Call For Judgement
There is another problem, Purity seems to not be enacted, but the effects of its permature enaction are still in the ruleset.
As stated by Rule 6 proposals must be enacted/failed in order
As purity was enacted before the three proposals in front of it were either enacted, vetoed or failed it should not have been enacted
As there is still one of these three proposals pending, Purity should not be enacted/failed until Doctor, Doctor is enacted/failed
Because of Simons error my marriage between Bob Moto and Sally Moto was anulled, and have missed two opportunities to bear children between them.
If this CFJ passes then Quazie shall be allowed to attempt childbirth between Bob Moto and Sally Moto as if they were married again a number of times equal to the number of days that have passed since December 5th and the actual Enacting/failing of Purity, including the day that Purity is Enacted/vetoed/failed, and excluding the 5th. If Sally dies during one of the childbirth attempts then no futher childbirth attempts may be taken and Sally will die as per the rules. Furthermore If purity fails then the line 'Priests may not be married to anyone' shall be removed from the rule Clergy.
8-0 Reached Quorum. Enacted by Smith, 10th of Dec.
As stated by Rule 6 proposals must be enacted/failed in order
As purity was enacted before the three proposals in front of it were either enacted, vetoed or failed it should not have been enacted
As there is still one of these three proposals pending, Purity should not be enacted/failed until Doctor, Doctor is enacted/failed
Because of Simons error my marriage between Bob Moto and Sally Moto was anulled, and have missed two opportunities to bear children between them.
If this CFJ passes then Quazie shall be allowed to attempt childbirth between Bob Moto and Sally Moto as if they were married again a number of times equal to the number of days that have passed since December 5th and the actual Enacting/failing of Purity, including the day that Purity is Enacted/vetoed/failed, and excluding the 5th. If Sally dies during one of the childbirth attempts then no futher childbirth attempts may be taken and Sally will die as per the rules. Furthermore If purity fails then the line 'Priests may not be married to anyone' shall be removed from the rule Clergy.

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