BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, December 04, 2004
Proposal: Doctor, Doctor [Trivial]
Simon gets no Thalers from the passage of this Proposal.
If a rule entitled Jobs exists, then reword the rule Death/Inheritance to read:
A Family Member's age may be determined by the current Anno Truman date minus the Member's birthdate. If there is a Doctor in the Member's Family and the Member's age is greater than 80, or if there is no Doctor in the Family and the Member's age is greater than 70, then the Member dies of natural causes, as indicated by adding their death date as per the "Family" rule.
The point of that last bit of head-and-rule-bending is that a Doctor adds ten years to your life, hence the advantage of having one.

Timed out 7-1 with 3 Deferentials; enacted by Simon, 6th of December. No effect on ruleset due to lack of a rule called Jobs. +2 to Simon for admin work (no bonus for passage.)
Proposal: I Disown Thee!
Add a new rule called Outcasts
There exists a family in the GNDT called Outcasts with a surname of Outcasts. When this family is created it will initially have no Family Members. If a family wants to get rid of a family member for any reason without waiting until they die they may Outcast said family member.
When a Family Member is Outcasted then their original family name shall be denoted after their name within parenthesis. (For example if Jane age 40 is part of the Doe family and is outcasted then she will become part of the Outcast family as the following - Jane (40/F/(Doe)).)
If a Family wishes to outcast a family member and no longer have their family name attached to the Family Member then they may reduce their Thalers by 10 to do so, and when the outcasted Family Member is added to the Outcast family there will be no original family name denoted, just an open and closed parenthesis. If the Family does not have more than 10 Thalers they may not Outcast a Family Member with out original Family name retention. For example if Jane age 40 is part of the Doe family and is outcased AND the doe family reduces their Thalers by 10, Jane will appear in the Outcast family as Jane (40/F/())
Only live family members may be outcasted and they may not be outcasted if over the age of 60.
Once a Family Member has been Outcasted they are no longer considered part of their original family and their original family may no longer gain any benefits from that Family Member.
When outcasting a Family Member, a comment must be made in the GNDT as to why the outcasting is happening.

Proposal: Working for the Weekend
Create a new rule entitled Jobs:
A Member of a Family may have one, and only one, Job. If one Member already has a certain job, then no other Member may have it. A dead Member may not have a job; if a Member dies, their job is removed. The requirements for giving a Job to a Member and the method of indicating that the Member has that Job are listed in this rule; the actual effects of the Job may be given anywhere in the Ruleset.
List of jobs:
- Doctor: A Family may send one of its Members to medical school by paying 30 Thalers; the Member becomes a Doctor. This is indicated by adding "Dr." to the front of that Member's name.
If a rule entitled Clergy exists, repeal it, then add the following to the Jobs rule:
- Priest: A Family may send one of its live, unmarried Members to the seminary to join the ranks of the clergy; the Member becomes a Priest. This is indicated by adding a "+" to the end of that Member's name.

Proposal: How About That New Religion? [Trivial]
Create a rule called Clergy:
By paying a cost of 20 Thalers a Family may send one of its live, unmarried Members to the seminary to join the ranks of the clergy. That Member becomes a Priest which is indicated by a "+" at the end of their name.Change the second line of the rule Marriage to:
The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal for as long as both parties remain unmarried at which point any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the ceremony by posting a comment to that effect; after that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer.[I'm offering this to fit the theme better, but I think it could co-exist with my previous religion proposal. A Reformation could be introduced later.]

Friday, December 03, 2004
Proposal: Give me that Old Time Religion
Add a rule called Religion:
The Religion practiced by a Family is tracked in the GNDT.
Currently there are 5 different kinds of worship known. In each a single living Member of the Family must be chosen as Spiritual Leader of that Family and is identified with an asterisk next to their name:
"All-Father" worship. The Spiritual Leader must be Male and is called the Patriarch.
"All-Mother" worship. The Spiritual Leader must be Female and is called the Matriarch.
Ancestor worship. The Spiritual Leader must be the oldest Member (chose one if there is a tie) and is called the Revered Elder.
"Great Spirit" worship. The Spiritual Leader may be any Member and is called the Mystic.
"Nameless Horror" worship. The Spiritual Leader may be any Member and is called the Conduit.
A Family may change its Spiritual Leader no more than once per day. If a Family does not have any suitable candidate for Spiritual Leader then it cannot practice that Religion and the GNDT entry is cleared. A Family without a Religion may choose one at any time.

Idled: Jarrod
Proposal: Automatic Timekeeping [Trivial]
After he does this, any Admin may modify the Calendar rule to read:
The Year is tracked in the Blog sidebar. It is measured in Years A.T. ("Anno Truman"). Once per day the Calendar advances 10 Years.The Admin may also change the wording of the rule to detail how the script increments the Year (such as, "Every day at midnight blog time, Calendar advances 10 Years.") The Admin who makes these changes may claim 2 Thalers.
Edit the Death and Inheiritance rule to read:
If any Family Member would become older than 70 Years they die of natural causes. Any Family may mark the deceased Family Member using the current Year as the Deathdate, as specified by the Family rule.[That rule is still inconsistent with the Birthdate-Deathdate notation.]

