Proposal: If they can miss so can we
In rule 14 - Equipment replace
Timed-Out 4-6. Failed by Topher, 20th of March at 23:35.
Harpoon (Accessory): If a Gremmie has a Harpoon and is at the same Yard distance as the Shark, they may attack it by posting a blog entry to this effect. If they do so, the Shark is moved to 200 Yards and may not be moved again for the remainder of the game.
Harpoon (Accessory): If a Gremmie has a Harpoon and is at the same Yard distance as the Shark, they may attack it by posting a GNDT comment of 'Attack [SharkName] Dice2. If the value of this roll is 1 then the Gremmie may kill the shark by posting a blog entry to this effect. If they do so, the Shark is moved to 'xxx' Yards and may not be moved again for the remainder of the game.

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