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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Proposal: Kicking Sand

In Range Rover: change instances of 'obnoxious git' to 'Hodad'. And add:

A Hodad may hassle one other Gremmie who has voted on a Proposal, by posting a comment using the Veto Icon followed by the targetted Gremmie's Name. A hassled Gremmie's Vote is ignored for that Proposal. The Quorum for that Proposal goes down by 1 for each Gremmie who's vote is being suppressed by hassling. If there are multiple hassle entries by a Hodad only their last one is considered in force.

A Hodad is designated by their skill number being followed by one or more exclamation marks in the GNDT. These marks can only be added or removed when allowed by the ruleset.
On the passage of this proposal every Gremmie's skill is prefaced with an asterisk in the GNDT. This indicates that Gremmie's pending Hodad nomination. By removing the asterisk from their own skill a Gremmie may either add or remove a single exclamation mark of any Gremmie's Hodad designation.

After three days have passed since this proposal was enacted, the Hodad nomination period is over and the asterisks are removed.

Cross Timed Out 2-8. Failed by Topher, 21th of Month at 13:40.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Proposal: If they can miss so can we

In rule 14 - Equipment replace

Harpoon (Accessory): If a Gremmie has a Harpoon and is at the same Yard distance as the Shark, they may attack it by posting a blog entry to this effect. If they do so, the Shark is moved to 200 Yards and may not be moved again for the remainder of the game.


Harpoon (Accessory): If a Gremmie has a Harpoon and is at the same Yard distance as the Shark, they may attack it by posting a GNDT comment of 'Attack [SharkName] Dice2. If the value of this roll is 1 then the Gremmie may kill the shark by posting a blog entry to this effect. If they do so, the Shark is moved to 'xxx' Yards and may not be moved again for the remainder of the game.

Cross Timed-Out 4-6. Failed by Topher, 20th of March at 23:35.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

New Gremmie: Paladin

Weather must be picking up. A fresh-faced new Gremmie arrives on the shoreline. Quorum remains at nine.

Proposal: Obnoxious Psychos

If "Proposal: Psychokiller" does not pass, or is "Proposal: Sunset clause" passes, then this proposal shall have no effect.

Add to the end of the "Psychokiller" rule:

In addition, the attacking Gremmie will become known as an obnoxious git, if they aren't already.

[Since the "Range rover" rule isn't being used. I hope this is legal.]

Tick Timed-Out 7-5. Enacted by Topher, 20th of March at 23:30.

Proposal: Psychokiller

Create a new rule entitled "Psychokiller" as follows:
Any Gremmie carrying the harpoon, who has the same yard value as another Gremmie, may choose to attack that Gremmie with the harpoon. This is done by posting a comment to the GNDT stating {My Name} attacking {Name}: DICE3 DICEX where {My Name} is the name of the attacking Gremmie, {Name} is the name of the chosen victim and X is the skill of the victim. If the result of the first die is a 1, the attack succeeds and the target Gremmie is injured and loses the second roll's worth of Skill.

Whether or not the attack succeeds, the attackers coolness is permenantly reduced by 10. That is, the attacking Gremmie must thereafter subtract 10 from the coolness factor used in other rules.

Because once you have a harpoon, everything looks like a shark.

Tick Timed-Out 7-5. Enacted by Topher, 20th of March at 23:23.


I harpoon the Shark


I harpoon the Shark.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

New Player

Person has joined the game

Quorum is increased to 9

Proposal: Sunset Clause

Repeal Rule 15 (Range Rover) and Rule 19 (Drop Out Check), since neither of them do anything by themselves, and have never been invoked by other rules or proposals.

Cross Timed-Out 2-13. Failed by Topher, 20th of March at 23:27.

Proposal: When Sharks Attack

[ Clarifying the shark-attack issue; that a 'failed' attack is still an attack. Also clarifying what happens when a shark has multiple victims to choose from - it was intended as 'choose the victim' (given that you're rolling a die that depends on the skill of that victim), but wasn't very well written. ]

In Rule 18 (The Shark), reword the paragraph beginning "If any Shark has the same Yard value as a Gremmie" to:-

If any Shark has the same Yard value as a Gremmie, any Gremmie may force it to attack that Gremmie (unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day). This is done by posting a GNDT comment of "Shark# Attacking {Name}: DICE3 DICEX" where # is the number indicator of the attacking Shark, {Name} is the name of the chosen victim, and X is the Skill of the victim. If the result of the first die is a 1, the Shark injures the Gremmie, who loses the second roll's worth of Skill.

