BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, September 25, 2004
Um, Brendan just, like, devoured more than half of my Strain, which is totally his right as a Predator - except that Bad Breath should have been in effect! He has to absorb Oxygen to Consume me. Would an Admin make the fix to the ruleset, please? Brendan, if you change your absorption, then feel free to help yourself to a big slice. Don't mind me...
Proposal: Removal of Dead Flesh [Trivial]
Remove this sentence from Rule 12:
If Proposal: The Full Enome Project passes, then give the Virus its own Enome only for purposes of tracking its Elements. Also remove the two GNDT columns Absorbs and Emits.
Add to rule 14 the following sentence at the end of its last paragraph:
8-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
A Strain with zero Size and Population may restore its Population to one, as per this rule, the next time it Breathes.
If Proposal: The Full Enome Project passes, then give the Virus its own Enome only for purposes of tracking its Elements. Also remove the two GNDT columns Absorbs and Emits.
Add to rule 14 the following sentence at the end of its last paragraph:
The Virus has an enome which unless explicitly stated is only used to track the Elements it absorbs and Emits.

Proposal: Overcrowding Overdrive [Trivial]
In the Overcrowding rule:
1) Increase the amount of Free Space to 1,000,000 Biomass.
(10x more room than now, but still much less than the current Biomass)
2) Increase the Overcrowding effect to 50%.
(Right now Population doubling will still outpace Overcrowding. With this higher rate Strains will just be able to maintain size through doubling – while being decreased by predation. It will be harder on all but the tiniest Strains, but survivable if Consuming or Synthesizing regularly.)
2-6 - Reached Quorum - Failed by Chronos
1) Increase the amount of Free Space to 1,000,000 Biomass.
(10x more room than now, but still much less than the current Biomass)
2) Increase the Overcrowding effect to 50%.
(Right now Population doubling will still outpace Overcrowding. With this higher rate Strains will just be able to maintain size through doubling – while being decreased by predation. It will be harder on all but the tiniest Strains, but survivable if Consuming or Synthesizing regularly.)

Notice: No more breathing
Proposal: Bad Breath has been enacted, so no one more can Breathe. There's a dead code in the Ruleset:
A Strain with zero Size and Population may restore its Population to one, as per this rule, the next time it Breathes.
Proposal: The Full Enome Project [Trivial]
[Let's track all Strain traits using the Enome.]
Change the first paragraph of Enzymes to:
If the Proposal:Resistant Food passes, replace instances of Enome[2] in the Food Chain rule with Enome[4].
2-0 - Time-Out - Enacted by Chronos
Change the first paragraph of Enzymes to:
Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome[2] and Enome[3], respectively. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon, indicated by the letters O, N, and C.
If the Proposal:Resistant Food passes, replace instances of Enome[2] in the Food Chain rule with Enome[4].

Proposal: Predator Clash/Vegetable Spores [Trivial]
[This rule change will make it hard to kill Strains in one chomp]
In rule Food Chain, cut the rest of the paragraph, after:
and add:
and after the Vegetable Synthesis paragraph add:
5-0 - Timed Out - Enacted by Chronos.
Note 1: I went by the spirit of the Proposals and kept in the Ruleset the text added to the Consume paragraph by Proposal: Resistant Food. If someone diagrees, please CfJ.
Note 2: The way "Both Strains gain 1 Size." was written, in a period by itself, if a Predator eats a Vegetable, both the Predator and the Veggie gain 1 Size, over the 2 Sized gained by the Predator. As I don't know which were Orson's intentions here, I kept it the way he wrote.
In rule Food Chain, cut the rest of the paragraph, after:
Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain.
and add:
If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population.
If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population. Both Strains gain 1 Size.
and after the Vegetable Synthesis paragraph add:
Vegetable Strains are an exception to the ruling which sets both Size and Population to 0 when either is reduced to 0. If a Vegetable's Population is reduced to 0, its Population is set to its Size and its Size becomes 1, however, if a Vegetable's Size is reduced to 0, then its Population also becomes 0.

Note 1: I went by the spirit of the Proposals and kept in the Ruleset the text added to the Consume paragraph by Proposal: Resistant Food. If someone diagrees, please CfJ.
Note 2: The way "Both Strains gain 1 Size." was written, in a period by itself, if a Predator eats a Vegetable, both the Predator and the Veggie gain 1 Size, over the 2 Sized gained by the Predator. As I don't know which were Orson's intentions here, I kept it the way he wrote.
Friday, September 24, 2004
Proposal: Entrant Predators [Trivial]
In the Population rule, change:
In the Enome rule, change:
Should somenone choose to enter the game now, that rounds up the changes made to the Environment in the last days..
5-0 - Timed Out - Enacted by Chronos
all Strains begin a Population of 1.
all Strains begin with a Population of 1000.
In the Enome rule, change:
Strains begin with the Enome XXX-XXX
Strains begin with the Enome PXX-XXX
Should somenone choose to enter the game now, that rounds up the changes made to the Environment in the last days..

Proposal: Resistant food
To the end of the paragraph that defines the Consume action, add:
To the end of the paragraph that defines the Synthesize action, add:
If Proposal: Thou shall not eat thine equals passes, then change all references to "Strain" in this Proposal to "Vegetable".
5-0 - Timed Out - Enacted by Chronos
If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[2] to "F".
To the end of the paragraph that defines the Synthesize action, add:
Alternatively, if that Vegetable has its Enome[2] = "F" it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
If Proposal: Thou shall not eat thine equals passes, then change all references to "Strain" in this Proposal to "Vegetable".

Proposal: Thou shall not eat thine equals [Trivial]
In the Food Chain rule, change
The current rule makes it all too easy for a Predator killing another.
Self-Kill - Failed by Chronos
Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Vegetable. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Vegetable's Population. The Consumed Vegetable loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
The current rule makes it all too easy for a Predator killing another.

