Proposal: Poisoned Apple[Takeoff on Mikey's idea, but a little less severe, also, playing with teams a bit more. If this passes, I'll share the points with him.]Add a rule "Poisoned Apple"A Player may attempt to give another Player a poisoned apple once each week. To do this, they must make an entry that contains a sentance with both the Player being poisoned's name and the word "poison" (or any word beginning with the six letters "poison".)
The Player being poisoned, or his/her teammate, may prevent a Poisoning by posting a message to the BlogNomic weblog, declaring that the apple was poisoned.
If a Poisoning remains present and unnoticed for more than 48 hours, the Poisoned Player is taken aside with severe stomach pains, and his/her score is reduced by 50 Gold. If the Poisoned Player has a teammate at any point between the placing of the Poisoned Apple, and the Poisoning, the teammate's score is reduced by 25 Gold.
If a Poisoning is uncovered, the Player who placed the apple is fined 25 Gold. His/her teammate is fined 10 Gold as an accessory to the crime.
If the Player poisoned is the Emperor, the Player who gave him/her the Poisoned Apple is declared the Imperial Poisoner, and is immune to poisonings for as long as they hold this title. The Emperor's teammate is declared treasonous, and cannot post a poisoned apple until another Player has been successfully poisoned.
Add a bullet to the list in the rule "Teams"Declare a poisoned apple given to his/her teammate, and share in any poisoned apple rewards/penalties.
Failed by Myke, Monday the 21st, -2 Gold to Myke, +2 Gold to Myke