BlogNomic has moved!

The game is now running at

Saturday, March 01, 2003

Proposal: No Polling the Graveyard

Add to the end of the "Enactment" rule the following paragraph:

"For the purposes of the Enactment or Failure of a proposal, only Votes cast by current Players are counted."

[As in, votes made by players who went idle, left or were booted before Enactment or Failure of a proposal don't count.]

In the second paragraph of the "Points" rule, replace all instances of "its proposer" with "its proposer (if a current player)".

[Ideas should be always welcome, but a Player who doesn't run the risk of loss shouldn't have the chance of gain.]

Enacted by Myke, Monday the 3rd, 10 points to Don, 5 Points to Myke
And the nominations for best entry are...

Not posted in time, unfortunately. GMT always gets me. Oh well. Consider this prize moot.

Friday, February 28, 2003

Proposal : There Will Be Whitewash [Trivial]

Undo the reversion of the Game Board caused by Don's CfJ, and give Ole and Kevan their chosen Squares back, with all other Squares coloured white.

[ Because Don's "revert the board to before Myke's move" CfJ took effect after the previous Proposal had already cleared the Board. ]

Enacted by Kevan, Monday the 3rd, 4 points to Kevan
Call for Judgment

The fourth paragraph of Rule 2 says, "For the purposes of all other rules, Idle Players are not counted as Players." I submit that this means Raven's votes ceased to count as valid on proposals the moment he went idle. I offer as evidence to this that Kevan declared quorum to be four after he went idle, which means Raven no longer factors into quorum.

Therefore, Raven's vote should not have counted on the proposal entitled "Board Revamp". Alternately, if it was to be counted because he was a player at the time, the proposal should also require a quorum of five as was the case at the time. In either case, the "Board Revamp" proposal should not have been enacted by Kevan.

I recommend the effects of the proposal be reversed, Raven's vote on the proposal be ignored, and the proposal returned to the Pending state.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Raven is now idle, at his request. Quorum drops to four...
Proposal: Remove Unfair Punishment

In the rule "Time Out", replace
If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal (other than the Player who Proposed it) may be fined 10 points, by any Player, provided that they have not already been fined 10 points for not voting on that Proposal.
If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has been a Player for 48 hours, who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal may be fined 10 points, by any Player, provided that they have not already been fined 10 points for not voting on that Proposal.

[Coming back from Idling, or being a new player, could currently get one punished for any Proposals that haven't passed, even though you've only just arrived. Also "other than the Player who proposed it" is redundant since the Player who proposed it *has* voted FOR, under the last paragraph of "Voting". However, to clarify that a little...]

In the rule "Voting", replace
If the Player who made a Proposal has not cast a Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
If the Player who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.

Enacted by Erik, Friday the 28th, 10 points to Raven???, 5 points to Erik
Call for Judgment

Myke took a square away from Erik on the board. While I like the symmetry he created, this violates even my interpretation of the board rule, since Myke already had the most squares before he took another.

I recommend the board revert back to before he grabbed his most recent square.

Passed by Kevan; Game Board reverted to how it was before Myke's most recent move.
Proposal : Board Revamp

[ Reverting the Board and changing the when-you-can-play aspect to a turn-based thing (written loosely enough to permit the skipping-over of a couple of idle BoardPlayers). I've added the concept of "taking a turn" primarily for ease of rule-wording, but also to permit the easy addition of further turn options, which I imagine will happen. ]

Firstly, change all Squares on the Game Board to white!

In Rule 15 (The Game Board), replace:-

If a Player has a Colour, they may change any Square on the board to match their Colour, provided that they do not already own more Squares than another Player.


If a Player has a Colour, they are known as a BoardPlayer. A BoardPlayer may take a Turn if at least two thirds of the other BoardPlayers have taken a Turn since the BoardPlayer's previous Turn. (A BoardPlayer may take their first Turn at any time.)

When taking a Turn, a BoardPlayer may either:-

  • Change any Square on the Board to match their own Colour.
  • Do nothing, but declare that they have taken a Turn.