Idle Jarrod Please
Proposal: Too Much Pressure Breaks the Pier
An Admin may not enact or fail a Proposal if he/she was the last Family to cast or change a Vote on that Proposal. In order to make timestamp order easier to recognize, votes may only be cast in direct comments to the Proposal, not in replies to comments (i.e., a vote cast in a comment made after pressing the "reply to this comment specifically" button is not to be counted, though it may be made for symbolic or aesthetic reasons, in addition to an actual vote).
Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a proposal (that was not self-failed or vetoed), that admin looks at the string of votes in timestamp order (counting only the most recent one for each Family, and ignoring the Proposer's vote). If there are any strings of four or more identical votes cast in a row (either FOR, AGAINST, or IMPERIAL), then that Admin must subtract 5 Thalers from each of the voters in each such string. If the Admin rewards or punishes the Propser's Thalers (for passing or failing a Proposal) but fails to do this, then any one Family may take it upon themselves to do this, and may, in addition, subtract 10 Thalers from the guilty Admin.
Example: The votes are FOR FOR FOR FOR AGAINST AGAINST FOR AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST IMPERIAL AGAINST* FOR, with the starred vote bering the Emperor's. The first four voters would all get 5 Thalers subtracted from their accounts, as would the four Against voters in a row. The Imperial voter would NOT, even though their vote counted as an Against vote, as they did not explicitly vote Against.
This proposal is mainly to encourage actual reading and consideration of the Proposals, instead of just looking at how other people voted (something which I know I have been guilty of, and I'm sure I'm not the only one). It's really not that hard to ignore votes cast in comment replies, as they're indented to the right. I figured it would make it easier on the Admin, not having to juggle the order of the votes.

Proposal: No Longer an Army of One
Each Family controls an armed force called a Garrison. A GNDT column named "Garrison" shall list a value for each Family’s Garrison. Upon passage of this Proposal, each Family shall have a Garrison of 1. New Families start with a Garrison of 1. Garrisons may never be less than 0.
Once per day, a Family may state its intention to alter its Garrison by a value of N (where N is a non-zero integer) by making a post with a subject of "Garrison Alteration: N". If N is positive, that Family’s Garrison rises by N; this costs that Family (10 x N) Thalers. If N is negative, that Family’s Garrison lowers by N.
Once per week, the Emperor may make a post requiring all Families to undertake Garrison Maintenance. Garrison Maintenance costs a Family an amount of Thalers equal to its present Garrison. Any Family unable to meet this cost shall have its Garrison reduced to 0 and must post a comment to the GNDT in the format “Garrison Revenge: DICE”. On a DICE roll of 1 or 2, unpaid Garrison members kill the Member of that Family with the highest Age; that Family Member’s Age is changed to X. All other DICE rolls have no effect. If the Emperor has not required Garrison Maintenance during an entire week, all Families are required to undertake Garrison Maintenance as if the Emperor had made such a post.

Proposal: Imperatives
Twice per week, the Emperor may deliver an Imperative by posting an entry with a subject of “Imperative: [Title]”, where [Title] is the name of that Imperative. Imperatives do not count as Proposals and do not apply to the Emperor. Imperatives shall have only one requirement for Families to meet, and that requirement must be something Families are able to do. Imperatives are considered in effect 24 hours after they were posted.
Families may Petition the Emperor to note their compliance with an Imperative that is in effect and ask that they be granted an imperial favor. Families may only file one Petition per each Imperative. The text of the Petition should indicate why the Petitioner’s compliance is worthy of reward. If the Emperor votes FOR the Petition, the Emperor’s pronouncement must include one of the following favors:
-- A gift of 5 to 20 Thalers.
-- An Imperial dowry. The next time the Petitioner makes a proposal of marriage that is accepted, the accepting family will receive the dowry amount of Thalers, but the Petitioner will not lose a similar amount of Thalers. The Emperor does not lose any Thalers as a result of granting this favor.
The Emperor may revoke a previous Decree at any time by posting an entry stating that intention; this action does not count as a Proposal or an Imperative.
Families may Petition the Emperor to revoke an Imperative currently in effect. If the Emperor grants this Petition, the Imperative in question is revoked, and the Petitioner does not receive an imperial favor.
I'm hoping that other rewards could be added later. If it passes, I have some ideas about how to address Imperatives that families can't physically comply with, or that contradict each other, but it seemed like a Call for Judgement would work for now. I also didn't want to make this too complicated all at once...

