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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Proposal: Kicking Sand

In Range Rover: change instances of 'obnoxious git' to 'Hodad'. And add:

A Hodad may hassle one other Gremmie who has voted on a Proposal, by posting a comment using the Veto Icon followed by the targetted Gremmie's Name. A hassled Gremmie's Vote is ignored for that Proposal. The Quorum for that Proposal goes down by 1 for each Gremmie who's vote is being suppressed by hassling. If there are multiple hassle entries by a Hodad only their last one is considered in force.

A Hodad is designated by their skill number being followed by one or more exclamation marks in the GNDT. These marks can only be added or removed when allowed by the ruleset.
On the passage of this proposal every Gremmie's skill is prefaced with an asterisk in the GNDT. This indicates that Gremmie's pending Hodad nomination. By removing the asterisk from their own skill a Gremmie may either add or remove a single exclamation mark of any Gremmie's Hodad designation.

After three days have passed since this proposal was enacted, the Hodad nomination period is over and the asterisks are removed.

Cross Timed Out 2-8. Failed by Topher, 21th of Month at 13:40.