Proposal: Simpler Breathing [Trivial]
Change this section of Enzymes:
Self-Kill - Failed By Chronos
A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Its Intake is defined as one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs, minus one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that absorb the Element it emits - if this Intake exceeds +10 or -10, the Intake is limited to that boundary, instead. Upon Breathing, a Strain adds its Intake to its Size.
A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Its Intake is defined as the number of Strains that emit the Element it absorbs minus the number of Strains that absorb the Element it emits. Ignore Strains with zero Biomass in this calculation. Upon Breathing, a Strain adds its Intake to its Size.

Proposal : Bad Breath [Trivial]
[ Perhaps Consumption and Synthesis should be the new Breathing. ]
Edit the sentence of Rule 18 (Food Chain) that begins "Once a day, a Predator may Consume", to include the following clause on the end:-
Remove the paragraph beginning "A Strain may Breathe" from Rule 11 (Enzymes).
6-3 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
Edit the sentence of Rule 18 (Food Chain) that begins "Once a day, a Predator may Consume", to include the following clause on the end:-
, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits.
Remove the paragraph beginning "A Strain may Breathe" from Rule 11 (Enzymes).

Thursday, September 23, 2004
Idle Request
Please Idle me - Dont have the free time to deal with a dynasty of this complexity atm.
Proposal: Sufocation [Trivial]
In the Enzymes rule, immediatly before the paragraph starting with "The Elements a Strain emits or absorbs shall be different.", add this paragraph:
Any reward for this Proposal passing shall be credited to Orson, instead of Chronos.
Yes, it's a direct plagiarism of Orson's Proposal: Growing Hunger. That's why I'm giving him the size reward.
Self-Kill - Failed By Chronos
Any Strain may enforce Sufocation on any other Strain that has not had Sufocation that day. Sufocation reduces a Strains's Population by 10% for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Breathed.
Any reward for this Proposal passing shall be credited to Orson, instead of Chronos.
Yes, it's a direct plagiarism of Orson's Proposal: Growing Hunger. That's why I'm giving him the size reward.

Proposal: Growing Hunger [Trivial]
In the Food Chain rule, change the paragraph about Hunger to:
8 - 0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted By Chronos
Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 2 for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Consumed a Strain of equal or greater Population.

Innactive Strains
I've idled CodexArcanum and Combustable, quorum dropped to 6.
BTW, I've chosen not to aplly the 5 point penalty to almost everyone for not voting in the timed out Proposals (Overabsortion and Biggest Biomass).
BTW, I've chosen not to aplly the 5 point penalty to almost everyone for not voting in the timed out Proposals (Overabsortion and Biggest Biomass).
Proposal: Enome Chain [Trivial]
In the Food Chain rule change
Should this proposal pass, all references to "Plant" shall be changed to "Vegetable" in the ruleset and in other proposals.
Let's put our Enome to some use...
I've edited it to include "Proposal" in the title...
8 - 0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted By Chronos
Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Plant; this is tracked in the GNDT.
Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome[1]. The possible values in Enome[1] are:
- P - Predator
- V - Vegetable
Should this proposal pass, all references to "Plant" shall be changed to "Vegetable" in the ruleset and in other proposals.
Let's put our Enome to some use...
I've edited it to include "Proposal" in the title...

Proposal: Thou shall not hunger while eating [Trivial]
In the Food Chain rule, change
Self-Kill - Failed By Chronos
Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 1.
Once a Day, if a Predator has not had a Consume action and has not had Hunger that day, any Strain may enforce Hunger on that Predator. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 1.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Proposal: Gang Feeding [Trivial]
[I've thought about Feeding Frenzy some more and I think it should be a total free-for-all. I don't know why I limited the number of Predators that can attack a strain - maybe I was a little afraid, as a future Plant?]
If there is a rule, Food Chain, edit the line:
to read:
5 - 3 - Time-Out - Enacted By Chronos
If there is a rule, Food Chain, edit the line:
Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain that hasn't already been Consumed that day.
to read:
Once a day, a Predator may Consume another Strain.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Proposal: Feeding Frenzy [Trivial]
Add a new rule called Food Chain,
When this rule is Enacted set all Strains with Biomass=0 to Predators and all Strains with Biomass >0 to Plants. Then, if the Proposal Fresh Batch has not passed, set all Predators to Size 100 and Population 1000.
[It's time for all you zeroed Strains to have your revenge!]
7 - 1 - Reached Quorum - Enacted By Chronos
Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Plant; this is tracked in the GNDT.
Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain that hasn't already been Consumed that day. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
Once a day, a Plant may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size.
Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 1.
A Strain with Size 0 and Population 0 may switch its Type at any time.
When this rule is Enacted set all Strains with Biomass=0 to Predators and all Strains with Biomass >0 to Plants. Then, if the Proposal Fresh Batch has not passed, set all Predators to Size 100 and Population 1000.
[It's time for all you zeroed Strains to have your revenge!]

Proposal : Fresh Batch [Trivial]
All Strains' Size shall be set to 100 and their Populations to 1.
Self-Killed - Failed By Chronos

Sunday, September 19, 2004
Proposal : Shallow Breathing [Trivial]
[ Maybe we just need a cap on huge and ridiculous breathing. ]
Replace the paragraph beginning "A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day." with:-
10 - 0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted By Chronos
Replace the paragraph beginning "A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day." with:-
A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Its Intake is defined as one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs, minus one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that absorb the Element it emits - if this Intake exceeds +10 or -10, the Intake is limited to that boundary, instead. Upon Breathing, a Strain adds its Intake to its Size.