Proposal: Arranged Marriages
Adds a subheading to Marriage:
Arranged Marriages:
After a child has been born (and only when it has an age of 0), that family may negotiate with another family that has a child with an age of 0 for an arranged marriage. This is done with a post of the form: Arrange Marriage: [Child1, Child2].
The post must firmly define what the other family will receive for allowing their children to marry, and/or what they must pay the proposer. It must also say at what age the children are to marry.
If the other family votes FOR, than they each pay each other what was defined in the post. When the children reach the specified age, they will become married.
Modifies rule Marriage:
A dowry is not required if the members of the marriage are within the same family or if those involved in the marriage are of the same gender.
A dowry is not required if the members of the marriage are within the same family ,if those involved in the marriage are of the same gender or if it is an arranged marriage.
There may also be other benefits to marrying, such as inheriting land, that could be the reason for these.

Thursday, December 02, 2004
Proposal: Marriage Proposal Clarification [Trivial]
To Rule 13 (Marriage), Add
A marriage proposal may only be directed towards a Female Family member.

Proposal: And the Child Goes to...
Add a new rule called Legal Guardian.
When a child is born then he/she will become part of the Father's Family. In the event of the death of a child's Male parent both his spouse and any children that he may have had will the be transfered to the Female's original Family.

Proposal: Maiden Surname [Trivial]
To Rule 13 (Marriage), add
When a couple marries and the the female's maiden name shall follow her, and be kept track of. This will be denoted after the females name. For example if Jane Smith (20) marries John Doe, then in the Doe family Jane will appear as such Jane (10/F/Smith)

Proposal: Storking up a Storm
Add the following rule, entitled Childbirth, to the ruleset
If, within a Family's Members, there exists a Married couple, in which the Male member is between 20 and 60 years of age, and the Female member is between 20 and 50, then that Family may, once per day (for each such couple), attempt to have a child. This is done by posting a comment to the GNDT in the format "[Female Member] and [Male Member] having kids: DICE, DICE"
The first DICE roll is to determine how successful the pregnancy was. On a roll of 1, 2, or 3, the pregnancy is normal, with no ill effects. On a roll of 4 or 5, the pregnancy fails, and that couple must wait another day to try. On a roll of 6, the pregnancy succeeds, but the mother dies in childbirth (her Age is turned to X, her Marriage is annulled, and the like)
If the pregnancy succeeds, then the second roll is to determine the gender of the child. An even number makes the child Male, and an odd roll makes it Female. The Family must then add an appropriately gendered Family Member, with age of 0, to their GNDT entry.
Yes, 10 years is a rather long gestation period, but it seemed the most logical way to handle the situation without the number of kids getting out of hand. Do you really want us to be able to have 10 kids a day per couple?

Proposal: Crime and Punishment
Certain activities are Against the Law, and a Family may accuse another Family of breaking a Law. This is done by petitioning the Emperor with a Topic of "Accuse [Family Name]" and describing how the Law was broken. (The accusation does not have to be true, although the Law named must exist.)
In the Pronouncement on the Petition, the Emperor may decree the Crime or Crimes committed by the named Family and/or the Petitioner. Either or both Families can be deemed guilty of Crimes regardless of whether the Petition was approved or rejected. A Family may be found guilty of multiple counts of the same Crime.
When a Family Enforces an imperial Pronouncement, they may punish the guilty Family as appropriate by using the list of Crimes and their associated Punishments at the end of this rule. A Family may choose to apply the Punishments in any order and at any time, but after 48 hours have passed since the Petition was resolved the mandate for Punishment has expired and can no longer be Enforced.
* "Insolence" or "Wasting the Emperor's Time" or "Disrupting the Peace". Transfer 5 Thalers from the guilty Family to the Emperor.
* "Negligence" or "Wrongful Action". Transfer 5 Thalers from the guilty Family to the other Family involved in the Petition. If the Family has fewer than 5 Thalers then all of their Thalers are transferred.
* "Gross Neglect" or "Heinous Acts". Transfer half of the Thalers from the guilty Family to the other Family involved in the Petition.
* "Disregard of the Law" or "Dereliction of Duty" or "Willful Misconduct". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers by 5. If the Family has fewer than 5 Thalers then their Thalers is set to 0.
* "Blasphemy" or "Imperial Offence". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers by half.
* "Heresy" or "Treason". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers to 0.
Smith shall receive the reward for authoring, if this Proposal passes.

Proposal: The Sands of Time are Choking Me!
Add a rule Calendar:
The Year is tracked in the Blog sidebar. Start the Year at 10 A.T. ("Anno Truman"). Once per day the Calendar may be advanced 10 Years. An Admin who does this may claim 2 Thalers.In rule Family, change "Age (measured in Years)" to "Birthdate (Year of Birth)" and change the line about death to read:
Family Members may die - this is signified by their Birthdate being appended with a dash and the Deathdate (for example, "10-80").Remove the first line in the rule Death and Inheiritance

Proposal: Keeping Up With The Capotes [Trivial]
To Rule 11 (Family), add:-
Each Family has a Surname, which is listed in the GNDT. A Family's surname is initially the same as the name of that Family; they may change their Surname from this to any other currently-unused Surname, at any time.
To Rule 13 (Marriage), change "the two Family Members become one another's Spouses" to:-
the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer
Royce shall gain 5 Thalers if this proposal passes. (Unless "Some one was going to propose it eventually ..." was treated a proposal and was passed, in which case he gets nothing from this. And in which case the "Surnames" rule should be repealed, and the above changes just considered to be tidying it up.)

