Proposal : Rebel Enclave
[ A new and dangerous way to try and avoid the Emperor's veto... ]
To Rule 3 (Proposals), add:-
A Subject may state in their Proposal that the Proposal is a Rebel Proposal, plotted and discussed somewhere in the shadowy outskirts of BlogNomic. The Emperor may not vote on, or veto, a Rebel Proposal, although the Grand Vizier may infiltrate and vote.
To Rule 5 (Enactment), add:-
If a Rebel Proposal fails, the Emperor may levy an additional fine of up to 50 Gold against its Proposer - this Gold is divided as equally as possible between the Emperor and (if one is assigned) the Grand Vizier.
Vetoed by ex-Emperor Myke, failed by Kevan, Monday the 19th, 0 Gold to Kevan
[ A new and dangerous way to try and avoid the Emperor's veto... ]
To Rule 3 (Proposals), add:-
A Subject may state in their Proposal that the Proposal is a Rebel Proposal, plotted and discussed somewhere in the shadowy outskirts of BlogNomic. The Emperor may not vote on, or veto, a Rebel Proposal, although the Grand Vizier may infiltrate and vote.
To Rule 5 (Enactment), add:-
If a Rebel Proposal fails, the Emperor may levy an additional fine of up to 50 Gold against its Proposer - this Gold is divided as equally as possible between the Emperor and (if one is assigned) the Grand Vizier.

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