Enacted by Kevan, Friday the 28th, 15 points to Kevan
I have a suggestion...leave the game board full, but change the rule to fix the leapfrog-land-grab loophole. That way, the player with the most squares can't gain any more, and other players can take squares away from him. The board will then redistribute over time so that everyone has a share of it.

I find I'm starting to like the Paint aspect it has now.

This will involve voting against the CFJ, BTW. And I'll let someone else propose the loophole fix.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Raven - I didn't change my gameboard color. I changed my Blog color. I added orange titles... making my LJ and GameBoard colors match, while getting to keep my pretty orange...
Though Kevan gave Myke Karma for "becoming more orange", it wasn't actually allowed, was it? You can't change your colour, under the current rules.
Has BackBlog been broken for a full 24 hours, or is it just every time I look?
Proposal: Home Base

Add the following paragraph to rule 15:

"Each GamePlayer may designate one Square as their "Base" by placing the text "[GamePlayer Name]'s Base" in it. Regardless of its prior color, this Square becomes that GamePlayer's color. For a Base to be valid, the GamePlayer must make an entry in their Blog describing the aquisition of their Base. Once a Base is chosen, it cannot be altered by any other GamePlayer, and only by it's owner if the Rules of BlogNomic allow it. Any and all alterations in the properties of a GamePlayer's Base must be described in their Blog, or that GamePlayer loses their Base, and cannot designate another. A GamePlayer's Base will count towards a GamePlayers total number of Squares owned for any Game Rules, but the Base itself is not altered by any Rules concerning Squares unless specified."

If the Proposal "Gaming Preference" Fails, replace all occurences in this Proposal of the word "GamePlayer" with "Player."

[trying to stir things up a little... of course, this will be a much nicer proposal if that CfJ passes and each Player is back to only owning one Square, etc... (hint hint for others to vote on the CfJ...)]

Failed by Kevan, Friday the 28th, -2 points to Myke, 2 points to Kevan
Call for Judgment

Hmm, Rule 15 says that Players can claim Squares on the Game Board "provided that they do not already own more Squares than another Player". Both Erik and Don have been claiming Squares whilst owning more Squares than another Player.

Erik's logic (and presumably Don's) is that:-

"ErikBenson takes E4 since DonW is "another player" that doesn't have more squares than me."

I contend that this logic is flawed - if Erik is allowed to pick a specific Player to be his "another player" and make the move legal, then the universe at large is equally allowed to pick a different specific Player to make the move illegal (if such a Player exists).

The language does seem sufficiently obvious, I think; "Are you taller than another person in this room?" "No! (By which I mean that I am taller than everyone except John.)"

Resolution: Revert the Board to how it was prior to the move quoted above, and delete the relevant portions of the move log.
Proposal: Approval Rating

Add a new Rule, named "Approval Rating":

"Each Player has an Approval Rating. It is percentage score between 0% and 100%, calculated by dividing the number of non-Trivial Proposals that a Player has passed by the total number of non-Trivial Proposals that that Player has made during the game. It represents the percentage of Proposals that ended up passing from any given Player. In the GNDT, this will be represented as a fraction, so that it is easy to update. The percentage approval may be calculated and displayed alongside this fraction, updated by any Player at any time."

Append the following to the end of the third paragraph of Rule 11, "In either case, the Admin must update the Gamestate with any changes required by the Proposal, and modify the fractional representation of Approval Ratings for any Players whose Proposals have just been taken out of Pending state, in order to claim the Points."

A new column (or table, if deemed appropriate) will be added to the GNDT that will track this information.

Any Player that has not yet calculated this number for themselves may award themselves 10 points for calculating their Approval Rating and adding it to the GNDT if it is done within 48 hours of this Proposal being passed and the GNDT being modified appropriately. Otherwise, any Player may calculate the Approval Rating of any other Player who has not done so on their own, and claim the 10 points for themselves.