Proposal: Vendetta
The GNDT will track the Vendettas between the Families.
A Family, hereby called Provocator, may try to start a Vendetta with another Family, hereby called Provocated, regarding there is not already a Vendetta between them, by spending 10 Thalers and posting an entry with Subject: “Vendetta Provocation: [Provocated Family]”. The Provocator may say in the body of that entry the reasons of the Vendetta.
The Provocated Family may Accept the Provocation within the period of 48 hours imediately after its posting, by making a comment into that entry with a FOR Icon Vote. If a Provocation is accept, the name of each of the involved Families is included in the other’s Vendetta field in the GNDT.
The Provocated Family may Reject the Provocation within the period of 48 hours imediately after its posting, by spending 10 Thalers and making a comment into that entry with an AGAINST Icon Vote.
If 48 hours passes after the posting of a Vendetta Provocation without Aceepting or Rejecting by the Provocated Family, the Vendetta Provocation is deemed Ignored by that Family, and any Family may deduce, once, 5 Thalers from the Provocator Family and 15 Thalers from the Provocated Family. It’s Against the Law for a Provocated Family to Ignore a Vendetta Provocation if they don’t have 15 Thalers at that moment.

Retroactive Family Gathering
Now that Family Values has passed, though, the GNDT is now able to track Family Members, and it seems reasonable that Familes be allowed to add the two Family Members that already existed.
From the wording and implications of "Family, GNDT, Death", each Family may (nay, must) retroactively assign themselves two Family Members:-
- One Male, and one Female.
- Each with a name of the Family's choosing, "provided no similar or identical name exists".
- Both with an Age of zero (it being implied by the proposal that all Family Members start with an Age of zero days).
These Family Members are already considered to exist for the purposes of the game, including the time-passage clause of "Death and Inheritance", so for clarity's sake I've given everybody a load of "Unnamed" Family Members which they're allowed to retroactively rename.
Proposal: Admin Edit Styling [Trivial]
toIf nobody else has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the ruleset. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status.
If nobody else has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the ruleset. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be formatted <div class="adminEdit [result]">[data]</div>, where [result] is one of enact, fail, veto, or other.
Some stuff I want to do with the template/handy scripts needs this extra hook, as the regexp to capture it is getting complex enough to actually add several seconds to the load time.

Game Board
Does anyone want the gameboard? Can Kevan resurrect it?
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Some one was going to propose it eventually ...
Each family has a Surname, which is initially the same as their player name, and is listed in the GNDT. All Family Members who have this Surname are listed in the same row as their Surname. A Family can change any Family's Surname at any time in the one week following the passage of this proposal.
After a marriage between a Male and a Female Family Member, the Female Family Member takes the Surname of the Male Family Member and is transferred to that Surname's row.
Proposal: Show Me the Money [Trivial]
To the end of the Marriage rule, add the following:
Whenever a Family member makes a marriage proposal, that Family
must include a dowry as part of the proposal. A dowry must be at
least one-tenth of the proposing Family's current Thalers. If the
proposal is accepted, an amount of Thalers equal to the dowry is
taken from the Family making the proposal and given to the Family
accepting the proposal. A dowry is not required if the members of
the marriage are within the same family or if those involved in the
marriage are of the same gender.

Proposal: Hungry Hungry People
Add a rule entitled Cheese:
There exists a GNDT entity called Cheese which is tracked in the normal GNDT table. Each Family starts off with 2 Cheese, which are fully transferable. The value of Cheese may be any integer value equal to or greater than 0. At any time a Family may purchase 1 Cheese for 7 Thalers.
Add a rule entitled Eating:
To survive a family member must eat. For every Family member over the age of 10 or 1 day (depending on how the age of a Family Member is defined) a Family must own 1 Cheese. If there is not enough Cheese for a Family Member to survive then the youngest Family Member over the age of 10 or 1 day (depending on how the age of a Family Member is defined) will die. If a Family Member is Male and married then he must also provide for his wife and, unless it is an incestuous marriage, the Family that the Male's spouse belongs to no longer has to provide for her. Thus the size of a Family as far as the Eating rule is concerned is # of Family Members + # of married males - # of married females.

