Proposal: Life Guard II
Each Gremmie is a certain distance out to Sea, measured in Yards - if this value would become negative, it becomes zero. Gremmies at zero Yards are on the Beach - all Gremmies begin here.
Each Gremmie is a certain distance from the shore, measured in Yards - if this value would become lesser than -15, it becomes -15. A negative Yards number means that Gremmie is standing before the beach. A positive one means that Gremmie is on the Sea.
In the same rule add:
If at any moment a Gremmie's Skill would become less than 1, that Gremmie drowned and their Skill shall be set to 1, instead, and that Gremmie shall be moved to the Life Guard Post.
Rename rule 13 - Islands to Places, and rewrite it to:
There exist Places that are certain distances from the beach. They are listed below.
At 15 yards before the beach there is the Life Guard Post.
At exactly 0 yards is the Beach - all Gremmies begin here.
At 50 yards into the sea there is an island called the Island of Kings.
Notice this rules creates no means to give someone a non-positive skill, nor to move someone from the Life Guard Post.
Creating a Life Guard Post doesn't mean the Life Guard is on duty.