Also rename the rule to "The Sharks".

Tick Timed-Out 7-3. Enacted by Topher, 20th of March at 23:25.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Just a question on interpretation

This one's just a question -- was curious what ya'll thought...

Considering this portion of the Shark rule:
If any Shark has the same Yard value as a Gremmie, it may attack that Gremmie, unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day. Any Gremmie may post a GNDT comment of "Shark# Attack: DICE3 DICEX" where # is the number indicator of the Shark attacking and X is the Skill of the victim. If the result of the first die is a 1, the shark attacks the Gremmie, who loses the resultant roll's worth of Skill.

If the 'DICE3' roll is a 2 or a 3, does that mean that the Shark didn't attack the Gremmie, and the roll can be done again? I'm not fond of this interpretation, but wanted to get your thoughts on it before I tried to go about changing it.

The part that makes me question it is the part that says "if the 'DICE3' roll is a 1, the shark attacks the Gremmie -- that would imply that a roll of a 2 or a 3 doesn't count as an 'attack' and the first sentence says it can attack them again if it hasn't attacked them (I think the intent of the rule is that a die roll of 1 means the Shark injures the Gremmie -- but the words leave some ambiguity in my mind....)


Monday, March 14, 2005

Proposal: Duck Soup

Change rule 16 to read:

When a rule other than this one allows it, a Gremmie may attempt a Stunt to improve their Skill, or just to impress the beach bunnies. That is done by posting a comment to the GNDT, naming the Stunt (and optionally describing it) and including the text "Stunt(X):DICEY" where X is the target Skill level of the Stunt they are attempting and and Y = (X + the Gremmie's Skill).

That Stunt Skill level is now established - any subsequent attempt to perform the same named Stunt by any Gremmie must use that target Skill level.

The result of the DICEY roll plus the value Z determines the success of the roll (Z is a coolness factor that defaults to Zero, but can be modified by other rules.):

• Less or equal X/10. Total Wipe out! The Gremmie badly fails to perform the Stunt and only moves 1/10 of distance they would have, rounding down. Their Skill is reduced by one, which can result in a drowning, and their Stance is changed to "Wiped Out".

• Less than X, but greater than X/10. Wipe out! The Gremmie fails to perform the Stunt and only moves half of distance they would have, rounding down. Their Stance is changed to "Wiped Out".

• Greater than or equal to X. Success! The Gremmie performed the Stunt.

• Greater than or equal to Y (highest possible roll). Perfect! The Gremmie performed the Stunt and if the Stunt had a higher target Skill level than the their current Skill, they may increase their Skill by 1.

• Greater than or equal to two times Y. Mondo! The Gremmie performed the Stunt and, if the Stunt had a higher target Skill level than the their current Skill, they may increase their Skill by 2.

Any Better? Changed it so there's no math on the coolness factor, and so that the Equipment rule will propogate coolness through (since the equipment rule doesn't necessarily allow the stunt)

Tick Quorum Reached 9-0. Enacted by Topher, 16th of March at 20:00.

Proposal: Farther Out is Better

In rule 17, change:
provided their current Yards is greater than 10, a Surfing Gremmie may subtract 10 from their Yards and attempt a Stunt immediately afterwards.

to read:
provided their current Yards are greater than 10, a Surfing Gremmie may subtract anywhere between 10 and n - 1 Yards (where n is their current Yards) from their Yards and attempt a Stunt immediately afterwards, with a Z coolness factor equal to one tenth, rounded down to the next integer, of the distance they moved.

Giving those who go out further an advantage appropriate to their coolness.

Tick Quorum Reached 9-1. Enacted by Topher, 16th of March at 19:57.

Proposal: Shark Jumping Take Duex... Take Duex

Amend the last two paragraphs of Rule 18 stating
If a Stunt would cross the path of the Shark (ie. the movement being used to perform the Stunt starts on one side of the Shark and ends on the other), then the Gremmie performing it is considered to be Jumping the Shark.

