Proposal: Unified Marriage Law and Punishment for its Breaking. [Trivial]
In rule 11 – Family, change
In rule 13 – Marriage, change
In that same rule, delete
In rule 19 - Clergy, change
In rule 15 - Crime and Punishment , add:
9-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos
and (optionally) a single Spouse.
and (optionally) any number of Spouses. It's Against the Law for a Family Member to have more than one Spouse.
In rule 13 – Marriage, change
for as long as both parties remain unmarried
for as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other
In that same rule, delete
if the Emperor pronounces that it is a Crime, the marriage is also annulled.
In rule 19 - Clergy, change
Priests may not be married to anyone.
It's Against the Law for a Priest to be married.
In rule 15 - Crime and Punishment , add:
* "Unlawful Marriage". Only appliable if the accused Family is part of a Marriage which is Against the Law. Anull all Marriages inside the guilty Family which are Against the Law.

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