[I hope this isn't too confusing. At its core, it's a simple idea... find out which Players are making the most non-Trivial Proposals that are passing. In some ways, that person's will is the most in-line with the game's direction.]

Failed by Kevan, Thursday the 27th, -2 points to Erik, 2 points to Kevan
Proposal: Land Grab

In Rule 15, change: "... may change any Square on the board to match their Colour" to instead say, "... may change any white square on the board to match their Color."

[I think there should be different rules for determining whether or not someone can take a square owned by another Player, but I'll leave that to another Proposal to decide if this one passes.]

Failed by Kevan, Thursday the 27th, -2 points to Erik, 2 points to Kevan
Proposal: Colour Blind [Trivial]

Add to Rule 18 the following:

* The terms "color" and "colour" can be used interchangably.

[Just think of me as an American dog...I don't see in colour. (In memory of Noah Webster.)]

Failed by Kevan, Thursday the 27th, -2 points to Don, 2 points to Kevan

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Proposal: Potion of See Invisible [Trivial]

Change Ole's colour on the GameBoard to a horrible green colour that nobody else will want, to stop him being near-invisible.

Failed by Kevan, Thursday the 27th, -2 points to Raven, 2 points to Kevan
Don hasn't updated his weblog during the past week - I'm afraid that this means he is automatically removed from the Player Roster. We really should make that rule a bit less harsh.
Proposal: Gaming Preference

Add to the glossary the term "GamePlayer", defined as "A BlogNomic Player who opts to use the Gameboard, and is registered at the GameBoard site."

In rule 15, replace all instances of "Player" with "GamePlayer".

"Each Player may have a Colour (indicated in a key beneath the Board), and each Square on the Board may have a Colour (Squares which match a Player's Colour are considered to be "owned" by that Player).

If a Player has no Colour, they may assign themselves one in the Key, provided it is distinguishable from every other Player's Colour, and provided it is not white. If a Player has a Colour, they may change any Square on the board to match their Colour, provided that they do not already own more Squares than another Player."


"Upon registering with the GameBoard site, each GamePlayer must assign themself a color in the Key, provided it is easily distinguishable from every other GamePlayer's color, and providing it is not white.

Each Square on the Board may have a Color (Squares which match a GamePlayer's Color are considered to be "owned" by that GamePlayer). A GamePlayer may change any Square on the board to match their Color, provided that they do not already own more Squares than any other GamePlayer."

[Basically, I envision this to allow Players to opt out of the GameBoard part of BlogNomic if they so choose ( I remember somebody in the past only voting for the gameboard if it were something they could ignore... Raven maybe?), without negatively affecting GameBoard play. By the time this passes (if it does), every Player should have had the opportunity to register at the TWiki site, and start by claiming a square, so that those who did register can continue playing and make another claim.]

Failed by Kevan, Thursday the 27th, -2 points to Myke, 2 points to Kevan
Proposal : Colour Co-ordination [Trivial]

In Rule 15 (The Game Board), add "(ideally a Player's colour should match the colour scheme of their weblog, where possible)" after "provided it is not white".

[ Just a guideline thing, really, but it'd be good to note it for future generations, if most people are in favour. ]

Enacted by Kevan, Tuesday the 25th, 4 points to Kevan
Proposal : Fool's Gold

[ Lessening the harshness of the Prize Rule, to allow more interesting Prizes - this does open it up to scamming slightly, but Karma can deal with it. (Prizes only affect Points, after all - even the most masterful scam can be undone by proposing to take back the scammer's Points.) ]

In Rule 12 (Glittering Prizes):-

  • Remove "A Prize's condition can only depend on the content of the weblog posting for which the Prize is claimed."
  • Replace "that condition" with "its condition".
  • Replace "claimed during the week they were announced" with "claimed during the week they were announced (unless otherwise specified)".
  • Remove "A Player may not claim their own Prize on a Saturday or Sunday."