By the Way
From Proposal: Family, GNDT, Death
"Upon passage of this proposal each Family is given two Family Members, one male, one female"
Name Change
(Self-adminning, but there seems to be a problem in changing my name in the GNDT. What am I doing wrong?)
Proposal: Stork
Add a rule, Childbirth and Children.
At any point, any Family who has a married couple amoungst their Family Members may transfer any amount of Thalers from themselves to the Stork. When the Stork has 120 Thalers, a baby is made; the last Family to donate Thalers is the recipient of the baby. The Stork's Thalers are then set to zero, and the winning family may add the baby to their own Family Members field in the GNDT. The Stork is not considered a Family for any rule.
If the only available married couple in the winning Family's Family Members field is incestuous, and has not been annulled under the Marriage rule, then there is a 33% chance that the child will be born deformed. Upon winning, the Family must make an entry of 'Incest:DICE' in the GNDT; a result of 1 or 2 results in the baby being deformed. This baby will never be able to Marry and will die at 40 instead of 80; their deformity is noted with an [I] next to their name in the GNDT.

Proposal: Marriage law, furthermore [Trivial]
To the end of the Marriage rule, add the following:
It is also illegal for Family Members of the same Family to marry; if the Emperor pronounces this a crime, then the marriage is annulled and the male partner is executed (his age is automatically set to X).

Proposal: Colonisation [Trivial]
If a Family has no Family Members, it may arrange for a distant relative to arrive and settle in the Empire. This costs the Family 50 Thalers, and allows the Family to create a new Family Member with a Forename, Age and Gender of their choosing (provided that the Forename has never been used for any Family Member in the past).

Proposal: Marriage Law [Trivial]
Repeal the Rule "The Law". (I think it's probably clearer if illegal acts are mentioned in passing in the rules that they're relevant to, rather than being clumpy extra rules.)
In the Rule "Crime and Punishment", replace "A Family may accuse another Family of breaking a Law." with:-
Certain activities are Against the Law, and a Family may accuse another Family of breaking a Law.
Reword the "Marriage" rule to:-
A Family Member may propose to wed another Family Member by having their Family post a blog entry or GNDT comment with such a request. The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal for as long as both parties remain unmarried; upon doing so, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses.
If a married Family Member dies, their marriage is annulled.
It is Against the Law for Family Members of the same gender to be married, or for a female younger than 20 to be married; if the Emperor pronounces that it is a Crime, the marriage is also annulled.

Houston, we have a problem...
Proposal: Man's Best Friend
3 new columns, one labeled 'Consumables', another 'Live Pets', and another 'Dead pets'.
Add a rule entitled Consumables:
There exists a GNDT entity called Consumables which are tracked in the normal GNDT table. Each Family starts off with 25 Consumables, which may be given away to anyone the owner of said Consumables desires. Consumables may be any integer value equal to or greater than 0. Once every week, excluding the first week of the initiation of this law or a Families first week in this dynasty each family may gain 25 Consumables free of charge. At any time a Family may spend 5 Thalers to gain 25 Consumables.
Add a rule entitled Pets:
There exists a GNDT entity called Live Pets which are tracked in the normal GNDT table. There also exists a GNDT entity called Dead Pets which are tracked in the normal GNDT table. Each Family starts off with 1 Live Pet and 0 Dead Pets. Both Live Pets and Dead Pets can be any integer value equal to or greater than 0. At the end of each day 5 Consumables will be deducted for each Live Pet a Family owns, these may be deducted by any player. If a Family does not have enough Consumables to feed a Live Pet, than the number of unfed pets is deducted from the families Live Pets field and added to their Dead Pets field. Live Pets may be traded, exchanged, or given away with or without the receivers consent, Dead Pets are non-transferable. Once every week, excluding the first week of the initiation of this law or a Families first week in this dynasty each family may gain 1 Live Pet free of charge.

75th Trombone is back
Patio11 is Idle
Proposal: Spam Limit [Trivial]
No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if its posting leads to its poster having more than 4 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. For the purpose of this rule, 1 non-Trivial Proposal is worth 2 Trivial ones. The legal maximum is, therefore, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials.
No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if its posting leads to its poster having more than 4 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. For the purpose of this rule, 1 non-Trivial Proposal is worth 2 Trivial ones. The legal maximum is, therefore, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials. Furthermore, no Family may post more than the worth of 6 Trivial Proposals in the same day.

I Guess this solves our spam problem.
Proposal: Family Values
It wouldn't be difficult to tell the GNDT to format the "Members" column to put line breaks between each Family Member, either, if we're worried about how it might look.
What do we think? ]
If a Rule called "Family" exists, replace it with the following. Otherwise, enact the following as a new Rule called "Family":-
Each Family may have a number of Family Members; each of them has a Forename, a Gender (Male or Female) and an Age (measured in Years).
Family Members may die - this is signified by their Age becoming "X".
Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT column called "Members", as a list with each Member formatted as "Forename (Age/Gender)", with Gender as a single letter - a typical list might be "Hans (30/M), Gretchen (20/F)".
Reword "Death and Inheiritance" to (or enact it if it doesn't exist, as):-
If no Family has previously done so during the current day, any Family may mark the passage of time in the Empire by adding ten Years to the Age of every living Family Member.
If any Family Member would become older than 70 as a result of this, they die of natural causes - their Age becomes "X" instead.
If "Will You Marry Me?" passed, reword the "Family" rule to:-
Each Family may have a number of Family Members; each of them has a Forename, a Gender (Male or Female), an Age (measured in Years) and (optionally) a single Spouse.
Family Members may die - this is signified by their Age becoming "X".
Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Members', as a list with each Member formatted as "Forename (Age/Gender, married to Spouse)", with Gender as a single letter - a typical list might be "Hans (30/M, married to Gretchen), Gretchen (20/F, married to Hans), Gustav (10/M)".
...and reword the "Marriage" rule to:-
Family Members may marry.
No Family Member with an age less than 20 can be Married. A Family member's Spouse must be of the opposite gender, and Marriage must be reciprocal (that is, if Hans has Gretchen as his spouse, Gretchen must have Hans as hers).

