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Monday, September 06, 2004

Declaration of Victory

You're probably wondering why I've called you all to this meeting. Sit down, sit down. [the lights dim, and the beam of an overhead projector flickers across the conference room]

I begin this rapid sequence of projects with 178 Dignity.

I drop to 168, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I drop to 158, to generate a one-page Yellow Document.
I combine the Red with the Turquoise I've already got, to create a TR, then combine that with the Yellow to make a TRY.
I delegate this upwards (it being Yellow) to Chronos.
From Rule 11, of Red Documents:- "The Delegating Teamsperson may Generate more work for Delegatee; Documents generated in this manner cost the Delegatee Dignity to produce, rather than the Delegator."
I force Chronos to generate 18 one-page White Documents, at a cost to him of 180 Dignity.

I drop to 148, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to ChinDoGu, and force him to generate 12 White Documents.

I drop to 138, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Truman, and force him to generate 3 White Documents.

I drop to 128, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Josh, and force him to generate 5 White Documents.

I drop to 118, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to KnightKing, and force him to generate 8 White Documents.

I drop to 118, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Dirk, and force him to generate 10 White Documents.

I drop to 108, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I delegate this to Codex, and force him to generate 11 White Documents.

I drop to 98, to generate a one-page Red Document.
I drop to 88, to generate a one-page Yellow Document.
I drop to 78, to generate a one-page Turquoise Document.
I assemble this into a TRY, and pass it up to Brendan marked URGENT, and force him to generate 20 White Documents.

Finally, I generate another Turquoise document, mush everything in my Inbox together and get it processed as one.

I now have 68 Dignity, and the second-highest Dignity among Teamspersons is 9. Under Rule 14, I hereby declare victory.