New Specimen : Joranj
Welcome to BlogNomic.
However, each combatant must have some chance of winning the battle, however small.
Any Specimen in the Arena may attack another Specimen in the Arena by posting a GNDT change that includes the string "Self:DICE+X Opponent:DICE+X" in its comment, where "Self" and "Opponent" are the two specimens' names, and X are the combat modifiers specified in the next paragraph. (The words "DICE" will be automatically replaced with the results of six-sided die rolls.)
Each combatant's ATT is added to their die roll, and their opponent's DEF is subtracted from it. The Specimen with the lowest total is defeated; they lose 10 Life and are moved immediately to the Lab. The victor gains 10 Life. (If scores are tied, then nothing happens.)
If a Specimen defeats a Specimen whose combined Attack and Defence exceed its own, then the victor's Intelligence shall increase by one.
The instigator of the battle may optionally post a commentary of it to the BlogNomic weblog.
Special modifications:
- Blind: A specimen with the "blind" modification has a 50% greater chance of losing any arena combat fought against a non-bling opponent. Modifications relating to the eyes have no effect until blindness is removed. The blind modification cannot be purchased.
- Occular implants: Occular implants remove the "blind" modification. Occular implants may be purchased by blind specimens at a life force cost equal to four times the number of modifications other than "blind" a specmen has. If a specimen with occular implants reacquires the "blind" modification, their occular implants are destroyed.
- Sensory Enhancement: A specimen with the "sensory enhancement" modification removes only the effects of blinding. Sensory enhancement costs one fourth of a specimen's life force after the first hundred, with a minimum cost of twenty life force, and can only be purchased while blind. Instalation of occular implants on a specimen with sensory enhancement causes sensory overload leading to the destruction of the sensory enhancements.
- Night vision: A specimen with the "night vision" modification is immune to the effects of fighting in a darkened arena. Night vision may be purchased at a cost of one third of a specimen's life force after the first hundred, with a minimum of thirty life force.
There is a ten percent chance at the beginning of any arena combat that the lighting system was damaged in the previous battle (or if the lighting was laready damaged in the previous battle, that the repairs were ineffective). If this happens the battle is fought in darkness.
In a darkened arena, blindness has no effect and specimens with night vision or sensory enhancement are 50% more likely to win when fighting a specimen with neither modification.
Specimens in a battle may not leave the arena until the battle has been resolved.
If a Specimen other than the Doctor does not participate in a battle for a period of at least a week, then it shall be labelled a Coward. Cowards may not enter the Laboratory, though they still have access to the rest-rooms and the Arena. A Coward retains the label until they have fought a battle.
The Doctor (never an eligible combatant) shall preside over the fight. If the Doctor does not or cannot resolve a battle within 24 hours after a challenge is accepted, a non-combatant Adminion can resolve the battle in his place.
Ordinarily, the Doctor (never an eligible combatant) shall preside over the fight. If the Doctor does not or cannot resolve a battle within 24 hours after a challenge is accepted, a non-combatant Adminion, or another non-combatant specimen acceptable to all combatants, can resolve the battle in the Doctor's place. The Doctor or Specimen who presides over a challenge receives 2 Life Force.
A reanimated Specimen has its Life Force score is set to 1.
Specimens may request weapons that are not surgically planted onto the body, (such as clubs, bats, missile launchers, rabid bunnies, etc.) as well as weapons that are surgically planted onto the body, to use in battle in the arena. Specimens are not aloud to request more non-surgically planted weapons than they have hands unless they get a weapon holding device to hold them (such as vests, belts, cup holders, etc.).
A Specimen may award themselves five Life Force for the first entry they post to their weblog, for a given day (this Life Force must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted).
Rest-rooms (Rest): For specimens who are not fighting, or part of an operation.
If a Specimen fights no battles over a period of 336 hours, it shall be labelled a Coward, and bear this label until it fights a battle. Cowards are banned from the Lab, unless the Doctor specifically states otherwise.