Proposal: Teamwork
Add a new Rule, "Teams"
On Monday, any set of two Players may declare they are a team by posting it in the Blognomic blog. The Player who is not the one posting the entry must comment to it verifying their status as a team. This teaming will last until midnight Saturday night, and must be renewed again Monday if they decide to remain a team.
Players may only be a part of one team at a time, and may not revoke their team affiliation until it expires Saturday night. Teams will be listed in the sidebar. The first Admin to update this Tuesday recieves 2 Gold, and the first admin to replace it with "Form Your Teams" on Sunday also receives 2 points.
As part of a team, Players:
[I'm proposing this as the new shift in the game this round, as a replacement for last round's prizes. Also, this fits nicely with the goals I stated in my welcome address.]
Enacted by Myke, Friday the 18th, 15 Points to Myke
Add a new Rule, "Teams"
On Monday, any set of two Players may declare they are a team by posting it in the Blognomic blog. The Player who is not the one posting the entry must comment to it verifying their status as a team. This teaming will last until midnight Saturday night, and must be renewed again Monday if they decide to remain a team.
Players may only be a part of one team at a time, and may not revoke their team affiliation until it expires Saturday night. Teams will be listed in the sidebar. The first Admin to update this Tuesday recieves 2 Gold, and the first admin to replace it with "Form Your Teams" on Sunday also receives 2 points.
As part of a team, Players:
- May claim 3 Gold for each Daily Post their teammate makes
- Receive 5 Gold for every proposal of their teammate that is enacted during the week they are a team (1 Gold for Trivial Proposals) and lose 1 Gold for every proposal of their teammate that fails.
- Share in Karma change (if one Player is docked 1 Karma, his/her teammate will be docked the same, etc.)
- May propose joint proposals, which cannot be vetoed by the Emperor. (This shall be signified by placing "(Joint Proposal: [players' names])" in the bold header after the proposal name. Upon enactment/failure of the proposal, Players split the reward or fine equally, even if enacted/failed after their week as a Team. *Both Teammates must be GamePlayers to post a joint gameboard proposal.*)
- Must each pay 10 Gold to the Jackpot as an Imperial Team-Tax by Monday night, or their team is disqualified for the week. (One teammate may pay for both, if he/she desires. The Emperor's team is waived this fee.)
[I'm proposing this as the new shift in the game this round, as a replacement for last round's prizes. Also, this fits nicely with the goals I stated in my welcome address.]

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