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Saturday, September 11, 2004

Call for Judgement

Call for Judgement

(I make this a CFJ only because I cannot make any proposals due to the queue being slow, which was why I want become an Admin in the first place.)

If you agree with this Call for Judgement then you're voting for myself, TrumanCapote, to become an Admin. Vote against it and you're voting against that outcome.

CfJ passed. Truman is now an Admin Strain.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Proposal: Experiment: Forced Metabolism

Apologies if this isn't scientifically accurate or feasible. I never took biology in high school; I just want to kick this elemental contest into high gear.

On September 15th, an experimental metabolism-enhancing aerosol product will be introduced to the petri dish. This product will cause every inert Strain to have their Size divided by 2 and will drop their population to 1. Meanwhile, every non-inert Strain in the dish will be forced to breathe, whether they have done so that day or not. Science personnel are reminded that the safety masks are not meant for use as makeshift baseball gloves. Thank you and good day. - Mgmt.

Failed 6 - 4 by Truman Capote; +2 for him, - 3 for Simon

New Ruleset Wiki

Okay, I've got a password-protected Wiki up and running at - the new URL for the ruleset is, and existing Admin Strains should be able to edit it by selecting "Preferences" and logging in with the admin password for the GNDT in the "Administrator password" field.

So anyone who wants to be an Admin can now propose to become one. (Or, to speed things up, are welcome to issue a CfJ demanding that they become an Admin as soon as possible.)

Proposal: Going for Broke

Add to Rule 11:

If 60 hours pass after a Strain has last drawn breath any other player may force them to breathe, and if they can't the Strain's Population drops by one.

Self failed: -1 to Truman Capote (Because he also failed it admin-wise.)

Proposal: Free Radicals [Trivial]

Add to rule 11:

Whenever a non-inert Strain Breathes, all inert Strains gain 1 Size.

Whenever an inert Strain Breathes, all non-inert Strains gain 2 Size.

Failed by Josh; 1 for, 10 against

Proposal: No Autophagia [Trivial]

If there is no such paragraph, add after the last paragraph of rule 11:

The Elements a Strain emits or absorbs shall be different. Any action that would make the Element a Strain emits the same as the Element that Strain absorbs is invalid and may not be performed.

The virus rule doesn't have this safeguard and, probably, my Proposal: Mutation II will fail..

Enacted by Josh; 8 for, 2 against

Proposal: Suicide Proposals [Trivial]

Change the following Paragraph:

No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if its posting leads to its poster having more than 4 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. The legal maximum is, therefore, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials.


No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if its posting leads to its poster having more than 4 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. For the purpose of this rule, 1 non-Trivial Proposal is worth 2 Trivial ones. The legal maximum is, therefore, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials. Proposals where the Strain who proposed it has voted AGAINST it shall not count against this maximum, even if no Admin has already failed it.

This introduces 2 modifications.
The first is intended to clarify the 2 non-Trivial/4 Trivial maximum. I confess I had some dificulties in understanding the "therefore" clause.
The second is intended to allow someone to give up a Proposal and come back with a better one, without waiting the Admins to do their work.

Failed by Josh; self-killed

Proposal: Frenetic Code

Add a new rule, Enome

Each Strain has an "Enome" tracked in the GNDT. The Enome is represented by a string of uppercase characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)

Strains begin with the Enome XXX-XXX.

The single character parts of the Enome are called Bases and they may be identified by referencing their position in the format Enome[#].
(for example in XXX-XEX, Enome[5] = "E").

"X" is a reserved Base starting value. A Base cannot be changed to an "X".

Enacted by Josh; 10 for, 0 against

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Proposal: The Big Get Bigger (Trivial)

As is seeming to be a habit of mine, an adaptation of Simon's proposal below.

Should a rule entitled "Population" exist, add the following paragraph to the end:

Every time a Strain becomes critical, it may loose 1 Population to regain 50 Size. Should the Strain ever be reduced to 0 Size, this is compulsary.

Adapt the following paragraph:

Any Strain may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.

Or, if it exists, the following paragraph:

Any Strain with a Size greater than zero may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.

To read:

Once it achieves a 'flourishing' classification, a Strain may at any time halve its Size (rounding down) to add 1 to its Population.

