Proposal: Make yourself useful
Add a new GNDT field, called Effort.
Add the following to Rule 11, Document-Pushing.
Failed by Kevan, 5th September. Timed out 1 vote to 5. -3 to Josh, +2 to Kevan.
Add the following to Rule 11, Document-Pushing.
If at any time a Teamsperson has no papers in their Inbox, any other Teamsperson may deduct 5 from their Dignity. No Teamsperson may have their Dignity lowered in this way more than once per day. Every time a Teamsperson has their Dignity lowered in this manner, the Teamsperson who deducts dignity from them must add an '|' (tally mark) in that player's 'Effort' column in the GNDT.
Every Sunday, the Teamsperson with the lowest number of tally marks in their Effort field is the Employee of the Week. They may claim 20 Dignity and may process (under Actually Do Some Work) one Document of their choice in their Inbox for free. The Effort fields of all players are then cleared. If there is a tie for Employee of the Week, no-one may claim it for that week, although the Effort fields must still be cleared. Only one person may claim to be Employee of the Week per week.

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