member.
We can figure out what to do with their corpses later. I'd like to see a cemetary or family tree in the wiki.

Tick Passed 9-0. Enacted by Simon, 7th of December. +2 to Smith, +2 to Simon.

Call For Judgement

Simon made an illegal Admin move he enacted a proposal out of order.

Rule 6 Enactment states

If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal.

If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Families have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Family who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed. When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.

As Purity was not the oldest at time of enactment its enactment should not be allowed until the three proposals before it are enacted. As such my priest should still be married to my non-priest, and Simon should lose 7 Thalers for jumping the gun.

If purity becomes legally enacted before this CFJ is resolved then my priest and non-priest remain un-married but Simon still loses Thalers.

Do not look at this as 'I don't want a priest married' but rather as 'Rules must be followed'

CrossFailed 1-10. Failed by Simon, 7th of December.

Proposal: Gifts [Trivial]

Add a rule Gifts:
A Family may transfer to another Family any amount of Thalers equal or less than the amount the giver has.
This could be useful for paying Priests for their services, for example.

Cross Self-kill. Failed by Simon, 7th of December. -3 to Smith.

Proposal: Time Warp

In Rule 16 - Calendar, replace:
Once per day at midnight GMT the Calendar advances 10 Years.

Once per day at midnight GMT the Calendar advances 5 Years.

[As it is, our Family Members are only going to last about a week. This should give us a little more breathing room.]

Cross Failed 2-8. Failed by Cayvie, 7th of December. -3 to Royce

Proposed Marriage: Svrek Pwexl to Katherine Truman Capote

The Pwexl family believes it is in our best interest to marry into the imperial family, and humbly offers a dowry of 35 Thalers.

Proposed Marriage: Simon Simon-Simon to Jane Stepford

In the interests of not being incestual, I think we should get married. My sister can perform the ceremony, and I'll give you 15 Thalers and my VHS copy of Die Hard. C'mon, you know a guy means business when he's willing to give up a Bruce Willis movie to get married!

Proposal: I really don't like incest (Trivial)

Ammend the following sentence in Rule 13:

It is Against the Law for Family Members of the same gender to be married, or for a female younger than 20 to be married; if the Emperor pronounces that it is a Crime, the marriage is also annulled.

to read:

It is Against the Law for Family Members of the same gender to be married, or for a female younger than 20 to be married, or for members of the same Family to be married; if the Emperor pronounces that it is a Crime, the marriage is also annulled.

If Cayvie, Knightking, Quazie or Heiwa vote against this proposal, they loose 2 Thalers on enactment.

Cross Failed 2-10. Failed by Cayvie, 7th of December. -3 to Josh

Proposal: Theirs was a Forbidden Love

Add a Rule called Trysts:
Once per day, a Family Member may attempt to have a love affair with another Family Member by having their Family post a blog entry or GNDT comment with a request for a tryst. There is a random chance the Family Member being propositioned may accept, the poster must roll DICE: on a score of 1-5 their advances are rejected, on a score of 6 their love is requited.

If the tryst is accepted the lovers are assumed to have had many such encounters and the Family of the female Family Member may check for childbirth as if she were married to her lover (and the usual age/sex requirements). A child born out of such a union is known as a Bastard, unless the mother is married in which case her Family may choose to include the child as if it were legitimate. A Bastard is forever branded with a "!" after their name. In any case, the child stays with the mother's Family.

It is Against the Law for any Family to have members participate in such an affair out of wedlock.

Passed 10-1. Enacted by Cayvie, 7th of December. +10 to smith, +5 to Cayvie

Proposal: Cleanups (Trivial)

Amend the first sentence of rule 13 - Marriage to read:

"A living Family Member may propose to wed another living Family Member"

As far as I can tell, nothing prevents marriages from beyond the grave. Sure, a Death in a marriage ends it, but dead Family Members are still Family Members.

Amend the first sentence of rule 17 - Childbirth to read:

"If, within a Family's Members, there exists a Married couple, in which the Male member is at least 20 and not yet 70 years of age, and the Female member is at least 20 not yet 60, then that Family may, once per day (for each such couple), attempt to have a child."

Between is always problematic.

Passed 12-0. Enacted by Cayvie, 7th of December. +4 to Cayvie

Proposed Marriage to Esmerelda Cayvie

Hey Esmerelda, you wanna? I mean, I could do it right now.