Failed by Josh; 1 for, 9 against


Could some Admin, please, fail my self-failed Proposal: Mutation, so I can present more proposals? By the way, I'm still unable to register as Admin, due to a failure in the Wiki registration routine.

Proposal: Size Matters (trivial)

It seems to me that Size and Population are intrinsically linked; if you're out of one, you don't have any of the other. Hence this little amendment. The second sentence is a little redundant, since the rule says "reduced" and not "equal to," but I added it anyway for clarification.

Should a rule entitled "Population" exist, add the following paragraph to the end:

If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. A Strain with zero Size and Population may restore its Population to one, as per this rule, the next time it Breathes.

Enacted by Josh; 8 for, 5 against

Proposal: Quantum Reap [Trivial]

[ Zero-size strains can replicate endlessly. Which may or may not matter, but it sounds bad, particularly if they can breathe their way back up immediately afterwards. ]

In Rule 11, replace "Any Strain may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population." (if the sentence exists) with:-

Any Strain with a Size greater than zero may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.

Enacted by Josh; 9 for, 0 against

Proposal: Even More Blue in the Face

Add to Rule 11 a new paragraph:

If 60 hours pass after a Strain has last drawn breath any other player may force them to breathe, and if they can't the Strain's Population drops by one.

Add a new Rule; Death:

Strains with Population of one or more has a vote worth 3 votes . Any Strain which has a Population of zero has a vote worth 2 votes.

Failed by Josh; Timed out, 1 for, 6 against

Proposal: Prevent Microscope Eye Strain [Trivial]

Add to rule 3:

If at any time a fractional value would occur for Size that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Enacted by Josh; 7 for, 0 against

Proposal: Blue in the Face

Add to Rule 11 a new paragraph:

If 60 hours pass after a Strain has last drawn breath, its population drops by one.

Add a new Rule; Death:

Strains with population of one or more has a vote worth 2 votes . Any Strain which has a population of zero has a vote worth 1 vote.

There's some incentive for you.

Failed by Josh; Timed out, 4 for, 6 against

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Proposal : Balanced Eco-System

Create 3 new GNDT Entries
  • Oxygen
  • Carbon
  • Nitrogen

Each with initial size of 3000

Then add the following rule - Balanced Ecosystem

Whenever a specimen successfully breaths, the size of the element they absorb is reduced by a value equal to their size, and the size of the element they emit is increased by a value equal to their size. Specimens are unable to breath if the size of the element they absorb is less then their size.

If Proposal : Population Control passes, change all incidences of the term 'Specimen' in this rule to 'Strain';

If Proposal: The Virus passes, then add to the rule Virus, after

who continue to emit the same element as it absorbs.

the text

The sizes of the elements the virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time.

Enacted by Josh; 9 for, 1 against

Proposal: Mutation II

After the last paragraph of rule 11, add:

Every time a Specimen successfully Breathe, it may alter either the Element it emits or the Element it absorbs. Doing so reduces this Specimen's Size by 10.

The Elements a Specimen emits or absorbs shall be different. Any action that would make the Element a Specimen emits the same as the Element that Specimen absorbs is invalid and may not be performed.

If Proposal: Population Control passes, change all incidences of the term 'Specimen' in this rule to 'Strain'.

This creates an incentive to the Specimens starting their diets and corrects the noted loop-holes.

Failed by Josh; 2 for, 8 against

Proposal: The Virus

Add a new rule, Virus:

A new strain of virus has found its way into the petri dish.

The enactment of this rule will create a new Specimen entry in the GNDT, called 'Virus'. The Size of the Virus is initially equal to the number of Specimens emiting the same element as it absorbs.

Every day, every Specimen that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits looses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5. If the Specimen also emits the same element as the Virus absorbs, it is imune to this effect. The Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Specimens who continue to emit the same element as it absorbs. These changes should be enacted by the Control Specimen, but may be enacted by any Specimen if this does not take place.

The Virus always absorbs the element that the greatest number of Specimens emit, and always emits the element that the greatest number of Specimens absorb. As soon as this information becomes untrue, it must be corrected in the GNDT. Whenever the Virus changes the element it emits, its Size is reduced to an initial value as defined by the second paragraph of this rule.

Add the following to Rule 11:

Any Specimen whose Size is at 'declining' may change either the element it emits or the element it absorbs. Any Specimen whose Size is 'critical' may change both the element it emits and the element it absorbs. A Specimen may only do this once; it must reach the 'stable' state before it may make changes under this rule again.

