Proposal: Trimming
[ Repealing the Aeons, and fixing a couple of nigging things. ]
In Rule 3, remove the paragraph beginning "Some proposals are exceedingly well written". (This references Stuff, which doesn't exist any more, and it doesn't translate meaningfully to other game variables.)
In Rule 5, replace "at least twelve (12) hours" with "at least 12 hours". (Isn't the number/word thing a paper-document alteration-prevention measure?)
In Rule 7, remove the paragraphs beginning "The Aeon is tracked in the Blog sidebar" and "Periodically the Calendar will advance 1 Aeon". (This was useful in the Family Dynasty, but that's all. It's much easier and clearer to say things like "Every Friday is a good Surfing Day", if we want a periodic effect.)
In Rule 9, remove "The Aeon is reset to 0 AA.", and remove the Aeon terms from those which are altered at the start of a new Dynasty.
6-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 02/11/2005 GMT 12:05
In Rule 3, remove the paragraph beginning "Some proposals are exceedingly well written". (This references Stuff, which doesn't exist any more, and it doesn't translate meaningfully to other game variables.)
In Rule 5, replace "at least twelve (12) hours" with "at least 12 hours". (Isn't the number/word thing a paper-document alteration-prevention measure?)
In Rule 7, remove the paragraphs beginning "The Aeon is tracked in the Blog sidebar" and "Periodically the Calendar will advance 1 Aeon". (This was useful in the Family Dynasty, but that's all. It's much easier and clearer to say things like "Every Friday is a good Surfing Day", if we want a periodic effect.)
In Rule 9, remove "The Aeon is reset to 0 AA.", and remove the Aeon terms from those which are altered at the start of a new Dynasty.

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