Proposal: Rights to the dead [trivial]
reword rule 18, Legal Gaurdian from
8-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos
When a child is born then he/she will become part of the Father's Family. In the event of the death of a child's Male parent both his spouse and any children that he may have had will the be transfered to the Female's original Family.
When a child is born then he/she will become part of the Father's Family. In the event of the death of a child's Male parent both his spouse and any children (a child being under the age of 20) that he may have had will then be transfered to the Female's original Family. If a Family Member dies that has been trasfered over due to a marriage then thier original family has to right to reclaim their dead body and bring it back to thier Famly by doing so throught a change in the GNDT

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