Add a new rule, Classifications:

Specimens are classified by their size:

0-25 - Critical
26-50 - Declining
51-75 - Stable
76-125 - Healthy
126 - 150 - Growing
151-175 - Flourishing
176-200 - Rampant

If Proposal : Population Control passes, change all incidences of the term 'Specimen' in this rule to 'Strain'; if Proposal: Mutation also passes, change the incidences of 'Specimen' in the paragraph it adds to 'Strain'.

The third part is just some generic classifications that can be used for ease of definition.

Enacted by Josh

New Player: Combustable

The interesting bump that has been developing on the fringes of Brendan has turned out to be an entirely new lifeform. Please welcome Combustable to the game.

Proposal: Mutation

After the last paragraph of rule 11, add:

Every time a Specimen successfully Breathe, it may alter either the Element it emits or the Element it absorbs. Doing so reduces this Specimen's Size in 10.

This creates an incentive to the Specimens starting their diets.

Failed by Kevan, 10th September. Self-kill. -3 to Chronos, +2 to Kevan.

Proposal : Population Control

Replace "Specimen" with "Strain" throughout the Ruleset.

In the reworded Rule 11 (Enzymes), replace "number of Strains" with "number of invidual Specimens".

If the proposal "Vote or Die" passed, repeal the "Species" rule. Then, either way, enact a new Rule called "Population", with the following text:-

Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 1.

Any Strain may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.

Upon this proposal's enactment, all Strains' Populations shall be set (or reset) to 1.

If this Proposal passes, the 10 Size that Kevan would have gained for it shall instead be split between Josh and TrumanCapote.

Enacted by Kevan, 10th September. +5 to Josh, +5 to Truman, +5 to Kevan.

Proposal: Scheduled Experiments

Enjoy the easy life now, Specimens, for I predict there will come a time of fearsome culling!

Add a new rule: Scheduled Experiments
Introduce a class of Proposal called an Experiment Proposal. An Experiment Proposal must follow certain drafting guidelines:
- Its title is written "Proposal: Experiment: [Title]".
- It must include a specific future date on which it will take effect.
- Its date must not coincide with the date of any Scheduled Experiment.
- If it is Enacted it is entered in the Ruleset as "Scheduled Experiment: [Title]"

After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed.

[For Example:
Proposal: Experiment: " Stress Effects of Low Temperature Environment". All Specimens under Size 50 have their Size decreased by 10. Please make some room in the refrigerator for September 12th."]

Enacted by Kevan, 10th September. Demoted to Trivial by 5 of the FOR voters. +2 to Orson, +2 to Kevan.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Proposal: Primodial Soup

Create a new rule, Anaerobic division:

Once a Specimen attains a size of 175 or greater, it may reproduce anaerobically. A new Specimen is added to the GNDT, with the same name as the Specimen that spawned it plus a numerical digit (the smallest possible integer unique to the root Specimen and its offspring). The Size of the originating Specimen is divided by two and shared equally between the originating Specimen and its offspring. The player controlling the originating Specimen has control of all Specimens derived from it.

Failed by Kevan, 10th September. -3 to Josh, +2 to Kevan.

Proposal: Vote or Die

Add a new rule Species:

There exist a certain number of each Specimen, to be tracked in its own GNDT column. Every specimen may reproduce, doubling their number by cellular mitosis, once every 48 hours.

If this proposal passes, each Specimen shall reproduce three times, leaving eight exact copies(doubled each time) from each original specimen. Also, create a new GNDT column to track the quantity of each Specimen.

(This basically adds the chance for there to be more than one of each of "us", which can be killed off, or have something I haven't thought of done to it. But all specimens of the same species are the same size. And natural selection! We could eventually create hybrids or something of that nature.)

Failed by Kevan, 9th of September. -3 to Truman, +2 to Kevan.

Proposal: This Dish Ain't Big Enough (trivial)

According to the original post, 1 size equals 1 mm², meaning all of us combined take up at least 97 cm² plus however much empty space is there to support the 1 cm² apart bit. A square metre petri dish seems kinda big to me. Let's pick a more realistic measurement, and let's put it in the rules just to be sure.

