Proposal: Boom! (Remix)
Lets try this again. I messed up the last one pretty bad.
This rule doesn't really change the game much, but it can help you add to your assortment of weapons.
Add to rule 14:
I hope this sounds better then the last one....
Failed by Squirrel, 6th Nov.
This rule doesn't really change the game much, but it can help you add to your assortment of weapons.
Add to rule 14:
Specimens may request weapons that are not surgically planted onto the body, (such as clubs, bats, missile launchers, rabid bunnies, etc.) as well as weapons that are surgically planted onto the body, to use in battle in the arena. Specimens are not aloud to request more non-surgically planted weapons than they have hands unless they get a weapon holding device to hold them (such as vests, belts, cup holders, etc.).
I hope this sounds better then the last one....

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