If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Perfect (highest possible) die roll, it is instead considered Mondo. If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Successful die roll, it is instead considered Perfect. If the Gremmie wipes out, he or she is moved to the same Yard position as the Shark.

to state
If a Gremmie performs a Stunt that causes em to cross the path of the Shark (ie. the movement caused by the Stunt starts on one side of the Shark and ends on the other), then e is considered to be Jumping the Shark.

If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Perfect (highest possible) die roll, it is instead considered Mondo. If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Successful die roll, it is instead considered Perfect. If a Stunt that attempts to Jump the Shark results in a Wipe Out, and therefore the Gremmie does not Jump the Shark, e is moved to the same Yard position as the Shark.

I think that should fix it up, and still allow you to get eaten for not succeeding at the stunt.

Tick Timed Out 7-1. Enacted by Topher, 16th of March at 19:54.

Proposal: Ice Cold

Change rule 16 to read:

When a rule other than this one allows it, a Gremmie may attempt a Stunt to improve their Skill, or just to impress the beach bunnies. That is done by posting a comment to the GNDT, naming the Stunt (and optionally describing it) and including the text "Stunt(X):DICEY" where X is the target Skill level of the Stunt they are attempting and and Y = (X + the Gremmie's Skill).

That Stunt Skill level is now established - any subsequent attempt to perform the same named Stunt by any Gremmie must use that target Skill level.

The result of the DICEY roll plus the value Z determines the success of the roll (Z is a coolness factor divided by 2 rounded down to the nearest integer. Z defaults to Zero, but can be modified by the rule that allows the Stunt.):

• Less or equal X/10. Total Wipe out! The Gremmie badly fails to perform the Stunt and only moves 1/10 of distance they would have, rounding down. Their Skill is reduced by one, which can result in a drowning, and their Stance is changed to "Wiped Out".

• Less than X, but greater than X/10. Wipe out! The Gremmie fails to perform the Stunt and only moves half of distance they would have, rounding down. Their Stance is changed to "Wiped Out".

• Greater than or equal to X. Success! The Gremmie performed the Stunt.

• Greater than or equal to Y (highest possible roll). Perfect! The Gremmie performed the Stunt and if the Stunt had a higher target Skill level than the their current Skill, they may increase their Skill by 1.

• Greater than or equal to two times Y. Mondo! The Gremmie performed the Stunt and, if the Stunt had a higher target Skill level than the their current Skill, they may increase their Skill by 2.

Just trying to clean up some unexpected loopholes caused by the addition of coolness -- that make it better Kurt? The new Z value encourages waves bigger than 10 Yards, and accepts that 2 Yard waves aren't as cool.

Cross Self-Killed 4-2. Failed by Topher, 14th of March at 21:23.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Proposal: Wave riding

In rule 16 - Style, change:
and and Y = (X + the Gremmie's Skill - Z)

and Y = (X + the Gremmie's Skill + Z)
In rule 12 - Wave Machine, change:
those who have a Surfing Stance, are able to catch the wave - they are automatically moved to the lowest roll and may attempt a Stunt once in the next 24 hours, with a Z coolness factor equal one tenth, rounded up to the next integer, of the distance they moved.
those who have a Surfing Stance, are able to catch the wave - they are automatically moved to the lowest roll and may attempt a Stunt once in the next 24 hours, with a Z coolness factor equal one fifth, rounded up to the next integer, of the distance they moved.
It's not clear to me why your coolness factor should count against you; it also seems like we could use a little more incentive to catch big waves.

Cross Self-Killed 0-6. Failed by Topher, 14th of March at 15:42.

Proposal: Shark Jumping Take Duex

Amend the paragraph in Rule 18 "The Shark" stating
If a Stunt would cross the path of the Shark (ie. the movement being used to perform the Stunt starts on one side of the Shark and ends on the other), then the Gremmie performing it is considered to be Jumping the Shark.

to state
If a Gremmie performs a stunt that causes em to cross the path of the Shark (ie. the movement caused by the Stunt starts on one side of the Shark and ends on the other), then e is considered to be Jumping the Shark.

I think this is a little fairer, because if you fail to perform a stunt that would cross the path of the Shark and as a result do not pass the Shark, under the current rule you would still be considered to be Jumping the Shark.

Cross Self-Killed 0-5. Failed by Topher, 14th of Month at 02:49.