Unidle me?
Idle Me, Please
Nice job on the Revolution, by the way. I should be back by, I don't know, early January -- might miss a Dynasty, so you guys can exploit to the max while I'm gone ;)
Proposal: It's not Just a Good Idea
Any other rule with the distinct word "Law" in the title is considered a Law. Laws are not included in the compliance forced by rule 1; Families may choose to disobey a Law (although there may be consequences for breaking a Law, see the rule "Crime and Punishment").Add a rule called Crime and Punishment:
A Family may accuse another Family of breaking a Law. This is done by petitioning the Emperor with a Topic of "Accuse [Family Name]" and describing how the Law was broken. (The accusation does not have to be true, although the Law named must exist.)Giving the Emperor the power to decree huge Thalers adjustments sets up a tyranny, but it is possible for the Families to resist the Emperor's injustice collectively if they all choose not to enforce a Punishment, or don't make any accusations in the first place.
In the Pronouncement on the Petition, the Emperor may decree the Crime or Crimes committed by the named Family and/or the Petitioner. Either or both Families can be deemed guilty of Crimes regardless of whether the Petition was approved or rejected. A Family may be found guilty of multiple counts of the same Crime.
When a Family Enforces an imperial Pronouncement, they may punish the guilty Family as appropriate by using the list of Crimes and their associated Punishments at the end of this rule. A Family may choose to apply the Punishments in any order and at any time, but after 48 hours have passed since the Petition was resolved the mandate for Punishment has expired and can no longer be Enforced.
* "Insolence" or "Wasting the Emperor's Time" or "Disrupting the Peace". Transfer 5 Thalers from the guilty Family to the Emperor.
* "Negligence" or "Wrongful Action". Transfer 5 Thalers from the guilty Family to the other Family involved in the Petition. If the Family has fewer than 5 Thalers then all of their Thalers are transferred.
* "Gross Neglect" or "Heinous Acts". Transfer half of the Thalers from the guilty Family to the other Family involved in the Petition.
* "Disregard of the Law" or "Dereliction of Duty" or "Willful Misconduct". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers by 5. If the Family has fewer than 5 Thalers then their Thalers is set to 0.
* "Blasphemy" or "Imperial Offence". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers by half.
* "Heresy" or "Treason". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers to 0.

Proposal: Divine Wisdom
Families may petition the Emperor when allowed to do so by other rules. This must be made in the form of a post with a subject of "Petition: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner. The Emperor may not be a Petitioner.
Any Family may respond to the Petition using comments, but only the Emperor may vote on it. The Emperor may vote FOR or AGAINST, along with response text as allowed by the rule governing the particular Topic of the Petition - this is called the Emperor's Pronouncement. If the Emperor posts more than one Pronouncement, only the most recent may be Enforced. A Pronouncement must be Enforced as described by the rule governing the Topic of the Petition. A Pronouncement may only be Enforced once (although the Enforcement may in some cases consist of several actions). The Emperor may never Enforce a Pronouncement.
After 48 hours a Petition is considered resolved and is not subject to the Emperor's consideration any longer. If the Emperor has voted FOR the Petition then it is considered approved, if the Emperor has voted AGAINST the Petition then it is considered rejected, and if the Emperor has not voted then it is considered ignored.

Proposal: Will You Marry Me?
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Marriage, with text as follows:
There exists a column in the secondary GNDT table, entitled Spouse. If a Family member is Married, this column contains the name of his or her Marriage partner. No male Family member with an age less than 2, or female Family member with an age less than 1, can be Married. A Family member's Spouse must be of the opposite gender, and Marriage must be reciprocal (that is, if Hans has Gretchen as his spouse, Gretchen must have Hans as hers). No Family member may have more than one Spouse at a time.
Note that this gives no method of becoming married; I figure that can happen in later proposals. I just didn't want to make this proposal overly complicated.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
.Proposal: Family, GNDT, Death
A new table with for each Family, with the Family Name in the uppermost row, which is as wide as the entire table. The leftmost column shall contain slots for Family Members. Upon passage of this proposal each Family is given two Family Members, one male, one female.
Add a rule entitled Family:
There exists a GNDT entity called Family Members, who are tracked in the leftmost column of their Family's secondary GNDT table. Whenever a Family gains a newly-created Family Member they may name them whatever they wish, provided no similar or identical name exists.
Some Family Members are Male, some are Female, this is noted by an [M] or an [F] after their name.
Add a rule entitled Death and Inheiritance:
The first row, entitled Age, in the secondary GNDT table tracks the number of days a Family Member has been alive, by stating the date and hour of their creation. After a Family Member has been alive seven days, they pass on. At this time any Family may change the deceased's Age column to an X to denote the death.
The idea here is that the normal and usual GNDT table tracks Family-wide information such as Thalers, land holdings, military, while the secondary individual GNDT tables tracks information and holdings specific to only one Family Member such as titles, percent of family money control, children, etc.