Add a paragraph to the end of rule 3 - Size:

For the purposes of this Dynasty, 10 units of Size is equal to 1 square millimetre (mm².) This paragraph will be removed at the end of the Dynasty.

Failed by Kevan, 9th of September. Self-kill by Simon. -3 to Simon, +2 to Kevan.

New Specimen: Orson

A newly acquired specimen that appears to spontaneously assume human form in petri-dishes has arrived in the lab, and 100mm² of it have been added to the agar. Welcome to the universe.

Proposal : Control Freak [Trivial]

Remove from Rule 10 (Victory and Ascension) the paragraph that begins "Should a Control Specimen be made idle during their tenure, without having previously requested it, the Dynasty immediately ends with no hiatus."

[ It still bothers me that a quiet week can kill a Dynasty. There was a time in that last one when Brendan happened not to have cast any votes for seven days, when there weren't many proposals around. ]

Also remove the paragraph beginning "Periods of meta-dynasty are defined as periods of play in which there is no Control Specimen".

[ Arguably (but not very arguably) this also covers periods when the Control Specimen is merely idle, which isn't good. But we don't need the definition if we're repealing the previous paragraph, anyway. ]

Enacted by Kevan, 9th September. Timed out 6 votes to 4. +4 to Kevan.

Proposal : Enzyme Frenzy

Enact a new Rule, "Enzymes":-

Some Specimens are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the GNDT. The Elements are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.

A Specimen may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by the number of Specimens that emit the Element it absorbs, and then decreased by the number of specimens that absorb the Element it emits.

Initially, all Specimens are inert, absorbing and emitting nothing. An inert Specimen may change itself to absorb and emit two different Elements, at any time.

Enacted by Kevan, 8th September. +15 to Kevan.

Ascension Address

A petri dish was prepared containing an even layer of nutrient agar, and a 1cm² grid marked on the underside in black marker. The remains of Specimens from earlier experiments had previously been grown to a size of 75mm² in separate dishes, and several new and untested Specimens were cut to a square 100mm² - these Specimens were placed together in the gridded petri dish, at least one square away from each other.

The sealed petri dish was then placed in an incubator at 30°C, and closely monitored.

Rules 11-15 are repealed.

"Teamsperson" becomes "Specimen", "District Manager" becomes "Control Specimen" and "Dignity" becomes "Size".

Monday, September 06, 2004

New Player: Simon (the illegal immigrant, it seems)

I know, and I've unidled Aaron as well. I had a free moment so I did it, technically illegal but there you go.

Aaron, Simon: we're in a period of haitus at the moment, so you can't do anything until 1:54:23pm Tuesday afternoon, whereupon play will recommence. Until then, put your feet up; looks this this company's gone into liquidation, so open a beer and choose which laptop you're going to nick.

Declaration of Victory

You're probably wondering why I've called you all to this meeting. Sit down, sit down. [the lights dim, and the beam of an overhead projector flickers across the conference room]

I begin this rapid sequence of projects with 178 Dignity.

I drop to 168, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I drop to 158, to generate a one-page Yellow Document.
I combine the Red with the Turquoise I've already got, to create a TR, then combine that with the Yellow to make a TRY.
I delegate this upwards (it being Yellow) to Chronos.
From Rule 11, of Red Documents:- "The Delegating Teamsperson may Generate more work for Delegatee; Documents generated in this manner cost the Delegatee Dignity to produce, rather than the Delegator."
I force Chronos to generate 18 one-page White Documents, at a cost to him of 180 Dignity.

I drop to 148, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to ChinDoGu, and force him to generate 12 White Documents.

I drop to 138, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Truman, and force him to generate 3 White Documents.

I drop to 128, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Josh, and force him to generate 5 White Documents.

I drop to 118, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to KnightKing, and force him to generate 8 White Documents.

I drop to 118, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Dirk, and force him to generate 10 White Documents.

I drop to 108, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Codex, and force him to generate 11 White Documents.

I drop to 98, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I drop to 88, to generate a one-page Yellow Document.
I drop to 78, to generate a one-page Turquoise Document.
I assemble this into a TRY, and pass it up to Brendan marked URGENT, and force him to generate 20 White Documents.

Finally, I generate another Turquoise document, mush everything in my Inbox together and get it processed as one.

I now have 68 Dignity, and the second-highest Dignity among Teamspersons is 9. Under Rule 14, I hereby declare victory.