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Friday, May 16, 2003

Game Board Proposal : Truce [Trivial]

[ I think we should probably fix that two-moves-in-a-row thing - both when opponents miss a day, and when a player's awake at midnight EST. Fair? ]

To Rule 13, in the sixth paragraph, add "A Board Player may never take two turns in a row."

[ Note that only Game Board Players can vote on this Proposal. ]

Enacted by Kevan, Monday the 19th, 4 Gold to Kevan
Proposal : Rebel Enclave

[ A new and dangerous way to try and avoid the Emperor's veto... ]

To Rule 3 (Proposals), add:-

A Subject may state in their Proposal that the Proposal is a Rebel Proposal, plotted and discussed somewhere in the shadowy outskirts of BlogNomic. The Emperor may not vote on, or veto, a Rebel Proposal, although the Grand Vizier may infiltrate and vote.

To Rule 5 (Enactment), add:-

If a Rebel Proposal fails, the Emperor may levy an additional fine of up to 50 Gold against its Proposer - this Gold is divided as equally as possible between the Emperor and (if one is assigned) the Grand Vizier.

Vetoed by ex-Emperor Myke, failed by Kevan, Monday the 19th, 0 Gold to Kevan

Proposal: Indulging With Knowledge

[This is a revision of my last proposal, taking into account Kevan's advice about people abusing such a privelege. Also, for the trouble such an entry may cause to the players of the blog, I made claiming successive entry points more lucrative (two gold as opposed to one); and I also think this will encourage the players to read one another's blogs and pay close attention to them. If anyone is concerned about people claiming points that they don't deserve, they can just check up on their fellow players. Basically, don't claim extra points if your post isn't worth the trouble it may stir up.]

I propose to Change the last paragraph of "Rule 9: Gold:"

"A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog, for a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted)."


"A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog; and two gold for each successive entry on a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted; Claiming points for successive entries in the GNDT should be marked with an "Extra Post" comment)."

and adding the following:

"Points for successive entries may only be claimed if the entry meets the requirement of being one paragraph (five sentences) long; if such a successive post is questionably unworthy of reward (due to the nature, content, or length of the entry), any player may ask for a call for judgement on it. If the vote is in favor of removing points, the Grand Vizier shall remove the points from the offending player."

Failed by Kevan, Monday the 19th, -2 Gold to Lyndse, 2 Gold to Kevan

Proposal: Purpose

In Rule 9 change
"A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog, for a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted)."
"A Player may award themselves 5 Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog for a given day, so long as it meets one of the following requirements:
* It contains a word that is an anagram
* It contains one purposefully misspelled word
* It contains the name of another BlogNomic Player
The required word must be posted in the GNDT when claiming the Gold, which must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted."

[it seems like there needs to be some kind of requirement other than a generic post each day. plus, i don't really have anything to post about, seeing as how i created this new blog just for blognomic. this list can be added to or stripped down if anyone has any better ideas, but i figured this was a good starting point]

Failed by Kevan, Sunday the 18th, -2 Gold to Geran, 2 Gold to Kevan

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Proposal : Cause not Effect [Trivial]

Move the paragraphs beginning "When a Proposal is enacted" and "Whenever an Admin Enacts" from Rule 9 (Gold) to Rule 5 (Enactment) - they seem more relevant there.

Enacted by Kevan, Sunday the 18th, 4 Gold to Kevan
Call for Judgment

Erik's Imperial Favor should be zero, not -100,000. Since "Idle Players are not counted as Players", Myke shouldn't have been able to alter Erik's Favor after Erik had fallen Idle, because he was no longer a Player, and thus no longer a Subject. Prior to Erik falling idle, his Imperial Favor was zero.

Proposed correction - change Erik's Favor to zero in the GNDT.

Passed, 5 votes to 0.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

New Player

Please welcome Geran to BlogNomic.

Quorum remains 3.
CfJ: Since We're Being Picky

  • The Ruleset clearly defines the BlogNomic template as a part of the GameState.
    "Any information which the Ruleset allows the creation or alteration of (such as Gold, or the blog colour scheme) is considered to be part of the Gamestate." (Since the color scheme is specified here, and other aspects of the way the page is seen are specified, it is no stretch of logic to include any and all changes to the visual appearance of

  • In the past, I was penalized for having changed my link in the Player Roster for a 2 day period when LiveJournal was down.

  • Kevan has, of late, being making some alterations to the BlogNomic page. The ones I noticed are:
    • The list of Players now has an "idle players" section.
    • The History of the Empire format was altered
    • The title bar changed to eliminate the text.
    • The removal of the "This Week's Teams" section, adding teams to the Player list.

    I suggest that rather than remove the changes, as they are beneficial to the Empire, we instead penalize Kevan by deducting 50 Gold for assuming we needed a makeover without the proper legislation.

    Failed, 1 vote to 4.
  • Proposal : Limited Favour [Trivial]

    [ Although amusing, excessively large Favor values stretch the sidebar GNDT unnecessarily, and aren't much more meaningful than just "-100". ]

    In Rule 18, replace "Values can be negative, positive, zero, and as large or small as the Emperor deigns." with "Values can take any integer value between 100 and -100."

    Erik's Favor shall be set to zero; it shouldn't have been possible to change his Favor after he went Idle anyway, as Idle Players do not count as Subjects.

    Vetoed by the Emperor, failed by Kevan, Thursday the 15th, 0 Gold to Kevan
    Jackpot Winner: Nea

    In this week's lottery drawing, citizen Nea won the jackpot. Congratulations.

    All remaining lottery tickets for this week are now declared void.

    Good luck next week, citizens!

    Tuesday, May 13, 2003

    Imperial Decree

    I hereby appoint Lyndse as Grand Vizier.
    Proposal: Successive Entries

    Change the last paragraph of Rule 9: Gold

    "A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog, for a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted)."


    "A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog; and one gold for each successive entry on a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted)."

    Failed by Kevan, Wednesday the 14th, -2 Gold to Lyndse, 2 Gold to Kevan

    Proposal : What No Vizier?

    [ Incentive for the Emperor to appoint a Vizier. I was going to suggest a fine, or something, but denying a particular Imperial power unless there's a Vizier to help out seems fairer, and more thematic. ]

    In Rule 18, replace "The Emperor may veto any Proposal." with "The Emperor may veto any Proposal, provided that the post of Grand Vizier (handler of the imaginary veto paperwork) is filled."

    Enacted by Kevan, Tuesday the 13th, 15 Gold to Kevan

    Monday, May 12, 2003

    Under Rule 20, I hereby attempt to form a Team with Néa, if she'll accept...
    Proposal : Power to the Emperor

    [ Current veto phrasing is a bit flawed - what happens if the Emperor vetoes a Proposal that goes on to get a majority vote in favour, before the 48 hours are up? (It passes, then fails a bit later?)

    I'm tempted to try a more harsh and unstoppable veto power, since the vetoes to date haven't ever been contested effectively, and it seems more thematically powerful. ]

    In Rule 18 (Dynasties), replace:-

    "A vetoed Proposal will automatically fail 48 hours later (if it does not fail by normal means), unless 2/3 of the Subjects have objected to the veto, in that time."


    "A vetoed Proposal immediately fails."

    Enacted by Kevan, Tuesday the 13th, 15 Gold to Kevan
    Proposal : New Lottery Regulator [Trivial]

    In Rule 17 (The Imperial Lottery), replace "The Emperor" with "The Grand Vizier". Then replace "the Grand Vizier may declare" with "the Grand Vizier (if one exists) may declare". Oh, and "his choice" with "their choice".

    Enacted by Kevan, Monday the 12th, 4 Gold to Kevan