Ascension Address Redux
Truman, by grace of God, Emperor
New Family: Heiwa
Proposal: Hog Head Pie
Summery of changes:
1) Establish clear rules for post handling
2) Establish standardized voting rules (currently proposals, cfjs, and dovs all work in slightly different ways)
3) Increase proposal limit to 5 trivials
4) Cap of 10 trivials per day
5) Make pending/enacted/etc. apply to everything
6) Expand the powers of CfJs slightly -- they can now do things like change an ugly color scheme
7) Trivials are now formatted Trivial Proposal: Name rather than Proposal: Name [Trivial]
Change Rule 8 - Gamestate Tracking to:
Change Rule 4 - Proposals to:8 - Gamestate Tracking
Proposals, Calls for Judgement, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at Any Family may post to the blog at any time, but may only make OfficialPosts to the blog when the ruleset allows it. OfficialPosts must be in the following format:
[Type]: [Subject]
[Post Body]Currently, the legal OfficialPosts are as follow:
Type Subject Rule Slots Proposal Name (No Effect) 4 - Proposals 2 Trivial Proposal Name (No Effect) 4 - Proposals 1 Call for Judgement Name (No Effect) 7 - Calls for Judgement 0 Declaration of Victory No Effect 10 - Victory and Ascension 1 Ascension Address Theme (No Effect) 10 - Victory and Ascension 0 If [Subject] is empty, the colon and space preceding it may be omitted. If possible, the [Type]: [Subject] line must be contained within the Title field of the post.
OfficialPosts can be edited only as specified by the RuleSet.
OfficialPosts with no comments by someone other than the poster may be edited or removed
A post which does not qualify as an OfficialPost at the time it is posted does not exist for all intents and purposes, even if it later would qualify to be an OfficialPost.
A single family has 5 slots availible for pending OfficialPosts. Any action which would result in a Family having more than 5 slots of pending OfficialPosts may not be taken. For example, a Family could have two pending Proposals, one pending Proposal and three pending Trivial Proposals, or five pending Declerations of Victory (although Hiatus would make that difficult). In addition, no more than 10 slots of OfficialPosts may be posted in a single day by a Family.
Voting and comments are tracked by backBlog, accessible throughthe link at the bottom of every post.
OfficialPosts can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired. When a OfficialPost is first posted, it is considered Pending if it requires actions to be taken for it to take effect, or Enacted if it does not.
Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by theGeneric Nomic Data Tracker at Family may update any Family's data via the GNDT, whenever theRuleset permits it.
All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Family feels that analteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of thealteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of thatalteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgmentshould be raised.
Families shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they jointhe Nomic.
Change Rule 5 - Voting to:4 - Proposals
Any Family may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting a Proposal or Trivial Proposal OfficialPost which describes the changes they wish to be made.
Proposals and Trivial Proposals are voted on using the Quorum Voting rules.
Quorum for Proposals and Trivial Proposals is equal to half the number of Families, rounded down, plus one.
When a Proposal or Trivial Proposal is Enacted, the Enacting Admin should follow all instructions contained in the post.
If the majority of votes FOR a Proposal are marked 'Trivial' when it is enacted, it is considered a Trivial Proposal.
When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Thalers and the Enacting Admin may gain 5 Thalers. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Thalers.
When a Trivial Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 3 Thalers and the Enacting Admin may gain 2 Thalers. When a Trivial Proposal fails, its proposer loses 1 Thalers.
Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Thalers from the accounts of all active Families who did not vote on the Proposal. This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
Change Rule 6 - Enactment to:5 - Quorum Voting
Any Family may cast their vote on a Pending OfficialPost by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Family on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Family leaves the game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Emperor. The vote will count as the same as the Emperor's vote. The Emperor cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Emperor, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
If the Family who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
Pending OfficialPosts which use this rule are called VotingPosts.
Change Rule 7 - Calls for Judgement to:6 - Enactment
Unless otherwise specified, Pending VotingPosts Expire after 48 hours.
If the oldest VotingPost's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if it has Expired and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that OfficialPost as Enacted, and update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate as specified by that post.
If the oldest VotingPost has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Families have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Family who posted it has voted AGAINST it, or if it has Expired and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed. When the poster votes against his or her own VotingPost, that vote may not be changed.
Change Rule 10 - Victory and Ascension to:7 - Calls for Judgement
If two or more Families actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Family feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Family may raise a Call for Judgment by posting a Call for Judgment OfficialPost, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should be taken to resolve it.
CfJs are voted on using the Quorum Voting rules.
CfJs can not be VETOED.
Quorum for CfJs is equal to half the number of Families, rounded down, plus one.
CfJs Expire after 96 hours. Ignore all other VotingPosts for the purposes of determaining if a CfJ can be Enacted.
When a CfJ is Enacted, the Enacting Admin should follow all instructions contained in the post.
CfJs can do anything, including change things not part of the Gamestate if the Enacting Admin is able to implement the specified changes.
10 - Victory and Ascension
If a Family believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory OfficialPost. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken.
DoVs are voted on using the Quorum Voting rules.
DoVs can not be VETOED.
Quorum for DoVs is equal to half the number of Families, rounded down, plus one.
DoVs do not Expire. Ignore all other VotingPosts for the purposes of determaining if a CfJ can be Enacted.
After 24 hours, the Emperor may Enact the DoV at any time, regardless of current vote.
When a Dynasty has been won, all Families' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Families who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the Emperor's discretion.
The Hiatus then continues until the new Emperor posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the Emperor's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10 and 99), and/or that the words "Family", "Emperor" and "Thalers" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new Emperor chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new Emperor's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new Emperor may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any VotingPosts. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Thalers penalty for the proposer.
Upon posting this Address, and having made the Ruleset changes, the Hiatus period ends and the new Dynasty commences.