Enacted by Kevan, Tuesday the 25th, 15 points to Kevan
Proposal: Capping the Drainpipe [Trivial]

In Rule 8, append to
"If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal (other than the Player who Proposed it) may be fined 10 points, by any Player"
the additional condition
", provided that they have not already been fined 10 points for not voting on that Proposal"

Enacted by Kevan, Tuesday the 25th, 2 points to Raven, 2 points to Kevan

Monday, February 24, 2003

Proposal : Coloring Over Colouring-In [Trivial]

To Rule 15 (The Game Board), add the following two paragraphs:

Each Player may have a Colour (indicated in a key beneath the Board), and each Square on the Board may have a Colour (Squares which match a Player's Colour are considered to be "owned" by that Player).

If a Player has no Colour, they may assign themselves one in the Key, provided it is distinguishable from every other Player's Colour, and provided it is not white. If a Player has a Colour, they may change any Square on the board to match their Colour, provided that they do not already own more Squares than any other Player.

Also remove the paragraph "Play on the Game Board is limited to what is permissible within the Rules of BlogNomic." - as the Game Board is Gamestate, players are already restricted from mucking around with it at whim, under Rule 1.

Failed by Kevan, Tuesday the 25th, -2 points to Don, 2 points to Kevan
Prize: Best Entry (50 points)

On Friday, every player can nominate up to two weblog entries for the Best Entry prize. The first Player to make their nominations will do so by posting an entry to BlogNomic titled "And the nominations for best entry are..." and adding a comment that links to their nomination(s). All other Players will make their nominations in the form of a comment to that entry. One of the two entries can come from the Player's own weblog, though that is not required. Qualifying entries must be written by Players of BlogNomic, and must have been originally posted to their weblogs between Monday Feb 24th and Friday Feb 28th.

Sometime between Saturday and Sunday, each player can place a single vote for their favorite entry. Again, the first person to vote will do so by posting an entry to BlogNomic titled "Votes for Best Entry" (or something similar) and adding a comment to that entry with their vote. All other Players will vote by adding additional comments.

On Monday, the Player who wrote the entry with the most votes may claim 50 points. If there is a tie, the Players who wrote the entries that tied may claim 50 points divided by the number of Players who tied, rounding up to the nearest whole point.
Prize : The Common Non-Consonant Prize (10 points)

A Player may claim this prize for an entry which includes no occurences of the letter "e", and is over forty words in length. A Player may not claim this Prize more than once.
Prize: New Game Review (10 points * 3)

A Player may claim this prize for an entry consisting of a review (of at least 100 words) of one of the games submitted for a Game Invention prize last week [Don's is valid for this purpose, as it was submitted]. The claimant must have played the game under review, if it is possible to play [ie. Erik's can be reviewed without playing]. This prize may be claimed up to three times per player; each claim must be for a review of a different game.
As per rule 2, I wish to change my blog to the one at (the comments all seem to come from there, these days).
Proposal : Less Carrot, More Stick

If "This Rule Is Rubbish" passed, add the following to Rule 8 (Time Out):-

"If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal (other than the Player who Proposed it) may be fined 10 points, by any Player."

Enacted by Myke, Tuesday the 25th, 10 points to Kevan, 5 points to Myke

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Proposal : Colouring In

To Rule 15 (The Game Board), add the following two paragraphs:-

Each Player may have a Colour (indicated in a key beneath the Board), and each Square on the Board may have a Colour (Squares which match a Player's Colour are considered to be "owned" by that Player).

If a Player has no Colour, they may assign themselves one in the Key, provided it is distinguishable from every other Player's Colour, and provided it is not white. If a Player has a Colour, they may change any Square on the board to match their Colour, provided that they do not already own more Squares than another Player.

Also remove the paragraph "Play on the Game Board is limited to what is permissible within the Rules of BlogNomic." - as the Game Board is Gamestate, players are already restricted from mucking around with it at whim, under Rule 1.

Enacted by Myke, Tuesday the 25th, 10 points to Kevan, 5 points to Myke