If not, how about if I offered you 10 Thalers? Eh? Eh?


Weird, how did this get turned into a draft?

Proposal: Clear aging [Trivial]

In rule 11 – Family, change

Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Members', as a list with each Member formatted as "Forename (Age/Gender, married to Spouse)", with Gender as a single letter - a typical list might be "Hans (30/M, married to Gretchen), Gretchen (20/F, married to Hans), Gustav (10/M)".


Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Members', as a list with each Member formatted as "Forename (BirthDate/Gender, married to Spouse)", with Gender as a single letter - a typical list might be "Hans (10/M, married to Gretchen), Gretchen (20/F, married to Hans), Gustav (10/M)".

Passed 8-0, with one Imperial. Enacted by Cayvie, 7th of December. +2 to Chronos, +2 to Cayvie

Proposed Marriage - From Fand T'roj to Verl T'roj

Oh Verl, let us join together and pratice the anchient art of tax evasion. Please accept my dowry of ONE HUNDRED BILLION THALERS.

Call for Judgement

Every Family Member should be 30 years old now, as every current Family Member started at an age of 0 and the calendar has been advanced three times -- twice by Smith and once by Kevan. Rule 11: Family states that all Family Members have a birthdate, but the same rule does not provide for this birthdate to be listed in the 'Members' field in the GNDT.

According to the GNDT, every Family Member is still 10 years old (except mine, whom I have aged on my own). Rule 16, Calendar, does not suggest that the advancement of the calendar 10 years actually causes the Age of any Family Member to increase by 10 and as far as I can tell no other rule does either; we just seem to have been assuming that this is logical, which of course it is.

My recommendation is that all Family Members be given an age equal to the amount of time that has passed since their birth (which is 30, as of my writing this). It's easier than turning back the clock -- things have already occurred with the assumption in place that Family Members have higher Ages than 10.

It would also seem we need a proposal to actually connect forwarding the calendar with increasing Members' Ages, but that will come later I suppose.

Cross 0-8. Timed out. Failed by Smith, 10th of Dec.

Proposed Marriage - From Bob Moto to Sally Moto

Sally, I have loved you since the days in which we were young, I ask you if you will accept my hand in marriage, and I will give a dowry of 50 thalers. Please, Sally, say I do.

Proposal: Bring out your dead!

create a new column in the GNDT called Cemetery.

add a law called Respect for the Dead

A column exists in the GNDT called Cemetery. The Cemetery originally starts off empty.

Once a Family Member has died a family has 2 days to bury their dead or on midnight blog time the body of the dead family member will decay and cease to exist, and thus removed from the GNDT.

To bury a dead Family Member a Family must pay 4 Thalers and move the Family Member to the cemetery. Family Members in the cemetery will be formated as such Forename Surname (Cause of death/gender/spouse name/titles held). The titles held section will indicate if the Family Member was a priest or something similar.

Family Members that have been Outcasted can be sent to the Outcasts cemetery if a Family decides to donate the 4 Thaler fee to have an Outcast buried, an additional 2 Thaler fee can be paid to have the Family Member returned to the cemetery of the Family Members origin, if and only if the Family itself pays this 2 thaler fee and the Outcast still retains its Family name.

Anyone may donate money to any Family to cover a burial, and this shall be denoted in a comment in the GNDT. If a wife, husband dies then a donation is expected from which ever family did not lose a family member with 'blood' relations. The death of a child (under the age of 30) must be paid for equally by each effected family, 2 Thalers from the mothers side 2 Thalers from the fathers.

Cross 2-8. Cannot be enacted without change of vote. Failed by Cayvie, 6th of Dec. -3 to Quazie.

Proposal: Purity [Trivial]

Add the following to the end of Rule 19, Clergy:

Priests may not be married to anyone.

Passed 9-2. Enacted by Simon, 6th of December. +2 to Heiwa, +2 to Simon (awarded previously due to admin error.)

Notice: I believe the date is wrong

If i read the rules correctly the format of a Family Member is name (birthyear/gender). As Family Members became part of the GNDT on 12/2 and it is now 12/5 all Family Members should be 30, yet according to the A.T. they are only 10. I'm not sure how the discrepency should be fixed, but it should be.