New Imperial Family
Please welcome the family Chris.
Call for Judgement: Admin
I've been planning to do this for a while, and I have a few core rule cleanups which will soon be proposed which I would never ask anyone else to implement :P

I'd Like Back in, Please
It is I, the prodigal son, returned home. Don't all get up at once.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Ascension Address
Something better will come along soon with my theme, promise.
From Rule 10:
"If more than half of Lords consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends." The current count is 7 - 1.
Repeal Rules 11 - 34.
Replace Lord with Family, Prime Minister with Emperor, and Confidence with Thalers.
Hiatus Talk
Are there any options to the DICE command? Is there a way to expand the range beyond 1-6? I'd love to have a 1-10 range so we could do percentiles.
What are all the possible values for FRUIT and COLOUR?
I found a javascript tool which might be interesting to use in a game. It is a way to use a secret keyword to scramble some text. We could use it to enter secret information in the GNDT or ruleset. You can try it out here. We could put that tool on the sidebar or in the wiki, perhaps?
Declaration of Victory
Let us riot.
Proposal: [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal :Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal[Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal[Trivial]

Call for Judgment
TrumanCapotes Revolution and Victory declarations rely on the fact that Prosperity has 0% support, when, in fact, we have 3%, bringing the total support to 30%. The Revolution does not yet happen.
One of his 15 self-killed proposals was not actually self-killed. He admined it as self-killed, but he has not voted on that proposal. He only self-killed 14 proposals.
His revolution and victory declarations are invalid.
Request to become Prime Minister
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Proposal: Proposal[Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Proposal [Trivial]

Proposal: Group Scandals [Trivial]
Rewrite the Scandal rule to read:
If any Lords are involved in a Scandal a Lord may make a post with the subject "Scandal: [Lord names]". The body of the post must include a description of the trigger event causing the named Lords to be involved in the Scandal. If that same event has already been described in an existing Scandal for any of the named Lords, the Scandal has already been made public for those Lords and cannot be posted.
The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lords named by half. If this would reduce the Confidence of a Lord to below 10, the Lord posting the Scandal may, exactly once, transfer one Electoral Vote from that Lord named in the Scandal to himself, if the Lord named in the Scandal has more than one Electoral Vote.
If there is more than one Lord from the same Party named in a Scandal, the Lord posting the Scandal must also reduce the popular support of the Party to which those Lords belong by a random amount determined by the result of (DICE - 1) x 5% (a range of 0-25%).

Proposal: Anarchy in the Ukraine [Trivial]
If public support for a single Party ever exceeds 90%, then the Speaker of that Party goes down in history, and may declare Victory.
If public support for all Parties ever totals less than 30%, then any Lord may declare the outbreak of Revolution; all Rules except the Core Ruleset, the Glossary and this Rule are repealed. During a Revolution, any Lord may declare Victory.

Proposal: Heat Death [Trivial]
Enact a new Rule, "Voter Apathy":-
Whenever a Proposal fails, any Lord may decrease public support for the Proposer's Party by 5%, within the next 24 hours, if no Lord has previously done so for that proposal.
When a Lord becomes idle, the Admin who idled them may drop public support for all Parties by 10% (unless a Lord had become idle earlier in the day).